
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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i'm pretty sure RW did surgery. compared her past photos and now and it's obvious...

hahaha aiya can do just do Lor? If can be chio why not!!! If can I also will do hahahahahhah

hi u have a mk rose gold watch right? does the rose gold color drop off easily? like fade off. was tihnking of buying but afraid the color will come off easily plus this kind if knock onto something quite scary

Nope! It doesn't chip off or fade! My watch is pretty worn out (with scratches) and so but the paint job is still good! It's a good watch la! Inexpensive and worth investing. I wear it almost everyday haha

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haha being an air stewardess may seem like a glamourous job but it isn't, really. it's just like a waitress who has to serve and all. and even have to clean the plane's toilet. or clear vomit. except that you get to travel.

Yea true... I mean it's not a BAD job but I just don't want to wait on others hahahahaha other May find it ok la but it's just how I feel.

Your insta dp and latest insta pic ALL SUPER CHIO SIA!!! LOVE THE WAY YOU DO YOUR MAKEUP HEHE

Thank youuuuuuu hehe. X

Heyyy donnnnna I'm so glad u update ur of quite often these days!! Always happy to check ur blg to see a new entry!! Keep up the good work and how u gonna spend VDAY? Hehe :D

Yea I feel happy being able to update regularly too!!! Trying my best to keep up with the pace now :) glad you noticed wahahhaha. No plans tho... My bf is gna be v busy so I think not celebrating. Besides I'm not rly a fan of vday, everything so expensive on that day!! Haha

To that person asking the RW's birkin: Lol she probably had to do a lot to get that birkin. Point in case, canceling her domain -_- cannot afford liao lol

... Lol! Okay.......~

Any good brand of curling tongs i can buy?

My curling tongs has no brand tho... I'm not sure which is good in the market cos I've been using mine for a rly long time!

Ever consider being a SQ girl? And why? :)

I did.... cos I'd get to travel all over the world but never pursued the idea cos I cannot imagine myself waiting on people. Hahahaha
Liked by: Siitin

How much was the price for the Korean bbq? Is it buffet or ala-carte? EGGS!!!!!!!!

it's Ala-carte! It was about 30ish per-person in total? But it also depends on how much you order!

what genre of music do you listen to?

I have very mixed preferences in music... what I listen to depends on my mood tho. Sometimes I just don't listen at all cos I don't know what to listen to LOL but I do listen to a variety uh.. Pop, Trance, Party, Alternative, Jay Chou etc etc haha

Donna! Which app you used to make the effect for the insta photo u recently posted? The one with romper from thebolddreamers!

Photoshop!!! :)

Do you think Rachel Wong did plastic surgery?

whether she got or not..... really isn't my problem leh. I knew she had enhancements la but surgeries Idk?

Donna! I'm heading to BKK next week. Intro me some clubs and indie places! hahaha thanks! :)

Indie places...!?? Hahahh clubs are the usual tho.... RCA, Route 66, Slim, Nunglen, WIP? Those are the places that I've gone so far since I've only started partying in BKK last year. Do check out my Bangkok posts for more information! I've got tons of it last year!

do you have Wechat, Line or Kik? I wanna add you. :)

I have Line...... but add me for?! I'm very lazy to chat on the phone nowadays wahahah

How often do you exercise?

I TRY to exercise 2-3x a week but I've always failed hahahahaha so I end up with only 1-2x so far. But if I don't, I try to do some stretching and lightweight exercises everyday before I bathe just to maintain everyday :)

Please lah! Show a bit of your neh also good! I really want to see it!

go google and find another set of boobs to oogle at. zzz

Thank you for answering the cny romper question Donna!! May I know what size you're wearing? As it really flatters your figure!!

You're welcome! Mine's a XS! The owner said that the design of the romper runs big!
Liked by: Kheehui king kal


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