

Ask @naimiamiesya

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aku somebody yg suka kat kau .. so kau suka aku tk ?

maaf .. kami tidak melayan soalan yg mcm kau ni lagi2 org yg tidak ku kenali ?

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What’s your favorite breakfast food?

nasi lemak, mihun goreng and kebab ^^ semua masakan ibu saya la..yummyy ;3

Which song best represents your life so far?

so far the best song represent in my life is twinkle little star ;3

How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio station?

every day .. my favorite radio station is era.fm and hot.fm !

What scares you more than anything else?

err ..what scare me more than anything else ? the answer is you ..hahahax :p

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

Cause they want to enjoy first before they die ?

What do men talk about when there are no women around?

Err .. i dont know 'cause im girl not men.. -.-
Liked by: Zie

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

The latest thing that make me smile?? hmm..when i saw my crush .. keh keh
Liked by: Zie

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I dont know .. hehehe

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

i prefer to be in front of it because i dont know hehe

What is your favorite clothing store?

err...I have to answer this question? I was not interest in this range of shopping..so sorry *_*

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

If I have to choose one of them I would choose leopard because it is so cute! but it was only just a dream .. hehe

What is one awesome food from your country you think everyone should try?

I think everyone should try 'nasi lemak' .. owh it's very delicious nyam nyam


Language: English