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menurut kakak, cewe yg suka selfie itu gimana sih?

Biasa aja sih, asal ga berlebihan kayak tiap jam selfie gitu.
Taking a moderate amount of selfie is a good indicator of how comfortable a girl is with her appearance. Take too much and that comfort turns into insecurity.

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Jokowi tambah ganteng anon naksir gimana nih

Jokowi beristri, akoh pacar ajah ga punya.
Naksir akoh saja.

oh yah? trus gimana ceritanya elo kent, bisa suka nulis sama baca?

Kalo mau jawaban keren ya karena aku tiba2 sadar bahwa hidup ini fana dan aku butuh sesuatu yang produktif untuk mengisi hari2.
Jawab aslinya sih cuma gara2 iseng.

jgn gitu kaaakk.. mana yg lebi cantikk? Y atau R?

Yang Y diblok, ga bisa ngepoin. Tapi 22nya ga jelek kok.

opini soal pilpres?

Hai non. Yang lagi hot sekarang kan tentang Prabowo yang mengklaim kecurangan KPU dan mengundurkan diri ya.
Menurutku yang dilakukan Prabowo itu ga rasional tapi sangat manusiawi. If you had spent billions or trillions of rupiah doing something and it didn't turn out the way you wished it to be, would you just keep silent and accept it as it was?
Sure, the proper way to go is by admitting his loss or at the very least menggugat MK, bukan asal keluar pas pengumuman mau dilakukan dan bertindak tidak sportif. But still, I can't help but think that we would do the same thing if we were in Prabowo's shoes.

Php adalah?

bahasa skrip yang dapat ditanamkan atau disisipkan ke dalam HTML. PHP banyak digunakan untuk memrogram situs web dinamis.

emangnya umur 17 belum suka baca sama nulis yah kent?

Belummm. Dulu mah sukanya baca komik, nulis aja patah2 ._. Pelajaran bhs indo ga pernah dpt di atas 80

kentt, seandainya kalo elo diberi kesempatan buat balik ke umur 17, apa yang bakal lo lakuin ? #iniserius

*naikin kaca mata biar keliatan serius*
First of all I think I would still fall for the same girl. Because she is the person who has the most influence in my life. Kalo ngga ada dia, mungkin aku masih cengeng dan terlalu serius.
Selain itu, aku bakalan:
1. Belajar programming
2. Menekuni menulis lebih dalam
3. Baca buku lebih banyak
4. Tetep ambil kuliah jurusan Math, tapi mungkin belajar dikit supaya GPAnya lebih mendekati 4
5. Lebih aktif cari tempat magang and/or part-time jobs
Gitu kali ya?

Tell me your pov on this. Imagine you've found your ideal man that you want to spend with for the rest of your life, the only problem, is religion. Say for example you have a different belief with your bf, how would both of you guys deal with this? Do you guys fight for it still to your families?

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm quite picky when it comes to finding a partner. With that said.
I believe that it's very very VERY hard to find a person you would like to spend every single day with, for the rest of your life. When you actually find her (or him, in your case), you wouldn't want to let go. And you shouldn't.
I have so many other criterion that religion and age (and several other things people deem important) have somehow become not as important to me. I believe that religion is there for us to be a better person, not to be held fanatically.
Obviously, not every person thinks like that. How do your parents think? Do they not want you to be with someone of different faith? If yes, on a scale from 1-10, how much do they not want it?
If you really really like him (and he, you), I'm sure there is a way around. You can try convincing your parents. Alternatively you can convert to his faith or he to yours.
Or. If all else fails, you can elope.

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Liked by: Oshi Deviani

kan bisa tokoh utama/sampingan kocak tp critanya berkonflik(?) ehe.. ehe.. btw udah pernah baca stupid and contagious sih.. tp thankyou:)

Haha so far romantic comedy (at least that i have read) is minimal on conflict.
I don't know if I have already suggested gone girl to you. But trust me, try it. It starts out slow but after 40-50% it gets amazingly interesting.

kalo rekomendasi buku genre romantic comedy? aku baca john green dan gasuka.. metaphor2nya sih keren, tapi kurang berkonflik dan ada 2 bukunya yg berending sama (tokoh utama meninggal)

Loh romantic comedy malah lebih ga berkonflik lagi -__- coba baca caprice crane punya novel deh. Aku udah baca "just a little luck" sama "stupid and contagious." Both are well-written dan kocak sih. She is one of several novelists whom i have stolen my writing from.

iyah kak aku book enthusiasts juga tp genre aku kebanyakan romance kalau kakk genre paling suka apa? *malu kl off anon haha

Hahaha kynya genre yang paling aku suka yang bisa bikin mikir deh. Ky whodunnit, dystopia, psychological thriller gitu2. What is wrong with liking romance novels? D:

ooh memang sih ga segimana buku2nya john green yg bnyak metaphor keren tp aku seneng sih endingnya worth buat dibaca smpe akhir kok kak

Woke! Btw ini kalo cuma recommend buku boleh off anon sih. I want to talk with sesama books enthusiast juga :)
Liked by: Michelle Nadya

kak baca eleanor and park deh genre nya romance sih tapi kata aku bagus banget baru selesai baca nih

Udah baca non. Ga sampe abis sih, cheesy banget nget nget. Not my cup of tea. :(

i want to write a novel like you kak, advice please?? :) thanx!

You walk by putting one foot in front of the other, over and over and over again.
The same way you walk, you write.
While we have cars and bikes and planes, there is no shortcut in writing.
You write by putting one word in front of the other. Keep doing that, and before you know it, you will have a story to call your own.
Good luck!

kalo rekomendasi buku genre comedy ada gak?

Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams!
Udah lama sih, tapi it's considered as the father of all comedy books.

How would you picture the girl you give up your single status for? Answer in detail. :)

She has bought more books than she has shoes.
Like a good book, she is unpredictable; one minute you think you manage to figure her out, the next you fall in love all over again and can't stop reading.
She can do what she wants to do and I do what I want to do, and we would sit comfortably in silence.
She sees through my facade and loves me anyway.
Yet she doesn't like me the way I am, she pushes me to be a better man.
And likewise, I push her to be a better woman.
She would joke around and make fun in hushed voices about strangers around us.
and I would quickly follow suit.
And we would laugh and lean towards each other and sneak kisses like we're 17.
She looks cute yet tomboyish.
Looks pretty yet intelligent.
Huge curiosity and open-mindedness.
She is an outlier.
She knows how beautiful she is without needing assurance from strangers on Instagram.
And knows how attractive she is through the sparks in my eyes when she talks.
Someone who I would meet and my soul would immediately whisper:
"Oh, hello,
I've been searching for you."

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Kon kayak e smart

Iyo. Aku wes ngerti lek daya tarikku bukan ndek olahraga, jadi instead of aku maen bola opo basket opo fitness, aku moco buku. Makae minesku akeh, jadi ketok smart.

ko, sebagai pria sejati, pernah nyimpen & nonton bokep ga?

Pernah lah. Ini pertanyaan apa.
There are two kinds of guys in this world: those who have masturbated and liars.

kent, recom buku kece dongg..

Gone girl - gillian flynn (thriller, psychological)
Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children - ransom riggs (sci-fi, action)
All john green's books (romance, duh)
Hunger games and/or divergent trilogy (action, dystopia with a dash of romance)
Self help:
The power of habit - charles duhigg (kalo ga sala)
Made to stick - chip heath (kalo ga sala)
All malcolm gladwell's books
Kasi tau dong sukanya buku apa biar gampang kasi rekomendasi :>
Liked by: Feby Darmayanthi

Gapapa kasih lah buat daku ini biar bisa pamerin kalo punya temen tenar nan kece ;) HAHAHAHA

Tunggu novel kedua ae, lebih keren pasti B-)

Kak kent, si devlin lucu banget ya. Anon ngefans nih sama dia, kalau buka askfm musti liatin answer kak devlin, gambarnya lucu-lucu lagi tuh bikin gemes. Kak kent, kenalin sama kak devlin dong

Iyaaa @devlinputra emang lucu banget, aku juga ngefans sama dia.
Fun facts:
1. Aku blm pernah ketemu Devlin.
2. Devlin yang ngarang cover ketje ini!
3. Karena poin nomor satu beneran, waktu itu aku brief cover novel ke Devlin (doi di Surabaya) pake video rekam-rekaman gitu so sweet deh pokoknya.
4. Terus Devlin ngerekam video balasan, logatnya Bali banget tapi bahasanya Surabaya. Agak di luar karakter gitu.

Do you prefer love as noun or love as verb? And why?

I believe love is more appropriate as a verb. Loving is like breathing. It's not an activity you do just once and then forget about it and enjoy the fruit of your loving activity, it's an activity you have to do daily.
Like you know when you have a gf/bf you fall in love over and over again with them?
How their dimples remind you why you love then,
How their puffed cheeks make you want to pinch them,
How everytime they flip their hair you want to smell it?
That kind of falling in love over and over again.

HAHAHA masih hidup dan bernapas seadanya, bekerja demi seonggok nasi dan segudang berlian :" eh kak, autograph donk buku meter/second nya❤️

Hahaha tos dong kita senasib mengais nafkah demi sesuap nasi. Aduh lupakan itu buku, bukan sesuatu yg bisa dibanggakan ;(

do you believe love in the first sight? i just read 4 indonesian novel, a tetralogy, and all of the lead fall in love in the first sight. do you think love in the first sight exist in this world?

No, I don't believe in love at first sight.
Attraction at first sight, yes. But never love.
Love requires comprehensive understanding of one's personalities and values. And first sight really just provides you with physical qualities of the person.

What do you think about LGBT? Please elaborate.

Some people think LGBT is psychological. I, for one, believe that it runs deeper than that; I believe it's biological.
With that said, I think what really matters is that as long as two people are happy, then it's fine.
Complaining how someone's marriage is against your belief is like scolding someone for eating a steak when you're on a diet.

aduh kak itu kecoak njijiki banget. kakak ga suka hewan apa?

KECOAK. Binatang terampas yang ada di muka bumi ini.

do you believe that opposite attracts? and why?

Opposites only attract if they both have similar values. Open-mindedness and willingness to try on new things are the values to have in order for a relationship between two opposing personalities to hold.
With that said, I believe that opposites do attract to some extent. However, two people who are too similar (or worse, identical) can't be together for long.
TL;DR: There is a sweet spot of similarity that works best; too much similarity or too little similarity works negatively.

kak cita2 punya rumah yang kaya gimana?

Yang penting ada spot khusus buat ngautis (buat laptopan sama baca buku), sisanya ga peduli sih gimana.


Language: English