

Ask @michellewmarin

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soo sorry to bother you with all this questions, you just seem like a friendly, pretty girl at school and after I stumbled into your blog, it is obvious that you know a lot about food science :)

Aww this is so sweet x
You know you could talk to me about this off anon right? I'm actually really curious to know who you are! (Tbh you're the only person who sends me questions)
But don't worry, you don't bother me :-)

I just hate the fact that I need to be skinny in order to be confident, but that is just the way it is

Hahaha I feel like I'm posting my answers under the wrong questions. Read below hahaah as part of this answer.
But also, just remember, you're not alone.
It sucks society has been shaped this way, but you gotta separate yourself from society in this case, and love yourself regardless. x

I just have trouble losing fat in general even though I exercised diligently and ate super duper healthy, I am just so confused and it has been affecting my confidence ever since

You can read my previous answer as part of the answer to this question
But also, I know how you feel about how your entire self confidence revolves around your weight and your body and how you look and fitting into clothes that look good on models or on your friends.
Trust me, I know what it feels like to stare at myself in the mirror for hours on end pinching every inch of it wishing you could do something to make yourself look different.
I know what it feels like to lay in bed at 2 in the morning with dim light coming in through your window, tears rolling down your check wishing you could look different.
Sadly enough, weight plays a huge role in someone's self confidence, and trust me, you're not alone, and I honestly can't give you much advice because I still struggle a lot as well.
But the only thing I can tell you is that be the size your body is, not the size you want it to be.
This means that stop focusing on trying to lose weight, and your body will naturally go to the weight you should be. Whether that means heavier or lighter or even the same, your body is what it is and you should learn to love yourself regardless of how you look.
When you shop for clothes, shop for what fits you, not what you want to fit in. Surround yourself with people who will love you no matter what, and people who will be there for you when your confidence is at an all time low.
I'm blessed to have such a wonderful boyfriend who is my shoulder to cry on whenever I feel unconfident, and I'm sure you can find that friend as well! And if anything, you can always come to me, because I'm sure no matter who you are or how you look, I will be there for you always (:

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so you are saying that powerwalking will make us thinner? ( with a healthy diet of course) but is there such thing where our body is already very comfortable with our weight so it refuses to budge? even after intense dieting or exercise? I just cant seem to be skinny even though god knows i try hard

Yes, it is quite possible, especially if you're already at your body's ideal weight.
The human body works in such mysterious ways tbh. It loves you so much that it would do anything to protect you.
If it thinks you're eating too little / exercising too much and it doesn't want you to lose any more weight, it would compensate by possibly slowing down your metabolism and holding on to anything it can.
If your body is finding it hard to get rid of extra weight it could be because of that!
If not, it's possible that you've hit a plateau and need to change up your exercise regime.
I find that most results happen when you start weight lifting, and it's actually a lot more fun than running for an hour+ straight and it makes you look more toned and fit. And since it helps you get more muscle your metabolism will increase and you'll become a "fat burning machine"
Although muscle is denser than fat, and you might end up gaining weight, you will see the difference in how clothes fit you or how you look in the mirror. Ditch the scales and go for visual progress and how you feel about yourself, rather than what the scale is telling you to feel :-)

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can I lose 10 pounds in a month?

Hmmm it's possible depending on your current size / height / weight / body composition.
Healthily, I'd say it'd be very hard and such quick weight loss might be hard to keep off. 10lbs is quite borderline if you're already around/near healthy weight. I would say you should aim for 1-2lbs fat loss / week, which would mean maximum 8lbs / month.
But again, it really depends on where your body is now :)
Any other questions feel free to ask!

Who is your Valentine?

Couldn't spend the day with him but we're going for a belated Valentine's Day picnic tomorrow <3
Who is your Valentine

do we really need to exercise to lose weight?

No, but it does help on determining how you end up looking like when you do. Usually if you don't exercise and only eat less when you lose weight, especially at a very high calorie deficit, you start losing muscle mass and water weight before actually losing fat, which may end up in appearing "skinny fat" and not toned. Even though yes exercise is annoying and tiring, it can be fun!! Especially weightlifting which will make you feel rewarded and proud (and no you won't end up getting super "buff" which is a common misconception about weightlifting)
Liked by: Isaac Tingaling

how long does it take for you to see some weight loss difference? physically, I mean

Of course it depends on how well you do/how consistent you are so i can't really answer this accurately, but on average I would say maybe around 2-3+ months


michellewmarin’s Profile PhotoMichelle
Also, to the anon asking about weight loss and wanting to look thinner.
Please keep in mind that I'm giving advice on weight loss for health purposes, not for helping anyone reach a point where they are underweight and unhealthy. If you are overweight and want to gain your health back, by all means. But if you're already at a healthy weight and only want my advice so you can eat xyz calories a day and lose so much weight so fast and unhealthily, please seek medical advice. I do not want to help anyone develop an eating disorder/ excessive exercise disorder. Exercise is supposed to be fun, rewarding, and to improve health, not a chore to be a slave to a voice in your head telling you that you are too fat even though you're not.
Please keep this in mind, thank you :)

Michelle im confused. It doesnt make sense that briskwalking will make you lose fat easier compared to running? I mean, technically running is so much harder and tiring?

I understand where you're coming from, since sports science is probably the most hard science to make studies on because of the different variables you must control during the studies + nobody is the same, so it's all generally very confusing. Below is a picture of your heart rate target zones. Brisk walking will bring your heart rate to the fat burning/weight management zone. Running will bring your heart rate way above. Yes running is far more tiring and intense than brisk walking, but that doesn't mean brisk walking is easy. Keeping your speed up while walking can definitely make you sweat (have you ever been late to school and had to speed walk up the hill?) anyway, let me give you an example. If you burn 600 calories running at 80% of your maximum heart rate, or you burn 600 calories brisk walking at 60% of your Maximum heart rate, the 600 calories you burned from brisk walking will have a greater percentage of energy expended coming from your fat storages. This isn't to say running/high intensity exercises isn't as effective, it's obvious it really is because as I said, weight loss is calories consumed < calories expended. Obviously if you expend/burn more calories, you will lose more weight, and running would definitely get you there.
What I said earlier about how energy you need for running will be taken from carbohydrates, if you burn the calories from carbs, your net cals would still be lower, and if you don't eat back more carbs than you've burned, this would also create the deficit you need, so daily activities such as walking to the bus stop, or simply living, instead of taking it from the carbohydrates, since you've already used it for running, it would take it from other storages of energy in your body. Tbh it's all really confusing to me also xD
***Keep in mind that I've only had two SEHS classes, and the rest I've been learning from online articles, experience and trainers at the gym. Please ask a trained professional for professional/official advice, I'm simply sharing what I know / would think is correct :)

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Michelle im confused It doesnt make sense that briskwalking will make you lose

how long do we need to briskwalk in order to lose fat?

It really depends, but id say at least 30 mins @ around 6.8 - 7km/h :)

I personally think you are one of the prettiest girls in SJII

Awww I wishh hahaha I'm really not though! Who is this(:

you are soooooooooo pretty! and you have goal body IM JEALOUS.

This is seriously the sweetest thing ever hahaha thank you but please tell me who you areeee :) ?

so basically, if we want to look skinnier and thinner, briskwalking will be better?

Well, not necessarily to look skinnier or thinner, but just lose fat :) it's also really good for your health :)

do running helps in losing weight? they say brisk walking is better?

It really depends on what you're trying to do! Running, as it's more intense, ultimately burns more calories, and losing weight means burning more calories than you consume, ending with a deficit. So since running burns more calories, in theory it should help you lose weight as long as you continue eating healthy. However, the energy will be taken from carbohydrates and other short term storages in your body
However, brisk walking has a different target. Brisk walking brings your heart rate up to the "fat burning" threshold, but not as high as running which would normally bring you to your "cardiovascular" or "anaerobic" threshold, meaning that although you don't burn as many calories, your body is drawing the energy from a different source, aka, fat, a longer term energy storage.
TL;DR. Running burns more calories, but brisk walking burns more fat.

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tell us in detail about your journey to healthy eating, weight loss and exercise!!

Hi! Thank you for the question, I really appreciate it, but I'm not yet comfortable sharing in such a public place my full journey. Id be happy to tell you if you asked me personally though! And if you're shy and want to stay anon, I'm sure we can figure something out :)

thoughts on welcome week

Tbh I don't like water balloon stuff because I think I have have weak bones and get hurt easily whenever I'm hit hahahahahahespeciallyontheheadhahahaha but other than that to think how much effort was put into making welcome week the success that it was. Kudos to every single senior involved!!! I I think it definitely helped some of the new students integrate quite nicely whereas last year in fib we didn't have it so it was a bit harder. But yeah hahaha overall it's been quite fun just hella tiring xD and stop putting soya sauce in water balloons tq

do you think exercise or diet is more important in losing weight?

A lot of people say it's 70% diet and 30% exercise but I don't really believe that. I think they're both equally important. If you only eat healthy and not exercise or you exercise a lot and eat complete shit, you're never going to reach the goal you are reaching for. But, I don't believe putting in 100% of each either, because that won't last long. Indulge every once in a while, you're not in prison. And rest plenty as well, you're not a hamster on a wheel. If you have any more questions on losing weight HEALTHILY, feel free to ask :)

stay strong michelle! you seem like a lovely girl and anyone who doesnt see that loses out

Aww thank you this is so sweet!! :) <3 who is thisss :)

What if ur BFF is ignoring u ??

Hmm well, depends on what happened that lead to your BFF ignoring you.
Id recommend to give it some time, and if things don't get better confront him/her in school or in person (bc through social media it's easier to ignore). Ask him/her what's going on, why they're ignoring you, if you did something wrong or if there's anything you could do to make it better. Keep in mind that most of the time, if your best friend is ignoring you, there must be a reason and it wouldn't be "just because".
Also, if your best friend is ignoring you for no reason, maybe, and I'm sorry to say this, they're not worth it because that's not what best friends do.

You guys get an excursion too right?

Nope I don't think so :(( I thought there was an FIB trip but we haven't heard anything about it :(

Great! Been cooked to a crisp and peeling like a snake by the Bali Sun. But awesome otherwise hahahahah! You?

Haha oh! Challenge week! :) funn :)) yeah I'm great haha now that exams are over :3

Hey! How's your knee injury holding up? Hope it's all good in the hood for ya! HAHAHA

Hey it's a lot better thanks!! :) who is this?? haha and yeah it's pretty good in the hood :3
Liked by: Isaac Tingaling

If you had one song that you had to listen to for the rest of your life, what song would it be?

This is like asking me to choose if I could eat one brand of chocolate for the rest of my life. It's impossible to choose.
But I guess if I had to choose id say understanding what we've grown to be by we came as romans

My lips are red, your lips are blue. Do you want to make purple?

I have skittles in my mouth do you want to taste the rainbow

If money was made from trees. Can i pay my bills with a tree?

Why pay bills with a tree if we can pay bills with love
(song reference)

If you had a choice to live in a house on a mountain with brody or live in a ditch with yudi, which would you choose?

omg what's up with brody questions ;-;
ditch with yudi.
Liked by: yudi riyanto

Favourite song and band?

ahmygad too many.
my all time fav bands are:
we came as romans
the amity affliction.
I also like silverstein, brand new, fall out boy and the wonder years
fav songs right now are
you and I by ingrid michaelson
our july in the rain by he is we. Ummm. My dagger versus your sword by Silverstein
Understanding what we've grown to be by wcar (or any song from that album tbh)
Anything from TAA's new album
Eh too many.
Liked by: yudi riyanto

Why yudi? Just curious.......

why not yudi?
ok in all seriousness, when I first came to sjii I didn't even imagine because we didn't really talk. but after a while we got to know each other and we're into the same things!!! fitness, football, protein. we're both super cheesy and we both know the importance of honesty. we've been through pretty shitty relationships so we're honest with each other and hopefully we'll make it work.
he's really caring and he not afraid to tell me how he feels, his hugs feel right, we're not shy around each other and he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. he finds the things I've been insecure about for my entire life and then he convinces me that they are my strengths (aka my cheeks haha).
he's willing to wake up at 5am just to come to school and meet me at 6 to eat breakfast with me whilst watching the sunrise. he's willing to meet me at 7:30am on a Sunday just so that we could spend more time together in sentosa. he's willing to wake up at 6am on a saturday just to support me at a non-competitive 5k run and ask my parents if he can go out with me.
he worries about me if I'm down, he worries about me if I'm hurt, and he is always there to listen to me.
he's those type of guys you don't find just anywhere, and I am so lucky to have him.
So I guess the really question is, why not yudi?
(Jk it's coz his hair is fabulous)

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Why yudi Just curious

hi michelle, you seem like a genuinely nice person! can you pretty please do a post about society and self esteem? esp. on eating disorders Im sure you will help a lot of people out there xx

Hi! Thank you so much! Sure! But I'm not really sure what you mean about doing a post. Do you mean on my blog or on ask fm? (:


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