
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Hai, Kent! Sorry kemarin gue balik ga pamitan dulu sama lo, I had to dash to get the last train. Anyway it was nice meeting you, kapan2 kalo lo dateng ke acara lagi berkabar aja, Kent, siapa tau gue dateng juga hehe 😁

Nice meeting you, too, Lang! Iya gue kemarin mau balik nyari lo nggak ketemu gitu.

For sure! Gue nggak nyangka sih kemarin ke event startup malah ketemu lo sama @ manampiring :B

Cowok atau cewek kak

Udah basi nyong pertanyaan gini.
Gue pake buat mengundang kalian aja yak. (Copas dari @gilangkharisma)

Buat yang belum tau, jadi hari Minggu besok, tanggal 24 Mei 2015, gue, @jerbat, @gilangkharisma, @nidyafebriani, @einedame, dan @rezaphlv bakal sharing soal askfm dan peran komunitas online di industri kreatif di acara Bandung Creative Week 2015. Acaranya bertempat di Trans Studio Mall, Bandung.
Selain dari teman-teman askfm, juga bakal ada banyak lainnya sih, mulai dari musik, baju, sampe makanan-makanan.
Yang berdomisili di Bandung dan sekitarnya dan masih belum punya agenda buat hari Minggu besok, yuk merapat ke TSM!

Hello! For an 18 year old I admit I tend to overthink my life and the decisions I'm going to make. I'm asking people that I assume is on their early 20s or older. My question is, is it....really that hard?

Dezaldy13’s Profile PhotoIG: ddezaldy
Hi, Dezaldy, and welcome to the quarter-life crisis. (You are early.)
I had my quarter-life crisis when I graduated college.

Growing up is a terrible ordeal, you know.
When I was a kid, I thought having chips for breakfast and ice cream for dinner would be amazing.
Don't get me wrong; having whatever you want for breakfast and dinner IS amazing.
But the price that you have to pay is not worth it.

You start thinking about getting a job—or if you already have one, you think about getting a better job.
You start thinking about your career and about saving enough money to buy a house.
You start paying tax. You stop playing games. You don't have as much time to read.
It's terrible.

Oh but to answer your question—is it really THAT hard?
The hardest part for me—and I'm sure, for everyone else, too—is to take the first step,
to propel you into that inertia.
Once you are in motion, you will stay in motion.
Get your first job and from there, it's smooth sailing.
You will find that, after your first job, you have leverage; you will be able to comfortably negotiate and reassess your worth.

Godspeed, Dezaldy.

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inggris lo kan uda jago, berniat belajar mandarin ga? ehehe #sumpahinibukanpromosi

Hi, to be frank, yes.
But sadly, I think in order of priority.
I have so many things I need to do now (emphasis on "so many") that learning a new language is not a priority (yet).

Hey don't get me wrong. I can understand when people are speaking Mandarin; I just can't speak it or write Han Zi.

Hi ka,im a 17yo girl&already have my own career goals, plans&start my way to get it. But one thing that worry me most is, my closest people tell me that most boys are scared to get closer to me because of my plans&career goals and things that I've achieved. What do you think i should do?

The 17-year-old me wouldn't be scared sih, but I would definitely feel inferior.
There's nothing wrong with boys being scared of you.
If you merely want to date, go date someone older, then.

Kak ken vr dengan logat jawa.nya dong.... Pliiiiiiiiizzzzzz

Kabar gembira untuk kalian semua. (Nggak, bukan Mastin kok.)

Karena @mglouvre lagi ada tugas di sekolah yang mengharuskannya mendapatkan 100 likes atau lebih di video Youtube-nya (dan karena gue teman yang baik), kalian jadi bisa mendengarkan kemedokan gue di sini. Video-nya tentang anti korupsi.
Bantu like ya gaes biar dia nggak jadi fakir likes lagi.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhSvIDcKDQnyankent’s Video 129684464264 hZhSvIDcKDQnyankent’s Video 129684464264 hZhSvIDcKDQ

Dulu lo ngerayain kelulusan SMA kayak gimana sih emang? Boleh share nggak? Itu juga kalo lo ngerasa cara lo lebih cerdas.

Gue nggak ngerayain kelulusan SMA.
Ngerayain tuh buat sesuatu yang memang "against the odds."

Tahu nggak berapa banyak naskah novel yang diterima sebuah major publishing house tiap tahunnya?
Yang diterbitin?
Nggak sampai 20.
Do the math; kemungkinan naskah lo diterbitin oleh sebuah major publisher itu di bawah dua persen.
Tingkat kelulusan SMA di Indonesia?
Di atas 99.5 persen.

Misalnya lo ngirim naskah ke publisher novel dan diterbitkan, nah itu baru dirayain.

Lulus SMA doang mah ngapain dirayain.
Do you celebrate when you know your winning probability is 99.5%?

haha yang corat coret juga banyak yg masuk ptn bagus, nem akhirnya bagus, report card nya memang bagus, bukan brarti mereka bego buat ngerayain kelulusan dgn corat coret dong. tiap sekolah pny tradisi pny cara sendiri ngerayain kelulusan, dan mereka milih itu trs lo lgsg blg mereka bego? basi lo.

never ever confuse education with intelligence.


Language: English