

Ask @pepseeh

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What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

Wait, yo. Redoing my answer to this because I finally realized one. A Thousand Years. @xanexan

What product or service do you think is ridiculously overpriced?

Every time you pay for an Apple product that isn't an iPod, you lose.

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

Well, I do keep fucking my kicking form up out of fatigue...
...and prepositions. Motherfucking prepositions.

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Hot chocolate is the easy answer here.

When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

I... wow. This question sure does put things in perspective.

Where would you like to live?

One day I'd like to live up on a mountain so I can wake up to fresh air every morning; my neighbors shall be people who have also chosen to do the same, and they will never complain about the cold

Describe your life in five words?

Allow me to go all Hemingway on this and bump it up to six words.
I always have to prove myself.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

I would intuitively go for being a lonely genius... but sometimes I don't really know. Ignorance is still bliss, that never changes.
Liked by: Nina Constantino

One day, you're going to make some lucky woman very happy. I imagine you'd love, cherish & respect her as you should & get her all giddy with your letters. And, in turn, I hope she makes you very happy too. Enjoy life & stay happy.

One day, hey. But I'm taking all the time in the world to make damn sure I don't fuck the next one up, so wish me luck on that too.
Thanks for believing in me, and adding to what's already been a good day.

all time celebrity crush?

All time is pretty tough - can I just say Sam Pinto? I love her, even if she's a bit out of tune

What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

Man, I wouldn't really know. I never ever kept track of these things, and maybe I've never gotten a birthday gift that really blew me away yet.

What do you think you do best?

I'm tempted to say "write" but I bully myself too much to ever think I do it best (to keep myself in a state of constant vigilance).
So I'm just going to say that I catch falling things in split-seconds.

Not a question: Your latest blog post about letters was refreshing. It was different from your previous ones where you tend to get dramatic and repeat yourself, as in really repeat yourself after commas like this, about the same topic. It's nice when you get out of your head a bit.

Well, thank you. Like I said... was starting to get tired of that shit as well. I've recently decided to avoid posting on that thing if I don't have anything new to say, so hopefully there's less drama and repeating myself, and I mean really repeating myself after commas like that.

How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?

Rode out at high midnight to go all the way to La Union; hit the beach in the morning; left at noon because we were battered with no room to stay in; drove all the way from Pangasinan to Laguna and my God it was the most relaxing thing I've ever done in a while despite my knee flaring up due to constant pressure on the pedal; slept through all the fireworks and woke up on January 1, 2014 like it was any other day.


Language: English