
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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hi kent! i wonder if it was you the one who once wrote about how you wish relationship was like building a lego house. it was long time ago, and i tried scrolling through your timeline but i couldn't find it.

Hello yes I wrote about it tapi karena gue udah tua gue juga lupa.
I think it goes like I wish relationships were more like lego, that if it didn't work out we can just destroy and start over without anyone getting hurt.

Kent, kalo cowo pdkt dgn lebih 1 cewe itu gimana? Apakah dia berengsek? Emg bisa cowo jatuhcinta pada 2 org wanita?

Pertama-tama, lo harus make sure kalo dia tuh beneran pdkt dengan 2 cewek atau lebih sekaligus. Nggak menutup kemungkinan kalo dia orangnya ramah ke semua orang dan lo cuma baper.
But let's assume dia pdkt ke 2 cewek sekaligus.
Kalo cowok udah pdkt ke lebih dari 1 cewek, itu cowok lagi main lotere. Dia ga yakin bisa dapetin cewek yang pertama, makanya dia hedging the risk dengan cara pdkt ke cewek kedua. Dengan memperbanyak target pdkt, dia meningkatkan kemungkinan dia jadian.
Cowok begitu tuh lebih mentingin pacaran daripada meeting the right person (buat dia, yang penting pacaran; pacaran sama siapa itu urusan belakangan).
Is it illegal? No.
Is it brengsek? No.
Is it time efficient? Yes.
Cowok yang ngejar banyak cewek sekaligus is NOT the guy you'd want to date, for the reason I listed above.
To him, you're just a number. A statistic. Ngapain buang waktu pacaran sama orang begitu?

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dalam memilih pasangan , pilih kualitas apa kuantitas ? - kualitas ( dia cantik / ganteng tapi cuek ke kita seperti setengah hati ) - kuantitas ( dia biasa aja tapi bener" cinta dan perhatian )

Lo ngerti arti kata kuantitas ga sih? Terus, kenapa yang "kualitas" kudu ganteng/cantik tapi nggak emotionally invested in us? Holy shit this question triggers me so much.

Kak Kent!! This may kind of seem like an odd question but, what would you like to recommend to your non-indonesian friends that will be visiting Jakarta? For around 5 days. In terms of food and destinations :) Thank you!

Let's see... I'll probably recommend:
1. Babi guling Ko Made di Muara Karang (it's haram btw) because i believe babi guling cuma ada di Indonesia?
2. Still on the same street, I'll bring him to martabak Sinar Bulan buat makan martabak manis because you haven't been to Indonesia if you haven't eaten martabak manis yalord.
3. I...guess Masjid Istiqlal? Make sure to educate your non-Indonesian friend to tutupin aurat.
4. I'll also bring them to Plaza Indonesia to experience the luxury Indonesia has to offer. Bonus point kalo dilewatin jalan belakang (Tanah Abang masih bisa dilewatin ga?) biar dia bisa melihat kontrasnya Jakarta.
5. Bakmi Agoan (haram) di Puri because that's legit the best bakmi I've ever eaten.
3/5 of the recommendation is food. No wonder I'm getting fat.

What do make u like Jeanice?

Here's a snippet from my old blog.
Here is something to think about. I actually think the saying "You don't need a reason to love someone," is bullshit. You need reasons to love someone and you need a million of them. You love someone not only because they are beautiful. You love someone not only because they're rich. You love someone not only because they are funny. You don't love someone because of ONE big reason, you love someone because of all the little things that made them, them. So even if one thing changes from them, you would still love them because you still have 999,999 reasons to love them.

How lucky ur gf, she got u. Envy her😥

We're both lucky to have found each other.
You know, back in high school when I was still dating my ex, my friends would often say that I was lucky to date someone so beautiful as her (my ex).
To which I could only respond with "hahaha iya nih hoki banget."
But we broke up and years passed.
Now that I'm dating Jeanice, I still hear my friends say that I was lucky to date someone as pretty as Jeanice.
But now I don't just say "haha iya gue hoki" but I say "we're both lucky."
I don't know if I've grown up or something else. But dating Jeanice makes me realize how important it is to date someone who wants to be with you. Who actually treasures you. Who is actually proud of who you are.
So, when you're looking for a relationship, make sure to date someone who values you as much as you value them.

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Kent, I wish I could erase this feeling to him. We were once bestfriends until he confessed. And so did I. We had some time together, but the reality hit us that we couldn't keep doing this. One reason: religion difference. He said we would always be bestfriends. But I still hope he's more than that

We're all human.
We all have blood, nerves, and heart.
We were all one.
Until religions drove us part.

He cheated on me, and now he got a new girlfriend. It has been 7months but the wound is still bleeding right in the place where he stabbed. I failed to move on, stressed out, fell into eating disorder. And now i hate him, his new gf...and i hate my self even more. Do you ever feel the same?

No but I've been on the other side without the cheating part.
I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I truly am.
I hope you realize that what he did doesn't and will never define who you are.
Someday you'll look back to this day. To this very question you asked me. To this very answer you're reading. And you'll laugh that everything and every decision you've made since the day you broke up leads you to that someday. And you'd be happy. You'd be content. And you wouldn't change anything even if you could.
Until then, please know there's nothing you're not worthy of.

Ken, knp ya mostly cowo liat cewe dari physical appearance nya? Not be hypocrite, me as a woman juga sometimes liat cowo dari penampilannya. Tp aku ngerasa krisis percaya diri apalagi kalo ada cowo yg underdog me based on my appearance. Aku sadar aku ga cantik, tp aku juga dandan, ngerawat diri juga

Gue pernah baca tentang ini!
Short answer: cowok prefer cewek cantik karena it's in our genes.
Seinget gue, cowok preferring fair ladies date back to our prehistoric ancestors.
Ya basically cowok-cowok jaman prasejarah dulu itu prefer melihat cewek berkulit putih karena mereka bisa melihat kecacatan. Kalo kulitnya dekil kan kalau ada cacat/blemish lebih susah keliatan.
And back then, even the most stupid woman (no offense) can still bear a child. Dan otak cowok, mau jaman dulu ataupun sekarang, adanya di selangkangab, jadi cowok-cowok jaman dulu nggak ada persyaratan khusus untuk ceweknya, yang penting cantik enak dilihat langsung dikawinin.
Lah bandingin sama cewek-cewek prasejarah. Kalo sampe mereka mengawini cowok yang ga kompeten (baca: nggak bisa berburu, jadi nggak bisa bawa makanan pulang) yaudah mereka ga bisa makan daging. Keluarga mereka bisa jadi cemoohan dan mati kelaparan.
Ya begitulah short course of history as to why we men prefer fair beautiful ladies.

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kent kenapa ask.fm sepi ya~

Karena Ask.fm adalah platform yang butuh tiga pihak untuk membuat konten.
1. Pihak pembuat aka yang punya akun,
2. Pihak penanya aka yang kepo (kadang pihak pertama mem-bypass pihak ini dan langsung bertanya ke diri sendiri),
3. Pihak pembaca yang meningkatkan ego pihak pertama.
Terus dulu pertanyaan-pertanyaan di platform ini juga melempem, makanya pada bosen.
Compare this to Instagram and YouTube yang cuma butuh dua pihak. Ya jelas pada migrasi.

Kent, knp ya cewek2 pinter rata2 jomblo? Kyk susah bgt gitu buat cari pasangan? Atau kepintaran bukan hal menarik dimata cowok?

Percaya atau nggak, cowok tuh tetep makhluk visual.
Ketika ada cowok bilang dia suka cewek pinter, yang dia maksud tuh dia mau cewek cakep dan pinter.
Terus, kepintaran, buat cewek, itu sebenernya kayak tinggi. Banyak cowok mau cewek tinggi tapi jarang yang mau jadian sama cewek yang lebih tinggi dari dia.

What's your unpopular tip to get over an ex?

Dinikmatin aja.
Sure, it hurts. Sure, you want to be happy again, but enjoy it. Enjoy the heartbreak while it lasts because it won't last forever. And the very same heartbreak that you want to get over is the proof that you did indeed love your ex very very much.
As Lincoln once said:
You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it, will make you less miserable now.
Until then.

Please choose a novel to describe your relationship with Jeanice!

Kalo hubungan gue sama Jeanice dijadiin novel, trust me, it will not be a good novel.
Gimana ya... I guess for a novel to be good, it needs roughly 3 acts: introduction, confrontation (with climax), and then resolution. Harus banyak naik-turunnya gitu.
Sedangkan pacaran gue sama Jeanice tuh bener-bener, apa ya... Datar? Bener-bener hepi-hepi gitu isinya.
If it were made into a novel, beneran it won't be an interesting read deh.
Buuuuttt with that said, it's a book that I won't mind reading over and over again.

Have u watched Black Mirror season 4, Kent?

I don't watch Black Mirror tapi katanya bagus dan udah download but I can't drag myself to watch it. Is it *that* good?
Liked by: Yaya. anis

Kent kenapa suka you’re gonna live forever in me??? It’s one of my fave songs from john mayer!!!

I adore it so much because it puts things into perspective.
I mean, in the end we're just ghosts driving a meat-coated skeleton made from stardust which will return to earth within several decades.
And yet, here we are. Living, minding our own businesses. Forgetting what we had for breakfast yesterday. Forgetting if we washed our hair this morning. Forgetting a lot of things but not her. Not forgetting her because forgetting her is impossible.
+1 answer Read more

Hi, Kak Kent! I just want to thank you. Years ago I followed you on ask.fm, then instagram. From you, I learned to use punctuation better. Even tho' it's not perfect yet, but your punctuation rants actually helped me a lot in writing.

That is (probably) the nicest thing I've read all day. I'm (kinda) glad you find my obsessive scrutiny useful.

Hai Kent! So happy to see u back from your hiatus! Tell us what have u done while disappearing from ask/instagram? Don't you miss us?

Hi you lovely person! In fact, I do miss you guys!
To answer your question, I'm mostly busy with work. And when I'm not busy with work, I either watch YouTube or play dota. I've been garnering willpower to post on IG again, though. So there's that.

kak kak belajar bahasa inggris darimana? share dong tips berbahasa inggris!

Hey, you.
Gue dulu belajar bahasa Inggris dari main game. Gue punya kakak laki-laki yang sembilan tahun lebih tua. Dan dulu ketika gue masih TK, I used to just sit beside him and watch him play video games. Dan tiap kali gue nemu kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang gue nggak ngerti, gue tanya.
Selain dari video games, gue juga belajar banyak banget dari novel. Pas gue SMP, gue sering banget baca novel. Dan tiap kali gue nemu kata-kata yang gue nggak ngerti, gue langsung buka kamus. Selain nambah-nambahin vocab, itu juga ngebantu grammar karena gue jadi secara nggak sadar ngerti cara menggunakan grammar yang benar itu gimana.
Hope this helps!

Kak, mosok gak tau ngeblog maneh?, tulonk bikin tulisan lagi. mbahas o tentang apa gitu, politik gitu apa kek. Aku rindu tulisan e sampeyan. ehe ehehehehehe

Andhika Hibatullah
Akhirnya gue nge-post lagi!
Inget nggak bulan lalu gue sempet minta kalian untuk ngirimin gue pertanyaan-pertanyaan? Gue kumpulin beberapa pertanyaan untuk gue jawab di blog gue.
Apa yang terjadi ketika kita meninggal? Apakah Matematika ditemukan atau diciptakan? Gue menjawab pertanyaan penting dan nggak penting di artikel kali ini.
Monggo dibaca di: http://nyankent.com/ask-nyankent-1/

Kak beneran lah ada orang yang teorinya seperti kakak (37%) http://female.kompas.com/read/2017/03/03/160500420/pakar.matematika.ungkap.usia.paling.ideal.untuk.menikah Hehehehe (y)

PeregrineAdvanceSetiawan’s Profile PhotoAdvance Setiawan
Buat yang belum baca blog gue, monggo: http://nyankent.com/menemukan-jodoh-menggunakan-matematika/
Passing thought: kenapa artikelnya di-publish di female.kompas.com ya? Kenapa nggak di kompas.com aja.

Good afternoon! I've just finished reading Looking for Alaska by John Green and now I don't know what I should read next. Do you have any (teen/ young adult fiction) novel recommendations? Thank you, Kak Kent. Have a good day! :-)

Try other John Green's books, like Paper Town ans/or TFIOS. Personally I think LFA is better than both of them, though. So.
Buuutttt kalo kamu mau baca yang bukan romance, I still recommend Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Oh and also Inferno by Dan Brown.
Belakangan ini gue udah jarang baca novel sih. Jadinya nggak update sama novel-novel baru.


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