
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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Hi Donna. I don't think you're fat, I think you look fine, if anything, you actually look healthy and 'wealthy' too. :)

HUHHHHH haha how to look wealthy!!???? I don't mind la if all my fats can turn into money. Hehe

Ponyyzz, pls do a make up vlog ASAP!!! Youre so pretty in your latest vlog!!! And if possible pls do a vlog on your daily skin care product (& also how you apply it on your face & so!) Hope to see you in many many video! Yay!!! Thank u! :)

Thank You...... tho I think my pimple was really just greeting the world haha. Will do more videos I promise!

What kind of contact lenses are you using, damn nice leh

normal brown contacts I got from bangkok!!!

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Donna :) Always I apply make up alr, after a few hours my nose area will get oily, do you have any idea to make the nose not so oily? Like using what product will helps & etc! Thanks Donna. Love you!! :)

It's normal that your skin gets oily! Just lucky not dry and flaky can already. For me if it does I will just use tissue to wipe it away. Haha if you're thinking of using powder, PLEASE remember to wipe first then powder. At least you're not trapping the top layer of dirt under your new layer of make up :) xx

People always call my thighs war weapons and I feel exactly the same way you do :( I don't know how to lose more weight and feel so depressed all the time! But you are so pretty!!!!! A bit fleshy also still so pretty!

wa thats damn bad and hurtful leh? punch them in the face for me can? Go exercise!!! together okay? Eat clean and exercise!!!

hi donna! may i know what app you used for the pic you uploaded on IG for the blogshopping experience? thanks! :)

I edited it online and uploaded it onto my phone :)

Hi donna!! May i know where did you purchase the black shorts with garters from? The one you're wearing with the demin jacket for blogshopping post! Thanks :)

got it from nastygal quite awhile ago!! :)

hi there donna! your make up in the blogshopping post is so pretty! could you please do a tutorial on how to do it! please!! thank you :) :)

Wa.... come to think of it I forgot what I did alr. Lemme try to think again and then I will do the video k!!!

Not that you didn't look great with your funky colored hair but damn, you look really classy and sophisticated with dark hair.

Thank Youuuuuuuuuu hehehehehehe *flips hair ten times* hahahahah

are there alot of shoots of blogshop from your studio? #ohsofickle #shopjenith and which other blogshop shoot at your studio before? :)

Yep! Quite a bit! Hmmmmm I cannot remember most of them, and I don't usually ask for the urls unless I'm really curious. So I really don't know some of the others who've shot w me. haha

Donna! Have you think of going back to studies? If yes, what course will you take?

Not really..... Haha I don't have the study vibe at all.

How old are you Donna? When's your birthday :)

coming to 21 this year!!! JULY 24THHHHHHH wna celeb w me? Hahahahahahaha

Are all your photos are taken in samsung Ex2f in the few recent posts? If yes, what setting are you using? I can't get the nice setting as you did! :(

Yes! Ex2f :) I usually use the Auto settings, occasionally M :)

Hi Donna! I heard alcohol can slow down weight loss...so maybe try cutting down on drinking too? Just a heads up haha (: Jiayou, you can do it! xx

Yea I know! It does and it makes me fat. Hahahahahaha but yea trying to cut down already :) Thank you!

between a lady dior and a chanel classic which would u get first?

I got the Chanel Classic already so definitely going for the Lady Dior! Hehe

can u show us a picture of your bag collection!

I don't have a bag collection leh... like I only have these very few bags :/

may i know what size is your chanel and around how much did u get it for? thank you!

It's a medium lambskin! Got it a few years back before the price inflation for $4.7k! Damn heng ok!!! Haha

u look slim in your latest video! i think your pimple breakout is because of lack of sleep...

Looks only la. Plus only my head. hahahahahaha yea it is :(


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