

Ask @naimiamiesya

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If you could take one thing to prison what would you bring in with you?

My family picture 😫😖

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Perasaan bile beberapa minggu je lagi nak naik tingkatan?

(>y<)- tak sabar
(●´∀`●) - ohh haaa..
(≧∇≦)/ - hiyarghhhh
O(≧∇≦)O - omnomnom
╥﹏╥ - DAH TUA
ಠ_ಠ - SPM !

Pap one of your fav song in your music library

Sorry, I've changed my mind *again*. Here, mah new fav song. Baru jeh download tadi. Kihkihkih. o(〃^▽^〃)o
Chris Brown // Fine by me

Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Nope . But I'm always push all button before walk out from elevator . Yeahhh ~~

What kind of hairstyle of man do you like

HahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahHHHahHahahah . nth la nak

Ideal weight, height and skin colour of your ideal type lover?

eyes . body language . voice . how he speak with the other . its kinda difficult to explain .ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

What was your favorite toy as a child?

Should I say barbie doll . Hahahahahaahhaah . Such a girly . I know O(≧∇≦)O

Cuti ni rancang nk buat ape

rancang nak buat cerita kat wattpad (≧∇≦)/ tapi idea sangkut . Takmo keluaq . Haiyahhh (╥_╥)

One fashion thing yang kau suke. Cth, jam, tudung, boot, shoes, sneakers, tee , hat etc

⊙︿⊙ aq x brp minat fashion thing uhh . Erghh .. maybe jam , kasut ?

Girls have different hobbies . If others love make up, cooking, reading, gym-ing , so whats yours?

I like something related to music . Like singing and dancing . Yehaa . Also drawing duhh . Oh oh oh , I like to bullying my brother too . Yup , that's my hobby . ψ(`∇´)ψ

Dalam kelas kau, state-kan pelajar yg pandai dalam setiap subjek yang korang belajar. CONTOhnye bm sape yg pandai, bi spe yg handal etc

... x tau ~! ramai yg pandai dlm setiap satu subjek ...

apew best nye hisap vape nie

ntah . orang kata sedap . apa benda yang sedap pun tak tau la . lagi menjejaskan kesihatan ada la . ╮(─▽─)╭
Liked by: Hazrin Razak

Language: English