
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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Have you lost any friends since you began transitioning?

No, I can't say that I have. I didn't really have many friends pre-transition. And even then, I became a bit of recluse for a year or so prior. Anyone I came out to seemed fine with me. *shrugs*

Your girlfriend is a runner. Why don't you run with her and lose some of the chub you've gained on the hormones and what not? It'll really help give you that curvy look people are into.

Well, yeah, I probably should start running again. I ran a half-marathon last year, spraining my ankle in the process. After that, I never really started back up. Part of what's kept me from going for a run was being read as someone who is obviously trans. It's a tough balance as most work-out clothing tends to be either tight or revealing, and as I was in the very early stages of transition, I didn't feel comfortable in either guy or girl exercise gear.
But yes, I've gained approximately 12 pounds since starting HRT. Some of it has gone to awesome places ("Hello, boobs!"), some of it just sort of sits in my gut. I'd like to tone up a bit.

As a transwoman, do you find yourself more sexually attracted to trans* people?

As opposed to cis people? No, not particularly. I am attracted to women, whether they're cis or trans. I am not attracted to men, wither their cis or trans.
Overall, I think that most attraction is based on secondary sexual characteristics, not primary. I never look at a woman and go, "I am attracted to her because I can somehow tell that she's got an awesome vagina!" No, instead, it's more like, "OMG, she has great hair! I love her curves! Boobs!" and so on.

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What would your 13 year old self think of your life now? What is the first thing he would change?

My 13 year old self didn't know that it was possible to be comfortable in their own skin. I'm pretty sure 13 year old me would be proud and hopeful.
What advice would I give myself? Transition earlier. As soon as possible.

What do you think of the "die cis scum" meme that's been all over the Internet? Isn't that kind of setting trans people back quite a bit by making it seem they all hate cis people, even those who would be allies?

Honestly, I think that meme has been started (and is continually pushed) by TERfs (trans exclusionary radical feminists... lower case f because being anti trans woman certainly doesn't fall in line with any sort of feminism I could subscribe to). The idea of trans people being 'cisphobic' is ridiculous. 'Cisphobia' is not real.
Find me a group of trans women who actually believe they hate all cis people. I would imagine you'd be hard pressed to do that.

Do movies like Mrs. Doubtfire bother you?

Honestly? A bit. It's always bothered me. The fact that "OMG, ITS A MAN IN A DRESS, HOW FUNNY!" was enough to be the premise of an immensely popular movie (remember, the plot line turns into "clearly you're mentally unstable, so you can't ever see your kids"), is extremely disappointing.
Plus, it has that awful Aerosmith song "Dude Looks Like a Lady" in it. Gross.

What are you thoughts on this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2332512/Cable-network-The-Hub-unveils-new-controversial-transsexual-character-She-Zow.html

I think it seems like a neat show, in concept. Do I think this does much to break down gender roles in children? Maybe, I don't know. Probably not. Is it neat that there's going to be a character in TV that is a boy that feels comfortable doing and looking like a girl? Sure.
Is this, as right wing site Breitbart.com claimed, a "leftist attempt to brainwash children into being transgender?" No. Absolutely not. If anything, the only thing that disappoints me about this is that it will bring out the transphobic right wing folks to protest anything trans related, push for laws that discriminate against people like me, etc. See the comments section. It's already starting ("stay away from my children!" and "Protest this network!").

I guess makeup wise I'd just like to see how you do your eyeliner. What ever is easiest for you!

Sure thing. Everything I do is pretty simple, but I can come up with a quick "how to" video in the next few days.

Does it take you longer to get ready now in the mornings (in general before going out)?

Yeah, a bit. There's just more to do. My hair is longer, so if I need to wash it, blow drying it takes some time. Makeup is another thing that adds about 10 minutes to my morning. Overall, though, not too bad.

Are you going to keep your hair short? Are you going to grow it out? Are you going to experiment with colors?

Honestly, I don't quite know what I'm going for in terms of hair length. I'm growing it out, but getting it trimmed and cleaned up every couple of months. I don't think I'll go for anything super long, but a Kittle more length than what I have is preferable.
I've dyed my hair twice since starting transition. The first time, I went with a brown slightly darker than my natural color, and the next time I went with a shade even darker than that. Will you see me as a blonde anytime soon? No. Would other colors be fun to mess around with, though? Sure.

My left armpit smells more than my right (I'm a cis woman), have you noticed any weird changes like that since you started your transition?

Hmm... Um... Not that I've noticed. The weirdest, and least expected change after starting hormones has been my food cravings. I've sat down and eaten half a jar of pickles or an entire jar of olives. Ha.

Would you ever consider getting implants as part of your transition? Either ones for the buttocks or for breasts? I know people consider hips to be the standard for cis-women, but what about girls like us?

Honestly, neither of those procedures is a part of my transition plan. I'm hoping that hormones fill me out a bit, though.
And yes, I wish I didn't have these skinny boy hips, but it's what I'm working with, so I'm going to make the best of it.

do you wear a wig or is that your real hair?

This is my real hair. Nothing against those who want to/need to use wigs, but for me... I'm transitioning because I want to be a more authentic self. I was sick of hiding in a boy costume for the first 26 years of my life, and I just wanted to be me. When it came to certain aspects of transition, I really wanted to keep things as natural as possible. Yes, this made for some very awkward stages with my hair as it grows out (it's still not so great), but that's just what felt right for me.
The same goes for items like breast forms ("falsies"). I know my clothes won't quite fit right as I go through things with the development of a 12-year old girl, but that's okay. I'll grow into things (hopefully...). I wanted to remove as much artifice from my life as I could, not add to it.
Liked by: Lily Fox

How did your girlfriend handle the news of your transition? How did your friends and her friends take the news? Has your sex life improved since you started living your authentic life?

Things went about as well as I could have hoped, in terms of friends & my relationship. It was certainly a slow process coming out to different people, but when the time was right, we disclosed that I was trans. My friends (and hers) have been awesome. The other part of this question is just a tiny bit personal, so I'm going to pass on it.

Can you do a makeup tutorial video blog? I love your eye makeup!

Sure, I could do that. Anything in particular you're looking for tips on? There are a few different ways I do my eye makeup, so if you can let me know what kind of look you're looking for tips with, that'd be awesome. If there's a particular picture or video of mine you want to me to recreate the eye makeup from, point that out and I'll churn out a video.

I was in a cis relationship while I transitioned but the sexual differences tore us apart. How do you overcome bedroom problems? What do you do?

I'm also in a relationship that started long before I began transitioning. Really, though, bedroom stuff is just stuff I'm not comfortable answering (as I wouldn't just be answering for myself, but for my girlfriend as well), so I just have to pass on this question.

sometimes i cry when i look at my penis. what do you think when you look at yours?

I'm sorry to hear that. That sounds awful and very frustrating. Honestly, my dysphoria isn't much connected to my downstairs parts. It's sort of just one of those things where I'm like, "well, would it have been cool if my body would have just been born congruent to my gender ID? Sure. This is one of those parts of me that I'm okay with, though."

I gained 100 lbs when I transitioned. Have you noticed any unwanted weight gain?

Hmm... Some weight gain has been awesome (hellllllllllo, boobs; hello rounded out face), but other places (cough... stomach... cough) have been less awesome. I've put on maybe 10 pounds or so.

Do you hate gay people?

What? No, not at all. What would make you think that? I'm attracted to women, so actually, I'm gay. I definitely don't hate myself.

I'm sorry to ask this, hope you don't mind, but when you've had SRS and been on hormones, does the vagina smell like a cisvagina? Don't post this if over the line.

This is an, um, interesting question... But sorry, I wouldn't know the answer to it.

I can imagine it being difficult making the transition from man to woman. Are you going through counseling while you are going through this process?

Transition is some hard work, mentally, physically, emotionally, socially. Personally, the first actual steps in my transition were finding and attending sessions with a gender therapist. I went about once a week for the first 6 months or so. Since then, I set up appointments every 3 weeks-ish. It's just helpful to have someone to bounce your thoughts and feelings off of, especially when you may be stuck in a mindset of "I am a broken human being," as I was, in the beginning.


Language: English