
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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Have you had (not cyber-) sex with any of your twitter followers?

;) ...see previous answer regarding lack of a sex life.

[Potential TW] Have you ever been doxxed TERFs/MRAs/Other Hate Group? If so, how did you find out?


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I’ve very recently started coming out to friends as a trans woman, but won’t be able to start transitioning for a couple of years. I know I want to write essays and criticism (though I’ll need a day job). Is it advisable to try to write/blog for now under the name I want to use after transitioning?

It's really up to you. Just know that if you end up writing things under your own name (the name you will eventually go by), what you write will more easily stick to you, and could out you to others as time goes on. Me? I've always just written under my own name.

Do you think answering questions about your sex life is: a) boring b) too personal c) stimulating d) something else (please explain)

What sex life?

Not a question. Just gratitude for putting yourself out there and standing against ignorance. I'm a cis dude who just wants to be a better person and your voice in the wilds of the internet makes me believe that one day, things are gonna be okay for people to just be themselves without judgement. :)

Thank you.

What's your favourite thing in your makeup bag?

Oh, I don't know. I don't really wear much makeup. I've got a really cool Yves Saint Laurent mascara. So yeah, that.
Liked by: Blake Croissant

What kinds of things do you look for in a romantic partner, and what things can you not abide under any circumstances?

Pros: Loves me for who I am, enjoys going out AND staying in, creative (writer, photographer, artist, etc.), smart, funny, and just... that unexplainable connection that just makes relationships feel right.
Cons: sees me as a man, is ashamed of who I am
Liked by: Blake Croissant

Ralph wants to re-do his bathroom in Pink. He asks his friend Frank over to help. If the bathroom is 8 feet by 6 feet by 12 feet, how long will it take Frank to consider the possibility that Ralph might want to confess something personal to him soon?

Um, no idea. Nothing wrong with a pink bathroom, though.
Liked by: Dean Alexander Adina

How would you advise the media to cover people who transition publicly, like Chelsea Manning, in a respectful way? How should readers, who may not know about transition, be given background information? Thanks in advance!

I think it's important to mention both names in the first piece (after all, it's impossible to establish who you're talking about unless you mention the person's former name - however! This only applies to people who are already public figures pre-transition. In Manning's case, I think it would have been reasonable to say, "Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning..."), but from then on, only reference Chelsea. I think it's important not to stay too focused on the physical aspect of transition, and I can't really see a reason to go into the medical details unless absolutely necessary. I mean, in Manning's case, the question about surgery, something she didn't mention in her statement, kept coming up. That shouldn't have. Most importantly, if the person in question releases a statement (as Manning did, where she specified which name and which pronouns she'd like to go by), use the information in that statement to guide future reporting. Anything else, feel free to ask.

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A friend is visiting you for the weekend, and you want to show them a good time. What do you plan to do? (There is the assumption of absolutely no sexual attraction in this question.)

I'm not sure I'm the right person for this question. I'm pretty low-key. Um... Well, let's see, I suppose it depends on what sort of stuff they want to see when they're in town. Maybe see a Neo-Futurists show? That's always fun. Or maybe just sit around drinking whiskey. The world is our oyster!

Why don't you think drag queens should be able to use the word tranny? Isn't it just a short version of transvestite?

I take it this is in reference to my editorial at The Advocate today ( http://www.advocate.com/commentary/2014/02/20/op-ed-its-time-stop-t-word )? Looking at it now, it seems that I didn't directly address that point (it was in my first draft, but for the sake of everyone's attention span, I made some cuts). Okay, well... First, I want to say that yes, I know some drag queens are trans (just as some lawyers, doctors, firefighters, etc. are trans...). Now, here's the thing: I get that there are such things as homonyms. I get that saying "tranny" in the context of a trans person and "tranny" when talking about a car transmission are two words, identical in sound, greatly different in meaning. By all means, keep referring to your transmission like that if you'd like, that's fine by me. The issue stems from using "tranny" in the context of a slur against trans people vs. "tranny" in terms of whatever drag queens use it for. Those are not only homonyms, but they're near identical in meaning, too. When someone shouts, "hey you fucking tranny!" at me on the street, they're saying, "hey person who was assigned male at birth but appears feminine to me at the moment!" Now, when drag queens use it, they're referring to a person who was assigned male at birth but appears feminine at the moment. Basically, the same thing. Also! Even if you go the, "but what about it being short for transvestite?" route, it should be noted that even that term is no longer acceptable to use (see: GLAAD's website), so that point is moot.
Basically, there's no real need to use a word that inflicts harm on others. Seriously, why is it so important to use? Of course you're welcome to use it, and I'm welcome to say you're an asshole for that. So don't, okay?

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Where did you go to school? Did you major in journalism?

Columbia College Chicago, and no, I didn't major in journalism. I majored in Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management: Music Business Talent Management... The mere existence of such a major boggles the mind. Yay, super expensive, shitty artsy school...

What's your favorite site to write for?

Whichever one is paying me? Ha. Um, I don't really have a favorite, per say. They each have their advantages (which is why I write for them in the first place). For instance, Death+Taxes is great because they let me swear in my writing. The Advocate is great because they're an awesome, respected, high-traffic site. Rolling Stone is great because it's Rolling fucking Stone. Etc.

What's one place you've always wanted to write for but haven't?

The New York Times op-ed page. It's like my white whale. I'll keep pitching until I make it happen, but so far nothing has worked out between us.
Liked by: Blake Croissant

Is there anything a random Twitter follower can do to make you smile? I mean... If you're so inclined. No pressure to be inauthentic.

Hrmmm... I love when people send me music recommendations. It's always cool to learn about new (or old) music that I might have missed out on.

How do you personally deal with gender dysphoria?

In all seriousness, I'm not really an expert on handling dysphoria in a healthy way. I have a tendency of letting it manifest itself as a number of emotions that aren't necessarily the most pleasant things in the world. Anger, self-loathing, sadness. It fucking sucks. Once I acknowledge that it's there, that it's taking over my thought process, I can usually find control and manage it just by talking or writing or taking on any sort of activity.

I've tried e-mailing you about a story idea but got no response; do you respond to e-mail?

Ack! I'm sorry. I do my best to respond to emails, but I get between 10 and 15 a day (there's some really funny hate mail in there). Send your email again, please! I'll write back!


Language: English