
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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How did you get your start writing?

I've always enjoyed writing. I've always been one to keep personal journals. As far as getting published by different outlets? Well, I suppose that started when I was in college: I interned at Pitchfork (they of indie music snobbery) as an editorial intern for 6 months. That's where I first started getting the hang of formatting and following style guides. Then, as I grappled with my depression and dysphoria, I sort of stopped writing for a long while. Last year, after reading a lot of truly awful articles about trans topics, I decided to give it a shot myself. From there, it was a lot of emails and phone calls, trying to convince places to publish my work.
Liked by: Blake Croissant

Caught a convo I'd like to ask you about. The 2 were talking about how they didn't like wearing dresses all that much. It sparked something in me. Why is it that (at least my) 'transness' is questioned if I'm not in a dress/skirt? Is it the 'bathroom rapist' lie? 'You wanted 2b a woman, prove it?'

I understand. Honestly, I don't really do the whole "girly-girl, dresses and all pink" thing myself. For a while, I felt like maybe I should want that, but then I realized that it was societal pressures to act and dress a certain way, not how I actually wanted to dress. I eventually just sort of said screw it, decided that I'm most comfortable in scuffed up boots, jeans, and simple tops.
I do understand the pressure to try to fit in or to "prove" your transness or whatever. That stuff sucks, and that's kind of what I'm trying to dismantle through my writing.

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what was the last thing you read?

in terms of books? I just finished reading Excluded by Julia Serano. I enjoyed it.

what is your book about?

It's about me, my experiences, my outlook on gender. Basically, it'll either be really good or it'll be the absolute worst thing in the history of the written word. No middle ground! ;)

Do you have any big writing projects coming up?

Not particularly. I'm working on revisions to my book right now, so I haven't been pitching article ideas to editors as much as I would do otherwise. Once I wrap up things with the book, I'll get back to that.

Do you have a favorite piece of writing you've done?

Probably the essay that got published at Bustle. It was a good chance to talk about some personal stuff while also addressing some issues that impact people like me as a whole.
Liked by: Blake Croissant

How do you figure out what you're going to write for different sites?

Generally, I'll just send a quick email with 2 or 3 pieces I'm working on to the site I'd like to be published on. If they're interested in anything I pitch, they'll get back to me. From there, we'll work out details like word count, deadline, etc.

Love your work! Love your look! Keep doing what you're doing!!! Oh...right I was supposed to ask a question! :) obviously I'm a fan with a big crush!

Oh! Well thanks!

What's going on with your book? When's it coming out?

I'm working on edits of my first draft. I'm not sure when exactly it'll be out, but my guess is sometime early next year.

Youre one of my favorite writers. What sites you haven't yet written for that you'd like to?

Wow. Thank you! That's a pretty huge compliment (and, well, probably undeserved). What sites would I like to write for? There are a ton of them. NY Times, Rolling Stone, Chicago Reader, Slate... just to list a few (obviously, I'd love to also have something in print editions)

I think I'm trans but don't know for sure. How did you know?

It's okay to not know for sure. Everyone has doubts, and no, there's no way I can tell you one way or the other whether you should transition or not. I guess I finally came to some certainty a couple weeks after I started hormones. Until then, I wasn't certain.

Your last six answers are to questions by the same person. What do you think the questions say about the person asking them?

I have nooooooo idea.

Can you explain the off-side rule?

Like, in soccer? Easy: unless you're on your own half of the field, when on offense you have to be either a.) behind the ball or b.) behind the last defender.

Shouldn't "home fries" be chunky chips rather than potato chunks fried with onion etc?

If it was up to be, "home fries" would be shaped like houses.

If I have £1BN to invest in energy I can make a relatively certain £10BN through fracking for shale gas or a much riskier £1000BN if I can patent sustainable cold fusion. We are fracked! Is it time governments stopped looking to the private sector for answers?

Sounds like you've got that figured out. If governments want the private sector to pursue renewable energy solutions, they need to incentivize that vs. the current set up of providing tax breaks for groups pursuing fossil fuel projects.
Liked by: Alicia Artemissian

To what extent can someone who is not trans understand what it feels like to be trans?

That's tricky, because, well, I don't know what it's like to NOT be trans. I suppose it's like asking yourself how well you could understand what it's like to be dyslexic, hearing/vision impaired, someone who deals with mental illness (etc.).

Once upon a time we were having some carpet replaced but the fitters turned up with the wrong one. We covered the underlay with newspaper to protect it until they returned with the right carpet. The dog remembered her puppy training and peed on the newspaper. What's the funniest thing your dog does?

My dog doesn't make "dog noises," instead, he sort of... He somewhat a sounds like a cow: "moo"

If I end up looking like Danny DeVito in drag the downside of transitioning (in terms of lack of acceptance by society) might end up being worse than not transitioning at all. Dodgy analogy but side-effects worse than the original symptoms? What do you think? Could therapy and happy pills be ok?

I know this is a common issue a lot of trans people face. "What if I don't pass? won't that be worse than how I am now?" I asked myself that every day as I began to seriously contemplate this step. Might your life be harder as a result (from the standpoint of society)? Sure. Does that mean it's not worth it? I don't think so. I think as long as you find peace with who you are, you've succeeded.
Overall, the concept of "passing" is troublesome. Women come in all shapes and sizes. There are cis women with facial hair. There are tall women, women with broad shoulders, women with small breasts, large hands, prominent Adam's Apples.
Only you can decide if this is something you want to (or need to) do. I can't tell you if you should or shouldn't transition. I can't tell you how you might look after some time on hormones. I can't tell you how much abuse you may or may not receive as a result. That's all something you need to find within yourself.

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Which advances in trans medical treatment do you think we might see in the future? Next ten years maybe? I'm wondering if stem cells might be used to grow hair.

That would be cool, right? Honestly, I'm pretty terrible at guessing these sorts of things. Remember how we thought we'd all be driving flying cars by now?
No clue on timing, but things I'd love to see: ability to regrow hair, maybe the ability to have a uterus implanted, general improvements to HRT (safer, fewer risks, etc.)

What does hormone therapy consist of?

hormone replacement therapy varies, depending on goals. Example: a trans man on HRT would likely be trying to increase the amount of testosterone in his body, while trans women typically use HRT to increase their body's estrogen levels while decreasing their testosterone output. Dosages and methods vary by persons. For me, I inject myself with an estrogen weekly, and I take anti androgens to lower my testosterone twice daily.


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