
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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due to the riot in bkk now, would you visit bkk anytime soon? or any tips because i am visiting bkk with my boyfriend next month. Kinda worried :(

To be honest the riot doesn't exactly bother me, I would rather travel now to BKK if I can cos the air tickets are so cheap!!! And the riot doesn't involve tourists since the conflict is with the government so I feel that it's still okay to go! Just avoid main roads and the protesters and you should be fine :) Dont worry!
Liked by: Heng Qi

Hi donna! U look quite different with the fillers!!! Ur face definitely looks skinnier haha but i prefer you without! :) just my opinion

Hahaha no la, it's the angles! I look the same.. in fact my fillers and botox are wearing off already so I should look just about the same as always :)

Hi Donna! I saw you at topshop, bugis today trying some outerwear but was too shy to say Hi to you.

You did?! Hahaha aw man you should have said hi!!! Haha yea I was trying on some super mega oversized jacket huahuahuahua. Say hi next time!

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what is your fav cny goodies? will you constantly munch it or limit/ control yourself?

Hmm.. I'm not a fan of CNY goodies tho. Most of the time I might reach out to a few slices of bakwa (if there is any present) or like.. nuts? Hahaha actually I don't really fancy or even eat much CNY snacks la, too heaty to my liking! so I don't have problems over-indulging in CNY snacks :)

About the question below, do you agree that the person who purchases 'obvious copies' either does so under 2 probable conditions 1) unknowingly 'if it's nice then it's nice' 2) knowingly, thereby reinforcing the entire institution of selling/buying 'replicas'?

and with regards to what you're trying to put across here, I'm sure Mae isn't reinforcing the entire institution of selling/buying replicas la, In my opinion I just feel that she decided to bring in that top cos it's nice and it really is her style? Whether she knows it's a inspired piece or not I have no idea but whatever the point is.... I find that this issue is so............. not really a problem/ or my problem so....... please don't go and ask me about all this and make me think of an answer to a question which I don't really care about.
Haha you gotta chill with the whole thing man

uh.. do you now care about the infringement of copyright? or the obvious fact that the whole principle of it is just wrong?

Well if you wanna look at it this way, let's not only use the example of the top that Mae wore.
Talk about all the other designs you find in blogshops, bangkok, china, taobao.. even Topshop and H&M. Not all their designs are a 100% original, most of it are inspired or the exact copy of a original design taken off the runway? Isn't that infringement of copyright too? So what is the problem here?

will you carry fakes? eg fake chanel...

For accessories I wouldn't, plus I wouldn't wanna spend the money to get a fake, like a bit waste $$$?

Hi donna, how do u start talking to a person of the opposite sex that u rly wana talk to but dont dare to? like what do u usually do? thank u!!

Ha......... Why don't care leh? Usually I will just talk tho? Try to make small conversations? Don't be awkward! Be yourself :)

What do you think of rip-offs like mae's obvious copy of alexander wang's sweatshirt which isn't even available on the market yet?

Eh?????? Hahaha I don't really bother. If it's nice then who cares! When it comes to clothing pieces I don't rly care about the brand tho haha if it's nice then it's nice. Why bother!

do you think if wearing red or babypink lipstick without any make up will be weird?

Red will be weird I guess??? I mean your face is so pale and suddenly your lips so red? Hahaha but if you think you look fine then it should be fine I guess? I know it wouldn't work for me hehe

Hey Donna, what course were you in when you're at NAFA? What did you do for your portfolio and was the interview tough? :)

I was in fashion merchandising and marketing :) nope the entrance test was easy! Just gotta answer a few questions related to the course and draw a little and that's about it ;)

Hi Donna, I feel that you're so irresponsible. You didn't inform your studio customers who had packages that it'll be closing down. People had to find out themselves. Whuttttttttttttt. And you don't even reply Sms-es. If you happen to change your number at least inform too

Okay.... I just haven't announced it officially? And most of my customers who has their packages and have been to the studio recently do know of this as of a few months ago already.

Why will you want to close down your studio? Not making money?

The studio is fine but my contract is up next month and I wanna try out something else in line (eg. Retail) hence Select. So when it's up I'll focus on Select already :)

What did you do during the weekend?

On Friday I was off from Select but I had a shoot at the studio till late and went home to sleep, Saturday I had work at select so I stayed at work with the company of some awesome people, today is my off day completely so Imma stay home to rest :)

Hi Donna! Do you wear a bra 24/7? It's so uncomfy but I am worried about sagging....... Any advice? Thanks in advance!

I wear when I go out? Hahaha when I'm home or going to sleep I don't ah. Haha I know right but you don't want to go out bra less..... It's not very flattering imo. Unless you're quite flat and it doesn't make a diff if you wear a bra then don't wear Lor? Haha

hi donna, nike or adidas sports shoes?

Hello... I haven't tried any of the above so I can't comment! So sorry :(

Most embarrasing memory in a club?

Omg my 21st bday I think. I don't remember this but I was told that I got carried out of zouk through the emergency escape door like a baby cos I was too drunk HAHAHAHHA omylord. Never.again.
Oh wait, or maybe this other time I was so high I slipped and fell right at zouk's entrance hahahahhahahahahhahahqha both also embarrassing la. Omg


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