
Nay King Killa

Ask @PoetiicJustice12

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Wasn't tryin to say anything...I just think it be funny when I be like "oh, she has nice hair." And my sister be like "it's fake." Or "that's not her real hair." I be like "so, it still looks good." Lol

Lol uhhh huu yea yea yeaaa..what school did you graduate from?

Umm... usually just whenever it's long and looks nice. I can never tell whether it's natural or weave though, but my sisters be pointing it out whenever it ain't natural hair. Lol *hint*hint*

Lol what you tryna say..cause I'm all natural over here boo

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Physically I would say her hair. Overall the first thing I notice is her behavior.

Ok..does it matter what her hair looks like..how long it its..weave or natural?

Lol...indeed I can. what is one of the first things you notice about a guy?

Lol his appearance. How he carries himself and the way he dresses. And the way he talks. What about you..the first thing you notice in a girl.

Jealousy Is irrelevant.

I guess that's true. Can you ask me more questions now...so I can figure out who you are (:

But what I'm sayin is that the only way they would be able to sabotage the relationship is if they can get to either you or your boyfriend, but if you guys are so close to the point where you know that you won't be effected by anything they do; than it's a matter of your boyfriend feeling the same.

True. I feel like this convo is going on forever but I do get your point.

If you don't know what causes it than it's obviously not something you can turn on&off otherwise the cause would be deciding to be jealous and why would it be a problem? Shouldn't it be up to him to shut her down If he sees her trying to get between you two? That way you don't gotta worry about her.

To me it would be a problem because I feel as if they're trying to sabotage the relationship by bringing another female into their little click especially if its out of nowhere. And true yes he should but wouldn't you think that its not just the girl who's trying to get between you two but its the people who put her up to it.

Then what causes people to be jealous? And you say it is relevant to what happens? Okay, so your saying you would trust him around other females before you get jealous of the females? Right?

Idk what causes people to be jealous. And in some cases It depends. Yes I would trust him around females that he's known but if someone new comes in with the crew THEN its a problem. I don't think its right to make him cut off friends but if I feel that she is trying to be more than that knowing that me and him are together..then he's going to have to make a decision. No girl wants to feel like she has to compete for her man's attention or anything else because his little friend girls are jealous.

Than why do people get jealous? It's irrelevant because it's not like it will change any thing. It just makes the jealous person look bad (most of the time).

Idk why people get jealous. But you never know. And yes it does. If I'm jealous I dont show it most of time I have nothing to be jealous about especially if me and that particular person are like stuuupid close and have a tight bond then I don't get jealous cause I know where their heart and mind is

I feel ya!&see where you comin from, but at the same time do you really have a legitimate reason to be jealous? That's If you have a trustworthy boyfriend. Someone who says won't be phased or drawn in by bestfriend girls because he's so focused on you. Would you be able to release your jealousy?

Yes I would release the jealousy but I will keep a close eye

Track? Nice! And oh yeah, I think dancing is a sport. Anything that you can compete in, I would say, is considered a sport. Cool. So are you the jealous type? Like, not over the top jealous, but like to the point where you keep a close eye on a guys female friends (if that guy was your boyfriend)?

Yes I am the jealous type but I'm the jealous type who cares. Yes I do keep a close eye on females who seem to get jealous when they know that their so called bestfriend has found someone whom he really cares about they try to talk to him more and hang around him more than before he got with someone and they feel like they're competing with the girlfriend which I don't like cause if he's nothing but your bestfriend why get jealous when he's with another female when they should be nothing but happy for him

What kind of sports do you play? Lol yeah you're right. We can take turns, cool?

I did a little bit of track and dancing. Most people don't think that dancing is a sport but I believe it is. And yes that cool

Lol sorry about that:). Haha but uhh I thought I was supposed to be asking you questions? Lol just sayin. But I guess the more questions I answer the closer you get to finding out who I am, and I kind of want you to figure it out. But I like to play sports, anything active really.

Ok cool me too. Well since idk who is asking me questions I have a right to ask dont I?

Lol I know right. Haha I won't tell you whether this is my first name, middle name, or last name, but one of those starts with a "C." &you know me, I just don't think you would expect this to be me, and you will get it eventually. I'll just keep dropping hints, but I won't always point them out. :)

Lol aww darnnnn. Geesh. Just leave a sistah hanging but its cool o can live with that. What's you're favorite thing to do

when they try to claim me like I'm they man or they boo or be tellin other girls to stay away from me. when they don't carry them self well. Approaches like askin me out through friends or "u hav a girlfriend? U want one?" Stuff like that.&yea Ik u don't, thats 1 thing I liked about u *hint*hint*

Lol yeaa i dont do that thats doing the most. Umm what does your name start with? Lol that hint hint has me thinking if I know you but I still don't. I'm sure illl catch on though.

Good morning! That's good, a lot of girls don't care about stuff like that. Umm my answer is limited; this only allows me a certain amount of characters, but one of the main things would be when they try too hard. They do some over the top stuff, are always in my face, and if they approach me wrong.

Lol I give men their space when need be cause I know how they can get. I just be myself that's all i can be. No more. no less. And over the top stuff like what...besided them all in your face? How do they approach you?

Hmm, just wondering. So what are somethings that guys do that you dislike?

Goodmorning. Some of the things that guys do that I dislike is when they don't pay attention especially to the small stuff. I dislike it when they talk to too many females at the same time I don't understand the point in that. I don't like it when they pressure to do something that I am not comfortable with and then they get mad..oh well I'm not going to deal with a man who can't respect a choice that I make and know that I have a lot of respect for myself. I don't like it when they sagg eww nobody wants to see your underwear of the day. I dilsike it when they lie too if you can't be open n honest with me then why are we trying to build somethingthat in the end ccould get destroyed all because you lied about something so small I mean we've all had our shares of lying but I dislike it when it becomes constant. There are a lot of things that I dilslike that guys do sometimes ill tell you upfront and sometimes ill tell you on the spot it just depends. What are somethings that girls do that you dislike.?

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Yes. First things first, do you have any idea who I might be? Like do you have a good guess, or suspects?

I wish I did but no I don't

Lol okay cool, but yeah that can be confusing.

Lol yesss it can. So what's up I'm sure you have a few things you'd like to ask


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