
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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From what I see on twitter, SF game dev culture looks awesome and I think I would fit in. How do I get in on that without moving to SF and working for video games? I just want a friend...

Most "game dev culture" that I participate in starts on the Internet and goes from there, so just follow people on Twitter who you think are neat, pay attention, and engage when you're comfortable. Just make sure to keep an eye out for people near you and start finding excuses to hang out in person.

Would you date a girl who was taller than you?

shit yeah. she'd have to be tall as fuck though, because i'm 6'4". that'd be hot

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Favorite anime series, classic and modern?

at what point is a series considered classic vs. modern?
i'm a sucker for standard boys anime -- kenshin, naruto, hajime no ippo, gundam wing.
most recent series i watched to completion was kill la kill. i hear i should do gurren lagann next?

what's the best gift you have ever received?

Easy: My dad got me a Super Nintendo for my birthday in like, 2nd grade, with Super Mario World, two controllers, and Final Fight.
I will probably never know a purer happiness than that evening, which I spent playing video games late into the night with my best friend. Best of all - in my overprotectiveness of my new darling, I misread the instruction manual as suggesting that you shouldn't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time, so I insisted we play in 30 minute increments, giving it 10 minutes or so to "cool down" in between sessions. God, I was an insufferable kid.
Liked by: nothingxs

Ever thought about getting into speed-running games? If yes, what game/s would you try?

I appreciate the zeal, but I think I get similar levels of self-flagellation with fighting games.
I always did want to get really good at Ikaruga, though.

Favorite obscure fighting game and character?

Shenlong in Gundam Wing: Endless Duel. Believe it or not, this game got me back into fighting games AND introduced me to anime. Basically, it ruined my life

Super speed or super strength? Flight or teleportation? Telepathy or invisibility?

Irene Koh
Hard to decide. Super speed, teleportation, and invisibility would make me a super ninja. Super strength, flight, and telepathy would make me a god.
I'll take super ninja. Sounds like way more fun.

What is the best underrated fighter out right now that you think should have a bigger player base?

Liked by: Flex

Why is Cats Domino the best cat?

Cats Domino is the best cat because Cats Domino will never let me pet Cats Domino. Cats Domino is unattainable.

As an ignorant white person, is it inappropriate during the process of becoming friends with POC to ask about their heritage? I feel that learning about a person's cultural identity can often help understand who they are, yet don't want to also come across as a racist asshole.

Can't answer this question for all people of color, sorry. People have different thoughts about their background and how it informed their personal development; some are more frank than others. In general, I'd leave it up to your new friends to share details as they see fit.

I have friends who enjoy fighting games but feel like they are terrible at them. They want to be part of the FGC but feel like they can't be without being good at the games. Do you have any ideas of how to include them and ease them into the games/scene?

Keep playing fighting games with them and they'll get better. :)
Fighting games are still predominantly a participation-based activity; events are primarily structured around playing games, not watching them. So, as long as you want to play them, you'll fit in just fine.
The tricky part is that fighting games involve losing horrendously badly, usually in public, and that's not something that's an easy thing for anyone to do. I'm willing to bet that "feel like they can't be part of the FGC without being good at the games" is tied to this. Fact is, we all suck at fighting games, some of us just suck less. But learning how to lose in front of other people is probably the most important skill we learn in fighting games!

I recently got into social justice/being a good person/whatever you want to call it and it was all well and good. Then I started seeing divides between this kind of feminist or "those guys do this wrong" and stuff like that? Not all sunshine and flowers. How do you sift through what's good and bad?

The proper answer to this question is a book that I'm not qualified to write, but here's what I got for ya.
There is no single approach, no philosophy or school of thought, and certainly no person that is "perfect" in this regards. Put another way -- we don't actually know what a fully just person would look like, or a fully just world, so we're having to figure it out step by step without a map or blueprint. Because when you're a person oppressed by an ideology, you don't necessarily have the perspective or the language to describe exactly what it is that you're up against, or the ways you're being pushed around or denied your humanity; it's all you can to do just identify maybe one minute facet of what is keeping you down, fight it, and then try and see if that gives you a clue as to what the next facet is. Each attempt to work towards making our world less shitty means taking a stab at identifying something we think is fucked up, trying to act on it, and then looking around to see if that actually made things better.
The fundamental goal here is just to learn to treat people - all people - like human beings. This process involves going through all the different ways you have learned to interact with or relate to people and figuring out which ones you want to keep, and which ones you want to throw away. In theory, this could be as simple as someone telling you, "Hey, when you say X, it makes me feel shitty", but that's actually a really hard thing for many people to do (including myself). So you try and learn everything you can, you try things out, and you rely on feedback from other people to tell you when you fucked up. We all have blind spots.
IMO, the one thing you can take as true is that everyone can pretty accurately report on their feelings -- and I do mean _everyone_, including the biggest racist white dude MRA out there. That doesn't mean they're good at nailing down exactly what it is that's *causing* those feelings, mind you, but you can take those feelings as an authentic report and work from there to figure it out.

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It just bugs me when games like Melty/Skullgirls/whatever else are designated as anime and don't make the spot, when they gameplay wise they might be different enough to not have to compete for some sort of token anime slot. Actual question: What were your embarrassing usernames pre-pattheflip?

Re: Anime, I see your point, but when you look at the games included in that spread, I actually don't think any of them have a large enough following to make an Evo 8 slot if they weren't grouped up together.
Given that Evo has a hard limit on the number of games they can include in the official tournament, I'd rather one slot is given to the most popular anime game than giving that slot to, say, SFxT, which could probably pull larger tournament numbers than BBCP or whatever could. And really, it's all moot because CvS2 and ST should have never been dropped to begin with.
Before I was pattheflip, I was "Pat the Great" (still my SRK handle); before that, I was "novamagi" which is my most cringe-worthy (I blame RP AOL chatrooms). Fortunately I don't think much from that era was indexed in Google.

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Have you ever been held by a 6 foot man whilst staring into the distance?

No. Is this an invitation?

If you could have super powers, what would it be?

Dovetailing this with the "favorite X-Man" question I got as well: I always thought Magneto's powers were the best. He can do a whole lot of different stuff as the master of magnetism, but it's not quite as hokey as "LOL i am a telepath i can do anything except when writing demands i can't".
Honestly, though, I'd settle for Ryu's doukens.

Do you think the fact only one "anime game" at EVO is a fault of the player base, a misunderstanding of the by the EVO staff, something else? "anime" as a genre is misleading and silly to me on the first place, that might add the to problem,if it even is a problem in the first place.

It's a genre that makes sense to me because each game in the genre shares set of similar design and visual aesthetics that tend to attract overlapping audiences. Many GG players I knew went on to BB, P4A, back to BB, and will probably end up back in GG.

Awkward fist bump or creepy handshake?

I'll take awkward over creepy any day. Plus, I've given several awkward fist bumps (mostly to white guys who don't know what to do with them) already so I'm pretty good at it.
Liked by: Raj-el


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