
Donna Goh

Ask @ponyyzz

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did u and oms had a fight too ?

...... Who da?? Who's OMS? Do I look like I'm in a fight with anyone currently..... I got many other things to do than go fight w people leh. Work got money to take, fight no money to take. Understand? Haha

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Hi dear may I know where did you get your black long maxi dress from the latest photo at your Instagram? Love it!

I got it from BKK a few trips back :)

Some one is spreading bad news and tarnishing ur studio fame again . She just can't get over u .

Don't bother!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't. Aiyooooo

Pony, do u know how much does a chrome heart ring cost (the type Mae is wearing!)? And do u know where I can get from? Thankiew!!! :-) And don't bother that person!! The person just doesn't have the balls to admit who he's anyway. And babe, you're hot when you're tanned!! Really gorgeous!!!

Hmm not exactly cos I haven't gotten one before and it's been quite awhile since I last visited a CH store! You can get them at CH outlets... or if you dare buy maybe can search ebay or something? And no worries I am super un-bothered. Lol. Thanks tho... but I prefer to be fairer!!! hehe ;D

Do u prefer ppl calling u pony or donna? Anyway do u hv any idea how much is a chanel necklace in sg? Those smaller kinds :) thx!

Both works, haha! People call me both hehe. Chanel necklace..... should be $300 and abv!

I honestly think that the person spamming your ask.fm with malicious comments is chiccottage. She blogs like a childish ah lian. Why would anyone even want to visit her blogshop. I'd rarher throw my money down the toilet bowl than patronise her shop.

No no no don't make assumptions ok!!! I don't really care if anyone likes me/don't like me man, that's their problem and opinion. Chilllllll!!

Babe! I have really bad dark circle! Any product you'll recommend? And to that person that said 'fatty fatty bom bom': - COME ON LAH!!!! SHE'S NOT FAT AT ALL!!! SHE'S JUST ALRIGHT, & SHE'S GETTING PRETTIER! MIND YOUR FKING OWN BUSINESS MAN -.- STOP HIDING BEHIND THE COMP!! To Donna- Don't be sad x

Hmm.. I don't get much dark eye circles so I'm not sure which products are efficient for them. So sorry :( And it's okay la!!! LOL I'm really okay, no worries. I'm trying to lose weight now okie!!! xxx

you're the most adorable blogger ever HAHAHA read your comment on dx instagram and i totally flipped <3 <3 <3 ( the kissing one)

Hahahahaha huh.... cos I said I cried? LOL i was drunk man. Haha but nevertheless, <3s back to you!

Donna! Where did you get the white bralet for the shootingponies video?

Er............. got it a really long time ago from my supplier when I was running my online store :)

Wat do you think of chloe choo

Why yall keep asking me how I think of this person that person etc... I don't have a lot of space in my brain to think of other people aside from work hao ma?

How painful is epilating? Can you recommend some good epilators pls thanks hun :*

HA. I never tried before. Sorry!!!!

what can affect yr mood?

erm... waking up wrongly, slow people, traffic lights/jams....... cab theives... etc. Make me pissed like hell k haha

Do u shoot for OSF?

Yes! :) Unless mentioned that it's done by multifolds or others! Rest I do for her :)


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