Ask @nikessi

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¿Un manga que recomiendes? No importa el género.

Hay muy pocos mangas y series que he terminado como tal, pero hay un webtoon que siempre me va a gustar, lo puedes encontrar en Line Webtoons! Se llama "Dead Days" y es de horror y misterio y la verdad es que me encantó cuando lo leí, no dormí muy bien un par de días por seguir leyendo jajaja
En general, hay muy buenas series en ese sitio y son gratis para leer, lo recomiendo mucho! ^o^
Liked by: Aoi

Cosas Que Odies!?✋

1. Los mosquitos >:(
2. Mi falta de concentración
3. Mi capacidad para la procrastinación ;v;
4. Los mosquitossss
5. El calor excesivo
Liked by: Aoi

Adidas o nike? :)❤

Por honor a mi nombre, NIKEEEEEEE ♥ Aunque la verdad no tengo nada de ninguna de las dos marcas jaja soy una papa holgazana :')
Liked by: Aoi

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What is your favorite potato chip flavor?


If people could read your mind, what would they usually find?

Thoughts of insecurity and sudden loneliness, probably. Not trying to be super negative but they are a recurrent thing so LOL also thoughts about the beautiful fictional characters I'm in love with u///u

Rate your dancing skills from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)

4 lol I have a sense of rhythm but I'm a walking tree trunk c':

Harías un art trade o colaboración con alguien ?

Claro que sí~ Amo hacer ese tipo de cosas, sin embargo depende mucho de qué tanto tiempo tenga libre al momento ^o^;;
Liked by: Aoi

¿Que me cuentas? 6x6

Que preguntaste ésto hace casi un mes aaaa
Una disculpa haha //// Te cuento que... tengo un examen modular mañana pero antes de siquiera estudiar, voy a jugar un poquito (no hagas ésto si estás en uni porfa JAJA) de unos otomes que tengo en el teléfono~
Son buenas cosas para pasar el tiempo ^o^

Are you going to watch the movie "It"? If you've already seen it, how did you like it?

I'm actually watching it an hour from now //RIP MYSELF

I know that this is not a question easy to answer, but, where are you from? ;u; I think that you are from México but I see you talk in english more than spanish and i don't know ;w;

Hi! It's not hard to answer at all lol I am from Mexico and currently live there as well! It just so happens that 95% of the people I talk to on Twitter speaks English, that's all~ If you talk to me using Spanish I'll reply in Spanish, though! ^o^ Sorry for the confusion ;v;/

X que los unicornios tienen colores alegres & brillantes?????

Por que es lo primero que se nos viene a la mente cuando pensamos en "fantasía"(?) No lo sé haha~
Liked by: Aoi

What's your favorite oldies artist/band?

AH I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE A BIG ONE HERE BUT I can only think of Michael Bolton right now, though I just like many oldies artists /)////(\

Which celebrity never deserved to be popular?

In general, the people that got popular because of something bad they did and then took advantage of that;;;

¿Edad? ¿Color favorito? ¿Pasatiempo favorito?

19; los tonos bonitos de azul verde (en general los colores pastel); cantar. ♡

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Not at all, heh, it's all infatuation, physical attraction or people having an idealized image of others from just their looks.

Hola Nike! ;w; Aceptarías hacer un dueto con alguien algún día? ;w; me encanta como cantas <3

Hola ^o^ Casi siempre estoy abierta a colaborar con otras personas~ Depende de lo ocupada que esté y qué tan de confianza sea la persona en cuestión. Muchísimas graicas <3

What movie or TV show have you not seen that virtually everyone else has seen?

Game of Thrones (I do want to watch it tho aaa), 13 Reasons Why, Naruto and every single looong series and anime ever because I'm lazy like that akjdfhkj

Are you a fashionist/-a?

As much as I'd like to say yes... No, I am in no way a fashionista, just your average girl I guess? I can't be buying new clothes all the time either so I just wear things that I like even if they might not be as trendy anymore ^o^

Happy Valentine's Day! How are you going to spend it?

I watched movies with my mom and sister after eating homemade sushi and now I'm procrastinating on studying for a quiz tomorrow ;v;/

How often do you change your hairstyle?

Not very often tbh I had had the same kind of hairstyle for like 3 years because I was growing my hair out and got a haircut last weekend~ It's very different than what I'd ever had before but I've gotten very positive comments about it so ////

Please tell me that you do not use tuning programs! ;////; Amo como cantar <3 <3 <3

Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words T//O//T And well, I have good and bad news for you in that case /)////(\
I do use tuning programs, like Melodyne and Antares AutoTune EVO, however, I don't do any heavy tuning at all. I try to sing as on-pitch as possible when I record because I get lazy and tuning certainly isn't the most fun thing to do because it takes time. I just tune out the small mistakes I made that I didn't feel like re-recording and for centering the notes.
Please don't see tuning as something bad; as long as it's not overdone it's not made for singers to "cheat". It helps make the vocals blend well together and also give it a polished sound. Proper tuning doesn't mean a singer is bad, so please keep that in mind as well <3 Thank you for liking my singing, it really means a lot////

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Have you ever written a poem? If yes, what was it about?

dude i once wrote a super cool poem about my country for history class it really was so good (it wasn't but hey one can drea--)

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

Movie actor for sure!! At least there I'd have a chance to re-do in case I messed up on anything //sweats I'm just no good at acting though so lol
Liked by: NaoKi

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Listen to music on the background, lie down on my bed and sometimes stand by my window to appreciate the rain (this happens mostly when there's a thunderstorm outside hehe I like to look at the lightning u/////u). I'm mostly happy when it's raining! I feel like it cleanses my soul tbh

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

I don't know if this counts, but recently (this last semester) I made friends with this one guy who one day just completely started ignoring me and my sister alike and !!!! I still don't know why;;; He just once told her "You know why" even though neither of us has any idea //cries
(To be continued)

Would you rather go to a music festival, have fun and sleep in a tent, or stay home, watch TV series and have some tasty snacks?

Normally, stay home with the snacks and TV but it really depends on who I'm with. I think going to a music festival would be like a dream if I were to go with my friends ^o^

Hi sorry this isn't a question but I stumbled across your sound cloud and your voice is to beautiful for me not to let you know that I probably spent a hour just laying on my bed listening to your covers. I hope you keep uploading stuff ^_^

Ahh!! Thank you so so much, it means a lot;;; It really makes me happy when people enjoy what I spend so much time in, it makes it feel way more worth it! Thank you so much, this comment made my day ;v;/ I will surely keep on working on more stuff! Thank you again <3
Liked by: tRex

Do you have any cool nicknames?

In the commu, Niia (thanks to Sohly!) as a mixture of Nike and Daia, the alias I had for a short period of time before ^o^;;

Which male celebrity do you wish was your brother?

Someone big and masculine like, the Hemsworth brothers !?!!?!? u//o//u Someone with a nice onii-san image if you ask me lol
Liked by: beck

What makes you feel really uncomfortable?

1. When people swear a lot around me.
2. When I'm in the middle of a fight that's not even related to me.
3. When construction workers freaking call out to me even if I'm inside the car ???? uGH

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

SINGING !!!!!! Or watching League videos on Youtube or just scrolling down my Twitter timeline T//O//T

Who is the last person you bought a gift for?

An irl friend whose birthday was... like... three weeks ago? I can't remember skjdfhkjh

Do you think puppies or kittens are cuter?

KITTENS !!!!!!!!! I'M A CAT PERSON ALL THE WAY but puppies are adorable too augh///


Language: English