

Ask @michigan1023

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roxana ruined salmas, vivian, giselle, and your friendship

roxana is a good friend to Giselle and that's all that matters, and she didn't ruin anything
Liked by: Luis Andrade

it's stupid how you say you'll always be there for your friends when you leave them (8 cough fake friend cough.

I haven't left anyone

dont listen to them maruchan. :( your the realest person ever. I dont know if that made any sense but yeah . Ilysfm okay? Dm me.

Hennessy_medel’s Profile Photohen .
lol idc tbh x) I can never take shit-talkers on ask seriously bc they're so stupid omg. and like they don't know what they're talking about 99% of the time and hahahha it did make sense x) thank youu & ok

you are calling people fake friends when you are the fucking fake one

I'm not calling anyone a fake friend, and I'm not a fake friend x) I have and will always be there for my friends so yeah bye

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

sleeep, do hw, Netflix, eat, and maybe do something with friends but ill probs get lazy and not do anything lol


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