
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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You and dx Daryl quarrel?

Noooooooooo.. you get your sources from where mans. Haha I am whatsapping them now leh lol

why do you and dx and daryl not so close now?

No ah!!! Just that we don't meet everyday cos we're out at different times!!! And I have work :( but I just partied with Yow on weds!!! Haha

donna how do you stay out of love? bcos falling in love is just too tiring.. and caring for someone involves feelings= hurting eventually.

Hmm, I can say I've been quite traumatized from relationships cos none of mine ever worked out right. And it got to a point where I figured like, why go through so many wrongs when I can just... PREVENT ALL THE WRONGS from happening, right? So I constantly remind myself that relationship can wait, now what matters is building my career and prioritize whatever that is more important to me first :)
And I myself also cannot bring myself to get into another relationship now... like I just damn phobia?!?!? So I tend to run away from these kinda issues :S so it's kinda easy for me?
Just care for the right people la!!! Haha like I surround myself with people whom I know I won't like or won't like me, that's the smartest choice already! And I care for each and everyone of them like a close kin! No heartbreaks, just pure fun, joy and happiness!!! But of course this is all from my point of view la, some might think otherwise! So it's really up to you! Do whatever that makes you happy, always remember YOUR WORTH, don't let others step all over you or break your precious little <3 okie? xxx

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Donna!! Try drinking bonjour bonsoir(google it) it's damn effective! I have the same problem as you and I started drinking that. I've lost 4kg in 2 weeks! Just telling you hehe. You're still so pretty so I don't think your weight/body look(?) matters!!!

Huh.... works meh? where to buy? hahahah anything that helps now I will try okay. Really desperate alr. LOL. Huhhhhh matters la!!!! Hahahah how to don't matter!

Hello donna saw you at zouk last wed (you were in polka dots) and OMG YOU'RE NOT FAT/CHUBBY AT ALL PLEASE!!!!!!! Damn slim and small sized?! And you're really pretty i was quite starstrucked hehehe

Hehe yes I was!! Aiyo it's an illusion of what I was wearing please!!! I still cannot fit most of my shorts so I know I'm not skinny. Haha I think my butt just expanded like 10x or sth.... SIAN. Next time say hi!!!!

donna, what blusher do you use usually? the orange one is really pretty. is it benefit's cha cha tint?:)

I use the one from Mac! Shade is Mandarin Orange... I think. Haha

Wayne stay what kind of house? The super big one with lobby and all ah?

That's another Wayne! Haha

do you speak english or chinese more in real life? which one you are more comfortable with?

English!!! My Chinese sucks. Everytime I attempted Chinese my friends will be like "eh eh eh just stop it la your Chinese" HAHHAAH

hi if mae has just turned 18, how did she manage to enter clubs previously?

Idk...... U gotta ask her that! Haha

where did you get the black maxi dress that you wore to dx's party? are you gonna be selling it by any chance? plsplspls let me know!

I got it from Bangkok!!! Not selling it atm tho cos I paid quite a high price for it! but will update if I am! ;)

hi donna! how much is the advertising fees for bloggers in general? thanks!

It varies for everyone!!! :) different bloggers have different quotes!

How to drink kiss of death?

Hahahhaha basically mix the two shots tgt, then use like 2 of your fingers to stir... Drink and then suck/breathe in the drink through your mouth from in between your fingers...? HAHAH shit idk how to explain :S

donna! drink starfruit juice for sore throat! get well soon!

Thank you!!! Still under the weather thanks to the haze now which is irritating my throat to its fullest :( spamming water but I'll try star fruit if I come across it! Thank you :)

Hey Donna, I felt that your blog are full of ad even when you update your blog... Which is quite disappointing :( Hope you'll blog more about your personal life or vlog more.

I'm sorry! Trying my best to balance the posts out as much as I can!!! Just that sometimes I really have no choice ahhhh :(

-continue- Donna: Donna, don't be sad!!! Those words that the coward said are just trying to pull you down!! No matter what happened, I'll still support you in whatever you're doing!!! Be yourself, because everyone love you, yes YOU. Don't change for who you're. Love you forever, pony!! <33333

Hahaha chill chill. I'm really really REALLY okay! Thank you tho for your kind words, it's nice people like you whom I enjoy blogging for, haters don't matter, not one bit! Won't change la siaoooo haha still gna be me whether they like it or not! :) <3

To that person that scolded Donna: Omg!!!I saw a bitch calling others bitch :O Did you work w her before (studio)? If no,shut up man.You have no right to scold her.If you know nothing about OMS & ChicCottage,then stfu. DON'T ONLY LISTEN TO ONE SIDE OF STORY!!! LISTEN TO BOTH SIDES INSTEAD. BE FAIR!


Where do you gym at usually? :)

I don't gym!!! If I have to work out its either home or around my area :)


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