

Ask @pinkxbaby

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i like giving compliments to people that deserve them. it makes my day happier and theirs :)

that's nice hehe thank you :3

Any skirt you put on is sexy btw. U make clothes look good =)

that's one of the nicest compliments I've received LOL thank you!! c:

So what type of clothes do you wear on a daily basis? Or do u dress in sexy skirts all the time?

I don't dress in sexy skirts?? err lol

well you are young. u have your whole life to work. unless u find a rich husband :p

haha I hope my husband is rich in the future LOL

I wake up at 3:50am leave for work at 4:50am and start work at 5:30am

wow that's so early??? won't you be so tired omg

i dont go to clubs either. too loud and expensive drinks and too many buff guys in tight shirts

hahaha I don't like it either it's too loud for me just nooo

in the US u have a perfect age cause u can go out to clubs and stuff

same here but I don't club or anything so that's fine haha

do Marines still stop in SG? they've been kinda busy in iraq and stuff not sure if they still do?

um I'm not sure o_o

lol americans passing through in the military probably get that reputation. cause they arent looking for relationships :p

haha yeah I know lmao


Language: English