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22 dong kak. Asik kyknya

mjjejung’s Profile PhotoNyata Cinta Pagar Intan
22! Lyrics to my favorite song.
Ada banyak banget lagu yang gue suka. This one is definitely my all time favorite.
You've got the best of both worlds
You're the kind of girl who can take down a man
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy, humble but you're greedy
Based on your body language and shoddy cursive I've been reading
Your style is quite selective but your mind is rather reckless
Well, I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is
Hey, what a beautiful mess this is
It's like picking up trash in dresses
Well, it kind of hurts when the kind of words you write
And kind of turn themselves into knives
And don't mind my nerve you could call it fiction
'Cause I like being submerged in your contradictions, dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
Although you were biased I love your advice
Your comebacks they're quick and probably
Have to do with your insecurities
There's no shame in being crazy depending on how you take these
Words I'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
Well, it kind of hurts when the kind of words you say
Kind of turn themselves into blades
And the kind and courteous is a life I've heard
But it's nice to say that we played in the dirt, oh dear
'Cause here we are, here we are
And what a beautiful mess this is
It's like taking a guess when the only answer is yes
And through timeless words and priceless pictures
Well fly like birds not of this earth
And tides they turn and hearts disfigure
But that's no concern when we're wounded together
And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts
But it's nice today, oh, the wait it was so worth it

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12 kak, if you don't mind

The Noble Aster
Langsung dapet yang paling susah dijawab. Hu.
Okay, 12. How I met the person I fell the hardest for.
Mayoritas tulisan gue di http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121861384328 itu didedikasikan untuk cewek ini. She is my own personal Alaska.
Jadi ceritanya dulu gue kerja di Citibank.
Nah di suatu hari Jumat yang cerah dan terik, gue keluar kantor untuk makan sama temen-temen gue. Dalam perjalanan tersebut, gue berpapasan dengan Alaska ini. (BGM: Wajahmu mengalihkan duniaku - Afgan)
Bener-bener terpaku sampe kayak kartun gitu loh, sampe-sampe gue nabrak pintu kaca dan diketawain temen-temen.
Yaudah dong. Udah terpanah asmara. Gue kembali kerja jadi budak perusahaan selama seminggu ke depan, dan Kamis depannya,
eng ing eng,
gue papasan lagi sama Alaska.
Masih tetep terpaku sih, tapi karena udah belajar dari pengalaman, gue terpakunya sambil berdiri diam. Jadi badan gue kayak muter 180 derajat gitu. (Jir, dipikir-pikir lagi gue rupanya freak juga).
Nah ketika ketemu kedua kali itu, gue bernazar ke temen gue, "Liat ye, kalo sampe ketemu lagi, gue bakalan ajak kenalan on the spot, saat itu juga!"
Karena ini bukanlah dongeng, gue nggak berpapasan dengan Alaska sekali pun selama dua minggu ke depan.
Tapi suatu hari, bos gue nyamperin, "Kent, lo bisa programming Excel kan? Bantuin gue bikin ini dong."
"Ih males. Gue juga banyak kerjaan tauk. Lagian bos lo kan nyuruh lo, masak lo nyuruh gue, curang abis."
"Ayo lah. Ini proyeknya lagi dikerjain sama satu anak intern di lantai lima, cakep lho. Ntar gue kenalin ke lo deh." (Ceritanya gue kerjanya di lantai enam).
"Namanya siapa? Sini gue 'research' dulu."
"Alaska Young." (Bukan nama sebenarnya, red).
Yaudah dong, gue google nama cewek itu, dan ketemu LinkedIn-nya. Langsung aja gue buka dan rupanya wajah yang menyambut gue adalah wajah yang bikin gue kejedok pintu kaca itu.
Bos gue cuma cengengesan sambil nge-brief-in gue apa yang harus dikerjain. Dan setelah selesai brief, dia ngomong, "Yaudah, mending lo baca-baca dulu. Satu jam lagi Alaska dateng ke sini, terus lo kerjain bareng dia."
Abis gue baca-baca, rupanya susah banget. Banget. BANGET. Gue harus bikin macro di Excel yang SAMA SEKALI NGGAK PERNAH GUE PELAJARIN. Yaudah jadi gue belajar mati-matian dari Mbah Google selama satu jam sebelum Alaska dateng.
Dan akhirnya ketika dia dateng ke lantai enam, gue udah belajar cukup banyak jadi bisa berkontribusi banyak dalam proyek ini.
"Wow. Lo pinter banget ya, emang lo pernah ngerjain beginian?" tanya Alaska.
"Gue udah lupa-lupa sih, terakhir belajar macro Excel pas kuliah semester satu."
Alaska yang berdecak kagum, dan
gue yang berusaha mempertahankan poker face.
Lalu akhirnya gue memberanikan diri minta pin BB.

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I don't know if this has been asked before: how did you come to write and publish your novel? Did you plan it all along, like some kind of cita-cita or it just sort of happened?

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
If you had met the high school Kent and told him that he would be a novelist, I'm sure he would laugh and laugh, and then when he's done laughing, he'd smack you in the head.
I mean, I've liked words and stories ever since I was a kid, but it had never occurred to me to create them, you know. Math was always my strong point, so I figured I'd end up forever number-crunching as a researcher/analyst.
During my last semester in college, I finished taking all the required classes to graduate, but I still needed one more credit from any class. So I randomly took a writing class. And it turned out to be plenty of fun! So I started a blog, not because I wanted people to read, but because I needed a place to write.
I think writing is a lot like walking: no matter how far the journey is, if you just keep putting one word after another, you will find a river of letters behind you. Lo and behold, here I am, two and a half years later, still blogging, got a novel published, and writing a sequel to it.
So yes, to answer your question: it just sort of happened.

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Salah tuh kak matematika nya. Kan itu fungsi invers jadi -1 itu bukan dikali -1 tapi pangkat -1 atau sama kayak invers.

Are you referring to this? http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121873795976
Honey, you can "try" correcting my English,
just don't go around correcting my Math, because: 1. you will look stupid, and, 2. it insults my intelligence.

this is very random, but, I somehow think the act of kissing has a lot more meaning than just so. agree / disagree, ko Kent?

Jessica Forsythia
Hi, Je!
And you're correct. There is more to kissing than meets the lips.
1. Kissing feels good, yes. But why?
Do you know about homunculus? It is a loose visual representation of the amount of sensory cortex (it is a part of brain responsible for our senses) devoted to our body part (see attached).
Notice how gigantic the homunculus' hands are? And how his lips and tongue are much larger than ours?
This represents that our hands have the largest amount of sensory cortex while our lips and tongue have the second largest. (This explains why we men have this indescribable desire to grope breasts and people in general derive so much pleasure from eating good food).
With our lips and tongue being much more sensitive than other body parts, it makes perfect sense that kissing feels so good.
2. Kissing is a way to "test-drive" your potential mate
In a typical French kiss, saliva is often swapped.
Saliva, surprisingly, carries information of who you are and your level of health. Moreover, there is a mucous membrane in our mouth that is permeable to hormones, like testosterone. Bearing in mind these two facts, a kiss can be seen as a way to peek into your mate and see whether they are compatible with you or not.
Happy kissing! :*

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Ko, gimana cara lo menyempatkan diri untuk membaca buku? Gue kerja di sebuah startup yang masih baru, jadi most of the times gue pake buat kerja karena gue juga masih pegang freelance. Buku-buku gue nganggur, kalopun sempet baca, pikiran susah fokus karena (kadang) ada kerjaan nungguin.

Gue menganut paham ini sih: "If it's important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find excuses."
Tapi kalo mau saran yang lebih bisa dipraktekin, find a good book!
I'm currently reading Defending Jacob, it is fascinating enough that, no matter how busy I am with writing and work, I find myself crawling back to the book to read it through.
Granted, I'm reading much more slowly than usual, but at least I am still reading.
Best of luck to you!

Hi kak, have you ever wrote a poem? (dalam bahasa inggris tentu saja?

For your convenience, here is a list of the writings I've done:
1. A letter to all the girls: Dear girls:
2. The kind of girl I'll give up my single status for:
3. A poem for loved one: Dear no one
4. A letter to my crush:
5. A letter to my ex:
6. What made me insecure:
7. A spontaneous letter to my ex:
8. A letter to Sunday if it were a girl:
9. How I feel about Alaska:
10. Signs I've fallen for someone:
Oh, and if it is not enough, you can always visit my blog at http://nyankent.blogspot.com
Happy reading!

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We are made of atoms, recycled atoms which were used to made something before. What do you think your past atoms are before they're you?

definitely a cat.
no, seriously.
when i feel an itch on my neck and reach to scratch it, almost always leave a scar, no matter how gentle i scratch it.
people always thought that my self-inflicted scratches were from sexual play.
what a joke.

well no. I dont think i'm in love with the idea of you nor in love with the idea of being in love. I do love you. kinda. I think i just...do. i do want to get to know the side of yours that doesn't involve your 'fascinating brain' or 'frontal lobe' fucking cheeeesy but i still luh ya, kent. huehue

"nor in love with the idea of being in love."
I'm answering this question just to let you know how much I like that phrase.

I just received some homophobic questions and it really drives me nuts. In your opinion, why there are still a lot of homophobics out there?

Hi Dee!
I'm sure you already know the religious reasons why people oppose homosexuality: because their bibles say so.
(For example, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is the most quoted verse in Christianity regarding homosexuality. And I believe the story of Lut in Quran chapter 26 is the most quoted verse in Islam regarding homosexuality.)
So let me talk about biological/psychological reason why people oppose gays instead.
I think this behavior dates back to way earlier. And the main reason for it is that: 1. our brains are amazing at picking up patterns and realizing something is different, and, 2. humans are generally afraid of things we don't understand.
For example if one book in your shelf is facing the wrong way, I'm sure you will notice this and flip it so all your books will face the same way.
We're very good at picking up this signal, a signal that tells us "wait, something is different." And we take countermeasures to this signal because generally it is beneficial for us. For example, in stone age, realizing that a fruit is poisonous can be the difference between life and death. This useful biological trait is passed down in our evolutionary line until now.
In the 1500s, there was this activity called witch-hunt, where people hunt other people labelled as "witches" and kill them. The casualty was estimated to be around 100,000 executions.
Why did this witch-hunt happen? It's because they sincerely believed that witches existed, and, as I mentioned above, it's because humans are good at picking up something different and are afraid of things they don't understand.
Now that we know that witches do not exist, people shift their irrational fears from witches toward gays, claiming that homosexuality is not natural, oblivious to the fact that they are the ones being unnatural.

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Hi. Kalo boleh nanya, sifat / karakter yg kamu ga terlalu suka dari teman2 cewek yg pernah kamu kenal selama ini apa aja?

Ijinkan gue curhat sedikit ya mengenai ini. Gue tuh orangnya gampang banget ilfil. Pernah suatu waktu ada satu cewek yang percaya bahwa Bumi ini usianya dua ribu tahun, and I was like, "Seriously? Honey you're exactly like a cheap light bulb: extremely hot but not very bright."
Jadi ketika membaca ini, ingatlah bahwa semua ini berasal dari lolongan hati lelaki jomblo yang super picky. (Warning: jawaban ini mungkin menohok hati banyak wanita. Please scroll away if you're one of those girls who are easily offended. Reader discretion is very advised.)
1. Yang nggak bisa ngomong thank you kalo dipuji cantik
Pasti sering banget nemu beginian, khususnya di Instagram.
"Ih kamu so cantik."
"Kamu lebih prits!"
(kalo nggak distop mungkin bisa lanjut sampe Lebaran taon depan)
2. Yang narsis tapi sok-sokan nggak
(khususnya di ask.fm) Dibilangin "eh kakak cantik bangettttt nget nget"
jawabnya "Ih mana ada sih, aku jelek gini."
3. Yang bego
Please. Just. Please.
Kalo udah terlahir cakep itu tolong dong yang diperluas wawasannya, bukan kotak makeup-nya.
Percuma banget wajah jelita tapi otak segede bola mata.
4. Yang pos selfie di IG terus sok bijak cantumin quote yang nggak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan fotonya
Ada temen gue yang selfie sama makanan, dan di caption-nya ditulis,
"Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
Bikin gue kesel karena:
a. Caption-nya nggak ada nyambung-nyambungnya sama fotonya, dan
b. Did you know that the nearest star from the Moon is like 25 trillions miles away? So, by all means, sweetie, shoot for the moon. If you miss, you will die horribly in the void of space and won't have to live with your failure.

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right when i began to think this ask.fm is full of shit and full of shitty judgy Qs about religion, preference bla bla bla, then i found ur ask.fm..hahaha beautiful and smart answers and i just love the riddles that u speak.. :) oh and that english tutorial is somehow so funny, too many random Qs!

Hi, Wendy,
Thank you for your kind words! Also if your ask.fm feed is cluttered with shit and shitty judgement, you're following the wrong accounts. Ask.fm allows you to peek into people's mind. And my ask.fm feed is filled with funny and insightful stuff. Some people I'd recommend you to follow:
- @devlinputra you're missing out on askfm if you don't follow this guy
- @palakienevermore if you like science and learning in general
- @einedame why pay for sex education when you can get it for free from her?
- @panicpip pip's sense of humor is quite high though. It's either love-it-or-hate-it. And I LOVE it
- @hannatheodora for a little bit of everything.
And a lot more! I only follow interesting people sih, so my feed is (kinda) free of hatred.
Enjoy your time here!

Kent, have you read Eleanor & Park? If you have, what do you think about it? Anyway, what book have you read in the past year that you found most interesting? (I don't know if I messed up the grammar on the last sentence. Sorry if I did.)

Hi! You can read a list of my recommended novels in my bio. People please read bio before you ask :(
About Eleanor and Park, I hate it. I didn't finish reading it, though. Too cheesy for my taste.
Eleanor and Park better find a good doctor soon..
"Little hearts start popping out of their ears" doesn't sound like something I'd like to happen to my body.

Kent, if you have to choose one,what would you choose : 1. to be loved by a girl (and yet you don't love her back) 2. to love a girl (and yet she will never love you back) *both situations are absolute and there's no way you're gonna love each other. it's a one way street.

Novia Nathania
Hi, Novia!
I think I'd choose the second one, because:
1. I prefer getting hurt than hurting someone,
2. I'm much much better at liking someone than being liked, and
3. I can turn my sadness into novels = more money $____$

dear ken,which one is correct; have you clean/cleaned your room? thankyou. im doing my english project

Hi, everyone.
If you're asking me for help. Please have the common decency to /turn off your anon/.
If it's something simple like this, I'll answer it by dropping a question to your page. If it's something interesting, I'll answer it directly.
I treat my askfm like my own room and I hate to see it being cluttered by uninteresting questions like this one.
You can ask me anything, but I usually only answer English-related questions during #English hour. So yeah.
Also, it should be "cleaned" because you're using present perfect.

Ko Kent, is there a time when science is not the answer?

Steffi Teowira
Hi Steffi!
The problem with science is that we need some physical evidence before we can infer anything, really. Which is why Big Bang is just a widely accepted /theory/. We can't know for sure if Big Bang really happened; we just believe so because all the evidences support that it did.
Answering your question, one example is that: I believe science is not the answer to anything related with afterlife. Because there won't be any physical evidence regarding it.
Nothing is the answer to it sih, I believe.

Kak kent ntar suatu haru nantu yg jelas masih lama ketika lu mengandung anak, dan anakku lelaki... . . . KAK KENT MAU KAN PEGANG PERUTKU PLIS JANGAN LUPA AKU CATAT NIH KAK KENT PINTER BGT JENIUS GA FAHAM LAGI AKU ASGDJKDHAJAJHSJSJSHA

ah mb Nat sa ae.
dipuji anon itu biasa. dipuji mb Nat yang cetarnya semacam petir Zeus ini bikin hatiku cenat-cenut. <3
Eh kalo cowok doang? Kalo cewek nggak perlu? (Horor ya kalo jenis kelaminnya cewek tapi sifatnya kayak aku. hu.)

Kak, definisi dari "silver lining" itu apasih? Cheerio!

Hi, Titazara!
I assume silver lining yang kamu maksud adalah dari "Every cloud has a silver lining"?
Itu peribahasa bahasa Inggris, yang kalo diterjemahin jadi, "Semendung apa pun awan yang menutupi harimu, di belakangnya pasti ada Matahari yang menyinari."
Yang artinya, "Selalu ada hal baik di balik hal buruk," atau, "Ambil hikmahnya aja."
Lho terus silver liningnya dari mana? Kalo ada Matahari di belakang awan gelap, outline-nya awan itu jd mengkilap gitu kan kalo kita liat dari depan. Itu asal-muasalnya "silver lining."

Hi there! What's your most awkward social situation?

Meryl Amirilia
Gue sama temen gue (sebut saja Budi, bukan nama sebenarnya, red) lagi main ke rumah pacarnya Budi.
Terus nyokap si cewek itu juga kenal gue.
Pas kita lagi duduk-duduk cantik di ruang tamu sambil ngobrol-ngobrol, nyokapnya ngomong,
"Fel, sayang ya kamu pacarannya sama Budi. Mami lebih suka Kent padahal."
Kira-kira representasi muka gue kayak gini lah pas si Budi liat gue.

Well, it's actually not that difficult hehe and I think you should make more math riddle like that! It's fun :D

^ The first person who managed to answer my birthday problem correctly in the first try.
Yak kalo ada pe-er Matematika atau yang itung-itungan gitu bisa langsung ke mz Alif ya.


Language: English