

Ask @omgpoptarts

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A swimsuit and really cool clothing. XD No jacket required.

I have like. No swim suits.
I lost so much weight. I have to buy some this summer
But cool clothing? Gotcha. Lol

when we get of age, we have to open our store.

I'm 18 I'm two years
And then I go to Cali for college
Omg in two years I'm 18 .... D: HAIWHFWSLPWGEBDLSUWYEIWL

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Going to Puerto Rico for a week. But that's it. :)

I'm just going to Disney world :T
But OMG. Puerto Rico :') I wanna goooo D:

whos donkey? all i keep thinking about when i see it is donkey from shrek :3

Lol who's this? And ask a different question and by then ill be able to tell you :P
Liked by: Alyssa

ohmy. we just created a store. WE SHALL GET RICH OFF OF DEM GHETO BRAHS.

My Tumbrahs bring all the ghettos to the yard!
And they're like, "I wear Tumbrah!"
They're like, "I love Tumbrah!"
Liked by: Alyssa

... What were we talking about? XD (Hi, just stopped by, but I won't be back until June)

Dude idek you'd have to check that.
Liked by: Alyssa

Tabitha, is the weather in Kentucky being weird? Because its being really weird here. Yesterday was 40 degrees and now it's 70???

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
Not today but it's always weird. Two days ago it was 40 and today ts 63 and yeah. It'll be weird for a while. Kentucky weather is always weird and bipolar
Liked by: Alyssa

I absolutely adore you current background. I am so happy all the Sarah Dessen books now match nicely. Which was the first book your read?

Thanks! :) I enjoy it too :P
The first one I read was lock and key and that was forever ago omg. But it was rest and I was like "oh a cool author. I wonder if she has other books..."
Little did I know Id become her number one falker.
Fan stalker.
Liked by: Alyssa

i'm eating another cupcake

Omg can you share?
I'm not playing games with you, Jess, give me the freakin cupcake.
Liked by: Alyssa

(oh yeah, "tumblr" has an L in in) omg, if tumbrah is real, they would HAVE to sell ghetto bras. it's only logical.

Because brah
And bra
And Tum
Together you get ghetto bras

well, that's something. tumbrah girl.

I wonder if that's a real site.
They probably well ghetto bras.

oh wow. nice profile picture. (;

It's me pretending I'm a tumblr girl.. Lol
I'm taking a diff one tomorrow. It's so bland

Ew, I hate doing follow-up questions to a video because I don't ever retain that much info. that russian guy O.O Holy cow. You're seeing his name everywhere hmmmm? sounds like you're lovesick jk jk.

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
exactly. but they were itty bitty details though! like it would be like after watching romeo and juliet they ask you for the 447th word spoken in the film.
its just impossible.
no but i seriously am. its actually the past two week.s on here, on daven, on my iphone glitches, etc. its vghjskegrh idk
Liked by: s Alyssa

Well, when you get the card, could you take a picture and post it up? And aw you guys hugged. Also, how's the job application going?

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
sure thing gurl. lol. ill try to remember. i better have it monday.
i found out my sweet 16 /party/ is on his birthday.. and some guy on disney has his last name while someone else on the same show has his first name in real life. D: ive been seeing his first and last name everywhere and his last name isnt even common.
yeah i know. i wasnt really expecting it. lol.
but idk. they havent called yet lolol
Liked by: s Alyssa

Your school sounds so fun! But, yeah, it seems pretty unproductive :P I like the show Numb3rs, my brother watches it. Why do you have to papier-mache a giant key? How did the Russian guy not die omg??

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
NO!!! MY SCHOOL IS A DEATH TRAP! its like the freedom writers school or the school in coach carter. both will work.
its an okay show. weve watched a few episodes before in math class. BUT DUDE! he gave us these stupid questions AFTER we watched the thing! he was like
"whats the difference between an automatic and manual transmission?"
"whats F.I.S.H. mean?"
"what do cameras calibrate and whats it called when they focus in on things?"
LIKE REALLY?! they were thing that were barely mentioned in the show -_-
i got 2/5 right. lolol
well its art class and were papier-mâchéing. so im making a giant key with a crown on top. lol
because idk. he worshipped god but worshipped satan and was a ladies man and had healing powers and so everyone tried to assassinate him so they poisoned his food which he didnt die to so they stabbed him and he didnt die and they shot him and he didnt die and they beat him for an hour and he didnt die and they threw him in the freezing river (it was december) and he didnt even die from hypothermia. he died hours later from lack of oxygen because they tied him up.... -_-"

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Liked by: Alyssa


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