

Ask @Ohbollocks

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fuck da h8rs. Mate I think you're hot okay don't listen to any of the anons giving you hate. You're gorgeous and hilarious and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Don't let any of this hate get to you, you're so much better than them. Keep your chin up beautiful and live life how you want <3


You don't deserve all the shit you get, you know that? Chin up, everything's gonna be okay x

Awh thank you. And it really doesn't bother me in the slightest, but thank you (: x

Not to be too harsh. But if i had a choice of pissing on you were on fire or eating toast... I'd eat toast.

Why would I be on fire? And i'd rather you did that too because I'm too gucci for your piss

phew, that's just the right amount of confidence.

Atleast you understand the difference between that and being bigheaded haahahah

are you being funny or do you genuinely think you're perfect?

I'm being sarcastic. I have enough confidence to know I'm not exactly ugly though.

You stuck up little shit. How can one person be so full of themselves? If you were actually so secure about the way you look you would have more pictures of your troll like face.

troll like face? im perfect ;);));):
Liked by: Amyleigh Duffy'

She is ugly though. Inside and out.

might be ugly on the inside but i'm not ugly on the outside ;););););):

You're two faced and big headed, sort yourself out; bitch.

Not two faced. And there's a difference between having a little bit of confidence and being big headed. You don't know how to use semi colons either you thick cunt, you need to sort yourself out; stop telling other people to sort themselves out.
Liked by: Jamie Mckie Pais

You would know, you scatty person. How is your cats ass hole? Did you enjoy licking the peanut butter off it? Or did even the cat reject your advances... Also the disease was probably hereditary because you come from a long line of loose vaginas.

Babe. I don't like peanut butter. What you said makes no sense, stop being such a pussy and mail me ;)

You look like an Ian Watkins wet dream, but he would not touch you because even he would be afraid of what he would catch. And he tries to catch babies.

implying i have a sexually transmitted disease when i'm a virgin. You probably look like my cats fucking asshole.

Actually I saw your status on a friends facebook and thought 'This judgey person needs a dick slap', but as I'm afraid I would catch something if I were to do that, I sent you a message expressing how much I detest your very existence. Have a nice day, or whatever it is you cretins do with your time

You're too ugly to show your face baby

Your status about pansexuality is completely wrong, they are technically better human beings because they appreciate peoples quality and not a gender. They aren't just in it for sex either they are attracted to personality traits. Don't make ill informed statuses you daft bint.

Why don't you comment on the status instead of doing this over anon? Oh, Because you're probably a pansexual cunt. How opinionated can you get.

i am genuinely attracted to you. you have the most beautiful eyes (im sure youve heard this before) you get alot of hate from people that you clearly dont deserve. you have the cutest face i have ever seen. and last but not least you have the most gorgeous smile in the entirety of existence.

r u ok
but thank you awh this is so cute mail me

you have self harmed i've seen them

obvs not true because i've never done it nd i have no scars anywhere on my body :ppppppppppppp


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