
Michael Davis (mmd123 AKA FL)

Ask @mmd123_mapmd1234_FloraLegacy

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What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"man I don't want to go back to work today" sad but true ecru Monday. do not like my job sad to say

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

this is easy! it would be one of the three: friend day, dungeons and dragons day, or anime day! they're all self explanatory

If given the choice would you rather meet an idol of yours or go to a convention where all of your online friends were?

ooh dang...a tough one for once...
That's hard to say to be completely honest, on one hand, were I to meet an idol of mine, that would be amazing given that my only idol is dead... RIP Steve, you are dearly missed...on the other hand, I KNOW I already enjoy my conventions, so as much as I would adore to meet Steve, I'd have to choose the con with all my friends. the only REAL question here is would me and my online friends all have a meet and greet? That is the real question in this :3

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What would your DJ name be?

either the one I "currently" use, dj mmd123, or id it wasn't taken already, DJ High Voltage, given that that's my fursona's name ^^

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

If I could choose any non-standard skin color, I'd either have to choose rave green, or cyan, as those two colors are the two more awesome colors of my fursona High Voltage...and I have to say, they look rather freaking awesome on him, and therefor I think that they would look rather awesome on me as well. after all, my fursona High Voltage is based upon what I wish MY personality, looks, and abilities COULD be if life had no limits to the things that were possible... hell, I based him off of what I wish I was and could be...after all, if you make a character personality, why not make one of what you wish you could be if you were not bound by lifes limitations.

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

ROFLMAO... THIS question of all things.... x3, yea, yea I'll be the first to admit, I was one of those kids that sometimes slept in school...hell, I had an entire class that I would legit sleep through EVERY SINGLE DAY...and yet, I was one of the top 5 students in the class. as they say, just because we are asleep, DOES NOT MEAN that we are unaware of whats going on around us...hell, I legit slept every single day of that biology class, yet my grade was an a+ for the entire year, and it was to the point that the teacher actually let me sleep every day because he knew I was one of his top students...after all, just because we are unconscious, does not mean that our hearing and other senses stop working, because they do not. you actively hear even in your sleep. the real question is whether or not you remember what happened while you were asleep... I happen to be one of the kinds of people that soaks up sounds around me while I'm asleep...hence why I have to have music at night or else I sleep like crap :p

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What is the most interesting thing about your family?

Probably the most interesting thing about my family, is that we all arguably have a bit of anger to a bit of rage problems...legit all 3 of us...hell, even my step sister, back when she was still living with us, also had a bit of anger problems...
we get into fights quite frequently, but somehow, for the most part, it works...how the hell that works I cannot understand, but somehow we don't kill each other even though we are almost always at each others throats... I do not understand how, but it just kinda works...sure, were mad at each other a lot more frequently than most families probably are, but at the same time, it works, ya know?
we all love each other a hell of a lot, but at the same time, its just our family dynamic I guess.

How many books have you read in your life?

heh...the sad truth about this is the following: unless its something that REALLY strikes my fancy, or its about computers/technology, then I straight up will most likely not read it...I am not a big fan of reading as much as the average person is, however that is NOT to say that I refuse to read. there are a few good book series that I have read, and once started reading, legit cannot put them down... most notably are the hunger games series of books, and a couple others...but for the most part, I do not like to read as much as the average person does.
so to answer this, I'd say in my entire nearly 24 years of life thus far (not including magazines and online articles, JUST books) I have read less than 50 books in total. its rather sad actually. I just do not get into reading as many books as the average person does.
one part of the problem is that I do not read very quickly, and the other is lacking free time that I'm willing to dedicate to reading a book.

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What's your favorite thing to do in the spring?

My favorite thing to do in the spring, is to get the boat out to go fishing again.

Would you follow the white rabbit?

You act like its a SPECIAL white rabbit by use the phrase "THE white rabbit" and given that I do not know who or what THE white rabbit is, I cannot say either way whether or not I would follow said rabbit. therefor, INCONCLUSIVE is my answer :p

What hobby do you wish you could pick up?

thats a tough one, on one hand I wish I collected antiques, because some of them puppies end up being insanely valueable over time, however part of me wishes that I still collected computer parts, as you never know what oddball items you collect might end up becoming useful in a certain computer. I'm talking collecting things such as random pc components and fans, that type of thing.

What's your favorite board game?

That is an EASY question, BY FAR my favorite board game, of sorts, is dungeons and dragons. that's not even a contest. lol....freaking adore that game, it uses your imagination like no other, whats more, almost ANYTHING is possible in that game depending on the group that you play it with. freaking fantastic, and look forward to every Sunday that we hold our groups dnd sessions. that is the highlight of my week every week, the only down side is that after I get home from it my mood plummets because I realize that its only a mater of hours till I go to bed for work on Monday.

Which day of the week do you hate the most?

mondays, because it signals the weekend being over and having to go back to work once more ;n; weekends never last long enough.

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

I personally prefer to act spontaniously, because in doing so, you know my reactions are always going to be genuine, that and with my atrocious memory, I wouldn't be able to follow through with things even if I did choose to plan things out...lol...so with me, you know my reactions and actions are always genuine, as I tend to never plan things out unless there is a dang good reason for me to do so, like in the case of an anime convention. lol

If you could meet anyone who would it be and why?

thats a tough one, for one, I would LOVE to meet Steve Irwin, as he was my childhood idol and he is no longer with us. on the other hand, I would LOVE to meet all of my online friends in person some day. so thats tough, as I do not know which of the two I would like to meet more.

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

the first app that I use in the morning, is typically gmail, to read up on the emails that I got while I was asleep, given that I have my phone set up block all notifications while I'm asleep.

What is the perfect number of hours to sleep?

ya know, I still have not figured this one out for myself...some days I sleep 8 hours and still feel exhausted the next day, and others I get around 3 to 4 hours of sleep, and I'm perfectly fine the next day. so to be honest, I think my body just loves to mess with me and throw me off...lol...so, anywhere between 3 and 8 for me I guess....lol...who the heck knows :p

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

The most important thing that I have learned in life, is to be open minded and accepting of others. not everyone is the same as their fellow other. some people have disabilities, some have physical handicaps, and some are just odd, but if we are too quick to judge our fellow man, we may lose out on a valuable friend were we to take the time to get to know them. another thing as well is, if you are judgmental of others, then how can you ask another to not be judgmental of you in return? if you are open minded, and accepting, you will make more friends than you could possibly imagine, especially if your a curious individual such as myself. I cannot tell you the number of friends and good acquaintances I have made just because I keep an open mind and am genuinely curious about the things around me.
to sum up, try to keep an open mind and be accepting of others, you will make more friends that way than you will if you are judgmental and close minded.

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What was it about furries that made you want to be one?

it's not so much what it was about them that made me want to be one so much as it was I was one before I even knew what they were or that there were others like me. all I knew was that I thought having animal ears and a tail would be awesome. I was one of the kids that grew up watching Disney films and 90s cartoons like bugs bunny and daffy duck. if you were a 90s kid, you were more likely to grow up being a furry in my opinion due to all the furries in the media we grew up watching and being introduced to thanks to Walt Disney.
think about it.
lady and the tramp
beauty and the beast
bugs bunny
Lola/space jam
fox and the hound
the rescuers down under
the aristocrats (not anthroco but still humanized)
fival and fival goes west
the list goes on and on but I'll end here.
end Game is this, I didn't want to be a furry, I was one already before I even knew it was a thing or that it existed as a fandom.

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If you could learn one fictional language what would it be and why?

this too is a good but tough one...I want to say dwarven, but I also want to say draconic. so, I'm going to have to say its a tie for those two, because I loved gimli from lotr, but at the same time, I think it'd be really cool to start talking draconic to someone and freak them the hell out...lol

If you could date anyone, who would it be?

that's a tough one....I honestly do not know, I'd like to be able to find someone that I get along with, that when a fight happens we end up working things out, someone that I love the personality of, and that cares about me, and vice versa. it would need to be someone that loves me for me, flaws/quirks and all, and that will be there through thick and thin, good and bad times, and that can understand that there will be issues that are out of my control, but still sticks with me even through those times. I tend to think of myself as open minded, but my parents are not nearly so, so they would need to be able to handle my folks, especially if they are a furry (as my parents hate furries and the fandom) and above all else, they would need to understand that things will come up, and that time is a precious, limited resource for me.
all in all, it seems like I need nothing short of a small miracle to find someone that can tolerate me and my life/issues. heh. I'm not holding my breath. but at the same time, if they can do all of that, then they will find that I am a very compassionate and loving individual if given a chance.

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If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

if I had 24 hours to do anything that I wanted, and money was NOT a concern, then I would order every part for my dream computer/server dual system, I would put at least 1 million dollars or more into a savings account at both my local bank, and my secondary bank, and I would buy/contract out all of the cost for my dream home that is completely self sustaining to be built, IE spend the money for it to be built all at once so that I do not have to worry about costs later.
yea, I think I found a couple loop holes for this question XD. then again, I have huge goals and hopes for my life, that thus far, no amount of money that I could possibly earn, seem to be enough to even make a dent in getting my dreams started towards reality. *sighs* the troubles of being someone with lofty life goals and dreams....they are always much too expensive for one such as myself to afford. meh. not going to stop me from trying though :p

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What is your favorite band?

Much as I hate to say this...this is a nearly impossible question for me to answer, for one, it depends on what genre we are talking about, and for two, I am so big into music, that I cannot legit give JUST ONE favorite band. so, I will answer the only way I know possible: For metal/hardcore rock, it would be disturbed, papa roach, korn, and avenged seven fold. for hardstyle/hardcore: tiesto, Headhunterz, the prophet, audiophreq, technoboy, and many, many, MANY others....as I'm much more into hardstyle/hardcore now than I was rock, even when I was much more into rock back in my teen years. I still have a taste for the latter styles I used to be into, but I much prefer the harder styles now. however, I do still enjoy the genres that I was into at any given point in my life.

Do you like to dance?

I LOVE to dance, assuming I'm dancing to my favorite kind of music, which is hardstyle and hardcore (not to be mistaken for hardcore rock). the only problem is, I CAN'T DANCE...I legit look like I'm having a seizure, however that does not stop me nor does it deter me. I LOVE MUSIC AND THEREFOR DANCE AS AN EXTENSION OF MUSIC.

Language: English