
ruth ang ❀

Ask @rutheuniceang

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How do you know that you're in love?

You just know it. You can't get over someone regardless of all their flaws and you like them for who they are not how they can benefit you or for you to have advantages for being with them. You just love them unconditionally :)

If you could have a role in any TV show, what would it be?

I would want to be Riley from Girl Meets World (not to be childish) because she's really pure and is figuring out herself in this world. There are so many roles in TV shows that are impure 😞

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How did people have fun 200 years ago?

By spending time with each other most of the time 👍🏼

Is love complicated? Why?

It depends on the person. They can make it complicated and they can make it not complicated. It's really up to them.

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

Drive myself lol. Well, only use a self-driving car when I can..

What is your favorite scent?

There's this scent that I really like, but I don't know the name of it 😅

Do you wear any jewelry?

I used to, but not anymore. I only wear them only during special occasions now.

What do you look forward to most this year?

The opportunities God will give me and the many blessings I can share with others! :)

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

A camera that doesn't make any sounds when I take a picture and has a bunch of focal points

How do you stay fit?

Omg why ask me now :( I'm trying to lose weight and it's such a struggle because food is bæ :'( but I guess you stay fit when you break up with food </3


Language: English