
Shabrina Tri Andini

Ask @Rinaaach

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dear . . . deariject-diriject ajah :( dear-in gw...

Anis H. Kartikasari
Dear Anis........
Gue akan selalu ingat password facebook lu. Maaf ya kalo lu buka tiba tiba banyak notif dari gue dan lelaki berinisial Ramdani Triastoto (inisialkah?)
Karena gue pake terus akun lu sama Rien buat main game facebook... Buat ngebuka quest Candy Crush dan Laporan Criminal Case.
I will always love you nis, kalo gak ada elu gue bisa nunggu berhari2 buat lanjutin main.
Makasih ya buat segalanya.

Di unpad atuh :< iya nanti w ajakin semuamua

Demi apa di unpad ada semester pendek???? Kok enak? Yaudah..

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AKU MAU SEMESTER PENDEQ. Kelasnya senin & rabu gtu jd aku available kamis-sabtu! Sekalian bukberrr :3

Semester pendek dmn? ilp? ih ingin... tp seminggu sblm lebaran loh gue. sekalian ajak fahri, amar, ichsan, erik, irfan dll lah

what do you think about the past?

Past is not just a past because it has memories. Memories is just memories, cause we can't live on it, we just remember. Don't hate yourself in the past. Be grateful of what you did cause it makes you who you are today :)

Ok. Org kampung sih ya susah ingtnya becak mulu..... Tar gue ksh list angkotnya lg deh wkwkwk LIST

Yang kampung ya rumah lunya lah hahaha oke gue tunggu LIST angkot buat ke rumah L.

Tar kalo w udh di bogor main lah ke rumah w ^^

Yaudah u blg aja kapan freenya jgn cuma wacana w malez. Tapi w lupa angkotnya ih sumpah... Yg w inget cuma becak dr mesjid..

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

I'd rather have what's legal.

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen in a museum?

Soeka banged sama miniatur pahlawan perdjoeangan gidu dunno why.

You know what I don't understand? I don't understand how someone can make you feel so special.. And then walk away like nothing happened.

Hello there..
I know that you feel like life is so unfair.
I don't even understand why people treat us like that then leave.
Maybe those people find something that don't fit them.
Or maybe those people are just playing with us.
And maybe they are nice to everyone.
Worst, they find somebody else out there who "THEY THINK" better than us.
It doesn't happen when you both are already in a relationship.
It happens when you guys are still friend.
Can you imagine if those things happen when you are already have such a commitment?
It will HURT you MORE.
So, be positive. Just be grateful of God's choice for you.
You're still young, enjoy your life.
You still have long way to the top of everything. Don't think about them who disappoint you.
And last, think that they don't deserve someone REALLY SPECIAL like YOU. And you're WORTH to FIGHT FOR.

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hahaaa bisa ajeh ini yang bla'em bla'em guri guri enyoyyyy... :D pasti dulu duta M3 ya...

Nurmala Agustini
Lu kenapa sih mal hahaha iya duta m3 kan sama kamoeee anak tangerangers.

Do you trust your government?

I trust if there are still good people on it to change the atmosphere.

10 facts tentang diri kamu dong

1. Suka makan
2. Suka jalan jalan
3. Suka gagal nabung karena makan
4. Suka gagal diet
5. Mager
6. Suka denger lagu pagi pagi
7. Makannya dikit
8. Ngemilnya banyak
9. Suka tidur
10. Suka belajar.... (fact or lie gatau deh..)


Language: English