
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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How do you decide which topics are worth writing about? Does the potential for placement / publishing outside of your own blog influence that in any way?

Sometimes there will be a story in the news that I want to write about. Sometimes there will be an article that I want to respond to. Sometimes there are just things I'm interested in. I do try to have an idea of where I want to pitch it before I write. If there aren't any sites they seem like a good fit, that's when I'll usually just throw whatever I'm working on up on my blog.

We all struggle with self-esteem. I do, very much so, as a straight woman. Do you think your transition is the reason why? By the way, stop engaging hateful jackasses. ;)

adding estrogen to the mix is bound to make anyone a little more emotional. I think it's just that I'm trying to help, and for the first time I'm truly seeing how crappy the world can be to people.

Oh, and please, would you kindly explaine "CIS"?

easy: it's just the opposite of trans. It means you identify with the gender assigned to you at birth.
Liked by: kat haché

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Have you noticed any new eating habits on hormones? I know when I started on delestrogen, I noticed I ordered a lot more delivery food and always had craving for ridiculous things like grilled cheese, crab rangoon and ranch dressing. Any changes in what foods you like in general?

I notice that I tend to have more specific cravings for things. Pickles and olives, sweeter food as well. One thing I did notice is that both the desire to drink alcohol and my tolerance for it has decreased significantly.

I've really enjoyed your video blogs and see that you've become more comfortable with your hair and makeup. Pretty please another tutorial!

Thanks, will do.

What question do you wish people would ask?

Anything they think I'd be qualified to answer. Really, anything as long as it's not just something mean.

How often do you feel discriminated against? Do you think sometimes it's all in your head? Chicago is a progressive place. It seems like it happens to you more than others, in places far less welcoming. Perhaps an extension of your narcissism?

How often do I feel genuinely discriminated against? Not really all that often. Yes, it's easy to start to read every slight against you as being related to being trans, so it's important to really take time to take in a given situation to see if there's another root cause to it. I don't mean to give off the impression that I believe I'm massively discriminated against at an individual level.
I get that you're trying to call me out as a narcissist or an "attention whore," but I really don't believe I am those things. Overall, I'm shy, anxiety-ridden, and really still struggle with self-esteem. Those aren't really the signs of a narcissist. Again, though, I'll ask that if there's something I've done to upset you, to please just let me know and let's talk it out. It's hard to address whatever you're getting at when your questions are being anonymously sent.

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Now that you're a girl, do you finally get The Notebook?

Ha. Aw... well, I mean, I've always been a girl, but I spent the first 26 years of my life trying to be a guy. The Notebook, though? Hmm... *shrug*
Liked by: Alicia Artemissian

What about attending and participating in Trans support groups? have you attempted to participate or have you any feelings on the matter? Keep your chin up sis!

I used to go to a group here in Chicago made up of other people on the trans-feminine side of things. I met some wonderful friends there, overall. It's good to have that feeling of not being alone.

What's the most fun thing you've 'discovered' about being a girl?

Less about "being a girl," and more about just "being me," I'd say the best thing I've discovered is that life doesn't necessarily have to be so sad all the time. Trying to pretend to be someone you're not is tiring, and it's good to not have to do that anymore.

What sort of challenges would you and your girlfriend face if you choose to get married?

Honestly, I'm not sure. It could be quick & easy. It could be a pain.

You obviously answer mean questions because you're an attention whore and any interest feeds your ego. Narcissist!

Did I do something to you? I really try to be a nice person, and I know that in the past I've been a jerk online from time to time, but I'm really working on being better about that. If I ever did anything to personally upset you, I feel awful and if you send me a way of contacting you, I'd be happy to talk through it.

Have you ever had a one night stand?

Back in dude-mode, like... 8 or 9 years ago, now... while I didn't ever have a "one night stand," there definitely were "end up really drunk and make out with someone" instances.

In your mind, is stress a legitimate topic of discussion? Is there a line?

If the person having that discussion is comfortable with it, sure. The line is wherever someone says they become uncomfortable.

Do you find that you are more/less narcissistic than before your transition?

Well, when you start at "I have no self esteem, I hate myself, so so so much," pretty much any improvement in self-image would be an increase in narcissism, right?

Do you think you will work in marketing forever?

Maybe? I don't know. I really enjoy data analysis. I may branch out a bit, using those skills outside of marketing.

How do you feel about the phrase "die cis scum"?

It's an unfortunate phrase that over-generalizes what is a very real institutional issue surrounding cisnormativity. You won't hear me say "die cis scum" anytime soon.
Liked by: Alicia Artemissian

When you date, do you feel the need to tell people up front that your are trans?

This isn't a situation I've come across. I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 and a half years. She and I started dating long before I transitioned.


Language: English