
Karen Quintero Perez

Ask @Quintero23

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when the last time you guys talked?

a week after the fair and we just started messaging each other a little bit ago..

thoughts on Javier?

I love him <3 we've been through everything together and still manage not to kill each other (: thankfully. Lol. I've known him since middle school and I can honestly say he will always be my best friend c: he puts up with me everyday and knows how to make me happier than anybody else has ♥ He's an amazing guy with an amazing heart. he knows me better than anyone. we fight all the time but its because we both want to be right about everything. ever since middle school we've had a great connection and always have fun together c: he means more to me than anybody else in the world. he has always been here for me no matter what's going on in his life and I am so thankful that he's part of my life c: I would never be the same if I ever lost him. he lets me know when I've done something wrong and helps me change into a better person. (: I'm lucky he hasn't left yet. I don't know how he's been able to deal with my messy life for so long now. its good to have someone like him by my side c: I wouldn't trade him for anybody else in the world ♥ except Harry Styles <3 c;

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They bother me too!! Pinche chismosos!!. >:|

it's not my fault I think he's a nice guy. lol but who cares about them (: they're dumb and have no life

Do you get annoyed by all these bitches or fags that ask you or say shit to you about Martin??.

Yessssss. Like go away you don't know anything. pero ay andan de chismosos -.-
Liked by: Carey Anaya Arleth


Lol yea. for our 5 months he brought me some pickles at like midnight (: and a note and flower <3 c:


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