

Ask @PepperDraws

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hey aryanna, I actually want to ask my dad to let me go to California with my aunt. but I am too shy to tell him what I want and what I feel. can you tell me tips to be comfortable and confident around my dad. ☺ thanks😆😆

He is your dad!! You should be able to freely share things with him. Let him know how you feel by talking to him or else he'll never really know. If it helps, maybe write down exactly what you want to say so that your thoughts are organized. Just keep in mind: the worst thing he could say is no, right? But at least you'll know you gave it a shot. If it's something you feel strongly about, share it with him, understand each other, make compromises, and set a goal or make a plan towards your dream. You can convince him better if you are clear about what you want and how you can get there. Anyway, I hope this helps hehe good luck!!! ❤️

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Language: English