
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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whr to shop for fashion clothes at bkk?

Platinum? Hahaha for me platinum is enough to make me broke. Alternatively you can go pratunam market and JJ market hehe

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do you like to read?

YESS. I was a hardcore bookworm when I was younger. I used to read all the time and not study at all! Till my dad scolded me for reading and buying story books. I had to secretly buy books behind his back and hide them. I hid my books within textbooks in class so I can read them hahahahahhahahha I finished Harry potter and the deathly hallows within a day when I got it lollll #enthuforlife

Hello donna do you know where can i get a pair of girl size new balance? So hard to find a girl size new balance ):

PVS and left foot? :)

Why dx say y'all have disagreement ? :(

Just something that happened and we cleared them all already so nothing is up already!

Hey Donna I think that anon meant non-existent problems between your friends and you :) you look gorgeous in your latest video btw!!

Oh! Nope no problems ahhhhh my friends and I are still close :)

has anyone on the streets asked for your number before?

On a few occasions yea. But I usually walk damn fast so I think wanna stop and ask also hard lol!!! I'm a natural power walker hahah

do you think being a blogger will sometimes cause problems for you and your friends that are non-existent in the first place?

I never thought that my friends were non-existent. If they're my friends, they are my friends who exist. So yep

are you friends with harriet emerson lew?

Errrrr? I kinda knew her last time but I haven't seen her around in awhile alr!

Hi Donna!!! Can you recommend some comfy heels that I can wear for clubbing and sometimes fo chase the busHAHAHA

My comfy heels are all usually from JC :)

hey donna!!!! how is it possible that i can take a picture with you? im having a girl crush on u now hahaha oops :x

Hahaha come to haji!!! I'm at work almost everyday I guess..... Hahaha

Hello ponyyyy how was Japan for you??

Awesome!!!! Too little time spent there tho, intending to go back next year again to explore more! I love japan!!!

Why u never send tams off ?

I met her the night before she left to catch up and wish her well as I hadn't got off work by the time she was there the next day!

something you hate most about people?

Hate is a strong word so I try not to hate on people. But I hate taxi drivers who always action yayapapaya don't wanna pick passengers and be all picky. Lol


Language: English