

Ask @nmeismyenemy

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here comes her lover/another boy who will discover/and find out what you already knew/she's got a different point of view/que ganas de hacer caca que me das guacha

Ok. Me asusta esto.

We are seeing the average rate for a Boy/Girl scene in South Florida & Los Angeles range from $700 to $1,000 for the average new girl. Exceptional looking and/or skilled models get more. We've seen $1200-$1500 in several cases for a boy/girl scene from the larger companies?

I plan to work on the investigation/research field. I dont care about money at all.

Tomá, te lo presto en forma de pedo on face, prrrrrr

No funciono parece. Hasta tus flatulencias son una perdida de tiempo

Mmmmm... decime.... que es la mediocridad para vos? Que alguien te diga que le provocás ganas de hacer la caca?

Eso es x debajo d la mediocridad creo.

You want the truth right? Good - because I'm not going to lie to you or sugarcoat it: YES - SOMEONE YOU KNOW WILL PROBABLY FIND OUT YOU DID PORN

Did I? I cannot recall

La serie Juego de Trolos es de CHEBEO, es un yefuror en Netflcs y esta ambientada en la Edad Mierda

Ah no no veo game of thrones muy aburrido.

Yeah, but your Hipster Footprint is unacceptably offensive

There is no prove that shows that being hipster has an effect on global warming and contamination, so

yo bro, she hipster, hipster blipster pipster nipster hipster and she dont do kids

I just support a more Carbon Neutral society.

You mean your parents, mine loved and still love me to death

If they loved you you wouldnt be looking for attention here.

Really, the sound of my kid's laughter and the pitter patter of little feet is like having your dick sucked while taking a shit ON HEROIN

I find parents depressing and mediocre people who needed to have a child for fun or to know how it felt like.

Yeah, because your biological clock hasn't started ticking yet. Three years from now it'll be off the rails. You're running out of time. I used to think the same thing when I was younger. Then I grew up. But I'm a male, so it doesn't really matter

K. I'll let you know in three years. And btw there's something called adoption too.

Oh, but you'll miss out on the greatest experience God gave women, to bring life to this Earth. That's what you're here for. But you're a hipster whose originality can't be questioned nor challenged. Sorry

The greatest experience of getting stretch marks, nauseas, extra weight and hormones issues. Sure.

how many kids do you plan to have? or are you a feminazi?

No kids. I'm worried about the climate change due to the excess of population

aun menor... a un menor... pis en re, pis en re, a un menor, a un menor, aun menor, a un menor. a un menor me pasé

To play Am1 is xx7555 on your guitar. Cheers

Cheche, no sabía que estaba kipin track! Qué bueno que mi cagor te importe tanto! Todo mi cagor es tuyo! ES TUYO MI CAGOR! HAGO PRRR HASTA QUE SE ME CAIGA EL PITO!! prr

I see you cant get over it.

It's been wrong something for me, Achili. All I guess I'm meaning to say is Culo

Don't you think that 2 years of making silly questions is enough? Can't you get over it?

querés que algún día nos vayamos a tomar unos Vines?

jajaja revisas mis fotos del facebook? O sea, cuando quiera aparecer al lado de la ruta descuartizada te llamo freak.

pedos? cómo? cuánto?

Pedo como referente al suelo? Se da x procesos de meteorización o antropicos a lo largo de los años.

Bárbaro, genial, después te mando las fotos de mi ano. Lo querés clin clin o un poco tordillo? Besote!

No las quiero, mi profe de granos si, te paso el mail?


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