

Ask @PepperDraws

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If ever you have time to film a vid please do a room tour! Thanks! Good luck in school! Yaaaay

Thank you! I will once my room is clean haha

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When do you sleep? How often do you sleep? Do you like to sleep? Do people think you're weird because you like to sleep? If you don't sleep, are you a vampire? Do you think sleeping is a habit? Sleep.


what is Math E? and gala uniform hahahahhaha

Math E(nrichment)- advanced math
gala - white uniform for mass

Hello Aryanna! Can I ask the link where you got your theme in your yaypepper tumblr?

Sorry, I don't remember but I customized most of it anyway haha!

Haiiii! Me and my friend saw you in the benches in the pavillion. So cool!! Starstruck! Haha love your videos!!! Fabulooooooooous!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!

Thank you so much yay! :D
Liked by: Natalia Araneta

Hey Aryanna! How's it goin? My friend and I are totally peppermints! Love your vids byeeeeeeee

Busy but I'm good! Haha yay thanks!

You haven't been answering questions and making videos...

As much as I enjoy making and sharing videos, my priorities at the moment are focused on school. I hope to try making videos again once to twice a week though. Hope ya understand haha :)

Do you love everything that says pepper? Like...Dr. pepper??

Not necessarily haha. I've tried Dr. pepper and don't like it at all :/

Where are your videos?

I haven't had the time to edit, film or upload any of my videos because I am super busy with school. Sorry! :(


Language: English