
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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From all of your ffs, I noted that you always write in first person perspective. Do you prefer to write in first person, instead of third person which is the more commonly used perspective? If you do, can you tell me why? Sincerely, a reader.

gabyaureliaa’s Profile PhotoGaby Aurelia
Hehe, that is very keen of you.
Yes I have never (never!) written anything using the third-person point of view.
I personally think that writing should evoke sensations and, for me, third-person just doesn't cut it.

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If I'm not mistaken, I've read somewhere that your statement was supossed to be "my math and english IS okay"? I don't know, I'm just making sure because my english isn't really good, you tell me. Hehe.

Hi and no.
If you use "as well as" then yes, it becomes singular.
But if you use the conjunction "and," they become plural.

So it's either: "My math as well as my English is okay," or "My math and my English are okay."

itu webnya apa? yg ENFP itu, itu quiz kan ya

Here’s Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type (part 2):

You’re single because: You have trust issues.

You’ll get into a relationship when: Someone you’ve known for an unimaginable amount of time finally wears you down and convinces you that you can take a chance on them.

You’re single because: You aren’t a party animal/bad boy, which you’ve convinced yourself is all anyone your age wants.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You finally reach the phase of life where other people are as ready to settle down as you have been for the past two decades.

You’re single because: You idealize the crap out of potential partners and then get upset when their reality doesn’t measure up.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You meet someone who also wants the rest of his or her life to resemble a Nicholas Sparks novel.

You’re single because: You rely solely on apps to get laid (Mainly tinder) and don’t see a reason to switch up the game plan.

You’ll get into a relationship when: An insistent ESFJ declares himself or herself your significant other and introduces themselves to your entire family before you have a chance to protest.

You’re single because: You’re attracted to carefree personalities, who then take the relationship twelve hundred times less seriously than you do.

You’ll get into a relationship when: The ESTP you’ve been pursuing is finally ready to settle down.

You’re single because: You haven’t found anyone you love more than you love Reality TV.

You’ll get into a relationship when: Someone intrigues you enough to pull you out of your shell and pursue him or her full-force.

You’re single because: You haven’t left your apartment in three months.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You meet someone just like yourself on World of Warcraft.

You’re single because: You’re not. You’re probably already in a couple of relationships that you’ve just forgotten about.

You’ll get into a relationship when: Your INFJ wife tracks you down and demands to know where you’ve been for the past six years.

Credit: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/03/heres-why-youre-still-single-based-on-your-myers-briggs-personality-type/

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Ko kent itu gmn caranya bisa dapat picture yg isinya enfp itu? Bagi link nya dong ko hehehe

Here’s Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type (part 1):

You’re single because: You have a savior complex and keep going for wounded people who can’t properly love you back.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You’re finally attracted to someone who has his or her shit together and doesn’t need to be bullied into a relationship.

You’re single because: You’re having way too much fun sleeping around.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You start feeling bad about how long your ISFJ hookup has been doing your laundry for you, at which point you’ll finally ask them out.

You’re single because: You have impossibly high standards and you’d probably just marry yourself if it were legal.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You decide that it is practical to do so, at which point you will assess potential suitors for mate value and propose to the most logical subject.

You’re single because: You smothered the crap out of your last partner, who genuinely did not have anything left to “Open up” about.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You go on the Bachelor and win.

You’re single because: You over-analyze social interactions to the point where it seems easier to just avoid them altogether.

You’ll get into a relationship when: A hell-bent ENFP follows you around for a long enough period of time that you eventually just accept that you’re dating.

You’re single because: You’ve hooked up with everyone you’re mildly interested in and now you’re bored.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You want to, pretty much. Who can resist you?

Your single because: Those helpful life pointers you gave your last date were actually pretty insulting.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You meet an Anastasia Steele type who just wants to be bossed around.

You’re single because: You have the attention span of a goldfish and cannot decide what you want.

You’ll get into a relationship when: You find someone just unattainable enough to intrigue you for a significant period of time.

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Ko kent, if you have girl friend and both of you were in fight bcs of lost communication. (Sorry for saying this) But, you're the one who's making mistakes. Will you recant or will you blame her back? And why? (Sorry for the bad english)

If you're my girlfriend, I definitely like you more than I like my ego.

Apa lagi kalo gue salah. Pas lagi bener aja gue kadang ngaku salah supaya dia nggak ngambek lagi.

Biasanya gue kalo lagi ada problem sama pacar gue lempar koin sih.
Kalo gambar, dia menang.
Kalo angka, gue minta maaf.

Ko, kk kan pintar, wktu kk skolah bnyak ga tmen yg dketin cuma untuk mnta bantu dlam pelajaran? Misalny chat utk nnya tugas aja. Gmna mengatasinya ko?

One thing that you should know about me is that I am very lazy.

Pas SMA gue kerjaannya nyalin PR sama tugas pas istirahat. Heheh.
Pas kuliah udah tobat, jadinya ngerjain PR sendiri. Nah kalo ada yang mau nyontek PR gue malah seneng, bisa titip dia kumpulin terus gue bolos; main game di rumah.

Hi kent i saw you at area 51 PIM on last saturday around 4pm. you were soo adorable huhu i can't even :') pas liat pertama kali kyk shock gt bisa ngeliat Kent in real life.. and i can't take my eyes from you at the time:p hehe. tdnya mau nyapa tp gapunya nyali. --S

(cont) -- kita sempet eye contact sebentar sih if you noticed and remember. its been really nice seeing you in real life. you seems really cute and friendly. have a nice day, Kent! hope that i can see you again someday dan punya nyali untuk nyapa hehe :p. -S

Yes, gue Sabtu lalu pergi ke PIM ketemu dengan @amrazing untuk konsultasi mengenai my next novel.
As to eye contact, I am somewhat oblivious to my surrounding, so you should have said hi. I don't bite kok. :)

Kak kent, will you be at kak maldi's Belajar Bareng project? If yes, will you teach math, or english?

probably so if maldi asks me to come.
if not, i'd rather spend my sunday at home being a lazy piece of shit.

uh, my math and english are pretty okay.
i can also do some medium level physics and easy level accounting.
so i guess there's that.

kak wktu hari jumat ke puri mall ya sama temennya 2 cewe makan deket kfc? aku ngliatin kakak tau bolak balik mau nyapa dan minta foto tapi takut dikira sksd :") mengagumimi dari jauh aja jadinya :""""")

iya. itu yang satu kakak gue, yang satu sepupu gue.


kak Kent udah aktif lagi nih ? Bukunya udah selesai yah ?

qanandakartika’s Profile PhotoAnnisa Nanda Kartika
Belum, tapi udah mencapai target yang diinginkan.
Selain itu, gue juga diundang untuk jadi pembicara di beberapa SMA dan kampus dengan topik pembicaraan mengenai tulis-menulis.
Dan gue hari ini baru selesai bikin presentasi untuk bicara nanti. Jadi yah, I've been productive enough in the past week, so I decided to go back to ask.fm.

karena gue temen yang baik, Kent. Makanya gue dukung lo jadi miss grand indonesia 2015 ^^

rahdian’s Profile PhotoYang Mulia

Buat yang belum tau: @rahdian, @dezkyoka, @joeyzpg, dan gue lagi mengikuti The Hunger Game. Peserta yang berat badannya turun paling sedikit akan dihukum didandani dan disuruh jalan-jalan di salah satu mall yang cukup ternama di Jakarta (more info: http://ask.fm/rahdian/answer/126996464554 )


You probably wouldn't expect this but this morning I saw my friends stalking your instagram and I could keep hearing them praising how well-written your Flash Fictions are. Anyways, no I don't live in Indonesia, I'm studying in Singapore and my friends are local Singaporeans. Way to go, Kak Kent! :)

Hi, Jesselyn!

Imagine a boy who thinks Santa Claus is real.

Imagine that boy on a Christmas morning.

That's how wide I'm smiling now.

Thank you.


Language: English