
Patrick Miller

Ask @pattheflip

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How do you not lose to rushdown noobs who just randomly throw out moves and they end up working because they're so unexpected? It's really frustrating because it keeps happening to me in Street Fighter and I'm getting demoralized by it.

I wrote about this in my book, in the bit about dealing with flowchart Ken.
Basically: Block and punish. If you're consistently losing to random moves, they're probably not actually that random.

If you received a lucrative endorsement deal, what kind of product would you most likely be endorsing?

Tank tops, apparently.

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Is whiff punishing more about a certain character using x move in y range or is it more about how that player you're fighting specifically uses each move and reading his tendencies/patterns?

Think it's a good bit of both. I really suck at whiff punishing, though. My reactions are really bad, so I try to compensate for it by making early reads and buffering a lot of stuff.

What is the greatest amount of responsibility you are willing to entrust yourself with?

Whenever I get access to a new CMS, I think for one brief second, "Man, I could just upload a really gross picture and put it on the Internet for millions of people to see."
But I never do it. I don't know how much more than that I could handle, though.

What do you think about the speed running community? And do you watch any speedruns? If so, what do you watch?

I think they're neat! They break games even worse than fighting game people do. I'll usually tune into AGDQ/SGDQ, but that's about it.
Liked by: nothingxs

What are your five favorite things about your favorite game, 3rd Strike?

Five things I like about 3s:
-Really interesting and unconventional character designs (both in play and aesthetic). Ibuki, Necro, Q, Dudley, Urien, etc. are all very cool.
-There's always something to practice. Parrying, Genei Jin, Urien unblockables, lots of neat stuff.
-The character sprites, the backgrounds, the music. It's a beautiful fucking game.
-Think playing with different access to super meter/EX moves is a cool idea.
-Keeps the silly scrubs away from the CvS2 machine so the line isn't as long.
Liked by: nothingxs

What is the best Munchie Meal to get at Jack-in-the-Box? Hella-peno or exploding chicken sandwich?

Actually haven't had any of them, but I gotta go with Hella-peno due to the shameless NorCal marketing.

Star BBQ best AYCE Korean BBQ. Best Korean BBQ period is Park's BBQ. If you like samgyupsal, go to Palsaik Samgyupsal.

Thanks Kara! I want to eat all these things.

what's your favorite animal?

If you have to ask, you must not have followed me on Twitter for very long.
(Cats. All kinds.)

what's your natural sleep schedule like? assuming no work, etc.

I usually go to bed around 2am and wake up around 9-10am, though if I had no regular morning commitments *ever* then I'd probably drift a bit later (that's what I do when I'm on vacation, anyway).

What would your picks be for next year's EVO? I'd be interested in your reasoning, but if just wanna make a list, that's cool too.

I'm seriously ass at picking this kind of stuff, and honestly top 8 at Evo has been so different year over y ear that I don't think many people can really consistently do so (yet, anyway). But I'm flattered that you think I'd have something useful to say.

How the fuck am I supposed to get this stupid dreamcast emulator to work? None of the files are for the only emulator that works plz based Pat save me.

I don't know what to tell you, sorry =/ I downloaded the thing and it just kinda worked. I was surprised by that, honestly.

What is your sexual orientation?

Straight. Never really felt any strong desire for men. I do sometimes wonder if I'm disinclined to explore that more out of laziness than anything else, though.

and everything cancels into everything making it safe. So I got tired. I can only think of Super Turbo and VSav that I like to play and have acess on pc but the later have no one from my region. I think I would like to play cvs2 but there's no way. What games are more focused on neutral on this gen?

For those following along at home: The first half of the question is about Skullgirls.
Frankly, Street Fighter IV is pretty focused on the neutral game, if Evo's top 8 was any indication.
I honestly can't tell you because I've been so focused on SF4 and Marvel (and the old people games) to really get much playtime with others. I will say, though, that if focusing on the neutral game is what you love to do, you should be able to find characters in pretty much any game that will reward you for it. Frequently I find that I don't play a game because I like the game, but because I like a single character in it.

There are 20 brothers who are completely indistinguishable from one another. You are a juror at the murder trial of one of them. The state's witness says she saw 19 of the brothers beat a man to death. But the evidence also establishes that the 20th brother did nothing wrong. Do you vote to convict?

Sure. 5% margin of error is probably better than our current legal system has in the US.

What's the most basic fundamental for learning at SF4? I've been playing for a few months and don't feel like I'm getting any better since I'm not sure what I should be trying to learn. I understand it's going to be a while before I'm even close to good, but I feel like I've hit a wall recently.

First off: You're going to hit a lot of walls, trust me. Get used to it.
Now: Street Fighter is essentially these things:
-Knowing what to do in any situation you're in
-Being able to do it
-Reading your opponent's mind (and training them to do certain things to make them easier to read)
I don't know who you are or what you need to work on, but you should take stock of your ability to do these three things, and then practice whatever you're weakest. What that practice looks like is up to you.

Of the following vehicles, which would you prefer to drive? (A) The Batmobile (B) The Trans-Am from Redline (C) The Oscar Meyer Wienermobile (D) Utena

Someone been reading Achewood lately?
Go with the Trans Am. The Batmobile would probably kill me.


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