
Parker Marie

Ask @MissParkerMarie

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I asked you what it means to be a woman. You still haven't answered. If you are a woman because you just are one, then why can't you be a woman without getting breasts? Going on HRT? Your words say one thing, your actions say another. Regardless, I wish you happiness.

Okay, fine. I'll bite. I went on HRT because I felt tired and sad and dysphoric and generally uncomfortable in my skin (like, actually uncomfortable in my skin). Going on HRT alleviated physical, mental, and emotional discomfort. Do you ask this same question of women who got on HRT during menopause? "Why can't you be a woman without going on HRT? Hypocrite!" No, I bet you don't do that.
And the breasts were just something that came along with HRT.
I am a woman because I am a woman. I went on HRT because I wanted to alleviate my physical, mental, and emotional discomfort. Hopefully that answered your series of intrusive questions.

Which is the best Broken Social Scene record?

You Forgot It in People followed closely by their self-titled record, totally.

You're avoiding my question...I asked you what it was to be a woman. You didn't answer. You just are a woman, it has nothing to do with your body apparently. Yet you want breasts and a vagina. So obviously that's what it means to you regardless. Why don't you just admit that you want to be a cishet?

1.) You do realize that trans people can not, by the very fact that they're trans, be cisgender, right? 2.) I'm bisexual, so no, I have no interest in being straight, gay, lesbian, etc. etc. etc. I am what I am. Bisexual. No matter what gender you consider me, that's what I am.
I am a binary-identified woman, in that I don't feel as though I'm "between" or "outside" genders. My gender presentation, however (which is how you look, dress, etc.) isn't stereotypically feminine. I have really short hair. I wear jeans. I don't really wear much makeup. None of that -- nor my genitals, breasts, or anything else related to appearance -- have a thing to do with whether or not I'm a woman. I am a woman because I am one. There's nothing hypocritical about that.
Thanks for playing, but I'm done answering these types of troll-y questions.

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What I'm getting at is how I find you to be very hypocritical, like when you say "I'm a woman because I am one, not because of what my body looks like" and yet you still take hormones and plan extreme surgery? And you're a trans advocate but then deny the trans aspect because you are a woman?

Then YOU define woman. By all means. Go for it, anonymous.

What does it mean to be a woman to you though, having breasts and a vagina and wearing make up etc? Does an a vaginoplasty really make you a woman? Surely it's not that simple since the nature of gender is socially constructed and fluid over time and across different cultures?

Who said anything about "breasts and a vagina and wearing makeup?" I'm a woman because I am one, not because of what my body looks like, not because I do or don't wear makeup, etc. You keep asking these leading questions, but why not just come out and say what it is you're getting at?

Hi Parker when you say your driver's license is accurate as it is and you wouldn't want a trans category, doesn't that mean that you are now cis?

No, that's not what it means. I am a woman. I happen to also be transgender. I am not defined by my status as a trans person any more than I am by having blue eyes or any other feature.
Liked by: Panty Panic

If your drivers license says you are female does that not make the US government transphobic as you are in fact a trans woman? Should the license instead say "trans woman"?

My driver's license is accurate as is.
Liked by: Krysta Mewes

Is there no trans category on driving licenses? And do you think there should be?

Not in any state in the U.S. I think there most certainty should be an option for individuals who don't fit into either of the two options. That said, even with such an option, I'd still opt for my license to read female.

How do you feel about this statement: "Men are self-entitled pigs."

A bit much? Perhaps. Say what you've gotta say, though.

When you have completed your transition will you consider yourself heterosexual and cisgendered, like Carmen Carrera and Chaz Bono for example? Or will you always see yourself as trans?

I'm neither heterosexual nor cisgender. And I don't think CC or CB refer to themselves as cis, either (the word means that your gender identity matches the gender you were assigned at birth). Personally, in not really a fan of using the word "transition" to describe anything I'm doing. I don't know what a "completed transition" is. As people, we're all always changing, always in a state of flux. We're all always "transitioning from one thing to the next. Child to adolescent; adolescent to adult, and so on.
That said, I am not defined by my gender identity. I am many things. A woman, a writer, an American, a person, etc. Being trans is one aspect of a complicated life, as all lives are.
I hope this helped answer your question.

I wasn't actually being offensive - I was asking a genuine question that you chose to take offence to. There's a difference. My reason for asking is that there is a famous transgendered woman in the UK who recently came out who has a history of homophobia. I believe she is a self-loathing gay man.

What on earth are you talking about? I didn't take offense to anything. You asked why some would find that offensive. I answered. Chill out

Do you believe that some transgender women are in fact just gay men who cannot handle the reality of their situation & thus demand to be seen as heterosexual cisgendered women instead in order to avoid who they really are? And is this why they are so hateful to those who don't take them seriously?

You actually just described an episode of Nip/Tuck. No, this pretty clearly isn't the case. What you're talking about is what happens in Iran for people to avoid being prosecuted by the government for being gay.
Why is this offensive? Well, for one, it's promoting a debunked theory put forth by Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey. Secondly, you're suggesting people are being fraudulent in terms of their identity. Not cool.

On the Fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a question will be asked a question that must never ever be answered "Doctor who?"

Good thing River is there.

What kinds of video games can you really get into (if you like them at all)?

I've never really been into games. I'm the type of obsessive person who will devote unhealthy amounts of my day to whatever it is that I get into, so it's probably for the best!

Roughly how much does it cost per month for HRT off insurance? Trying to figure out a budget to get started and can't find any information.

It really depends on a number of factors like what hormones you're on, what delivery method you're using, and what pharmacy you're going to. I strongly recommend checking in with a local LGBT clinic (if one exists) to see if they have any local suggestions. Also, some pharmacies have discount programs for uninsured individuals. Best to ask around!

Why did you choose the name Parker Marie?

Marie is my mom's middle name, and Parker came from 1.) My love of Parker Posey and 2.) The Broken Social Scene song "Anthems for a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl," which has the line, "Park that car/drop that phone/sleep on the floor/dream about me." It was a song that I remember being obsessed with when I was, you guessed it, seventeen years old.

How many of the 5 surgeons that do GCS did you speak to before you wrote your NYT piece? Which one said they would contract with. CMS

None because my editorial was about the importance of widely available trans healthcare, simply using the Medicare news as a jumping off point.

did you see the article in the wall street journal? what did you think?

I did. It seemed to be written by someone with very little empathy for what trans people go through, with little care for the frighteningly high suicide rate experienced by trans individuals, and an understanding of gender that seemed to come straight from the movie Kindergarten Cop.

What are your thoughts on "gatekeepers"? do you think they are helpful it no?

Wholly unnecessary. Yes, a number of procedures are very permanent, but then again, so is a tattoo. Last I checked, there's no 1 year waiting period for a tattoo, so why one for hormone therapy, of someone understands what they're doing, why should they have to jump through hoops?
Liked by: Panty Panic Kat

Do you think that there's an upper limit of what should or shouldn't be covered under the umbrella of "trans healthcare"? I'm not even sure I have a solid opinion of my own, yet. There must be a line somewhere, but... what is it? FFS? Dental modifications? Hair plugs?

Here's the thing: if we create a culture that accepts trans individuals, that embraces us from a young age, the need for the more extensive procedures becomes less and less. Someone who comes out at 10 years old and gets on puberty blockers is less likely to need ffs, breast augmentation, etc.
Basically, we need to start treating puberty blockers as what they are: preventative care.
I don't believe in limits to coverage, especially in regards to trans care. You could throw in every imaginable transition related procedure and still be less expensive than treatment of heart disease or cancer.


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