

Ask @michellewmarin

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hey your new blog post is really great and I'm so unbelievably proud of you! I'm glad you're better and I'm so glad you're getting happier! :)

AWWW this is so sweet thank you so much :') that means a lot to me and yes I am!! :D
Liked by: Tabatha Marin

Hey! Anyone in your sports science class doing a Sports Science EE?

HEY YES sflr uhhhh I'm not sure but I might do one!! world studies mixing business and sports science but I'm not sure yet!! I'll ask my class tomorrow haha

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how do you think of friendship

uhh I guess it depends what this question means... I don't really get it :(

What do you think it would be like to live life as a bird?

POOP ON EVERYTHING U SEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

follow @Noaryann and like her last three answers for 50 likes and 1 gift but if u send her a gift, u will get three gifts & 150 likes!!

I'm sorry, but no .-.

What influenced you to want to be a dietitian/personal trainer?

hmm I guess I wanted to help other people who are going through rough times and others who want to feel better about themselves by improving their health :) and I really love training so I know as a personal trainer I would love my job, and I love food science so dietetics would be super interesting for me :')

Where do you plan to go for uni?

hmm I guess I'm not 100% set on a single school yet but I'm looking at UC Berkeley!:)

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

maybe people are finally realizing that being fit and healthy is better than being malnourished (or over nourished) or purposefully starving yourself to fit into "society standards" I honestly don't get why this question is worded as if it was a bad thing?

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

I like to spontaneously take 6 hour naps after school and then eat dinner and go to bed.
I also like to spontaneously eat my whole kitchen at one go.
oh I also like to spontaneously be late for school although I live 5 minutes away.
other than that I'm in IB so I kinda have to plan shit.
(if you're not talking about school stuff.. I don't have many friends so I don't spontaneously do stuff lol whoops)

just please hold out for it and thank u so much for being the lovely and strong person that u are! rlly happy for u getting into council and I think you'll be a great sports sec! you can do this -what people think and IB scores and all other stuff have nothing on u. None of that defines u at all :)

hahah thank you for your gratulations on council - I hope I'll be able to please the student body with me in council. thank you so much for everything haha please let me know who you are though! do I know you personally?

hi Michelle! sorry but the other day i noticed that you've been cutting again and I just wanted you to remember that it's okay to not be okay and I know you're in a really stressful position now but it is so okay to not be okay because things are going to be even better than okay soon

omg haha who is this I'm not cutting again ahaha thank you so much for ur concern though <3 means a lot :')

what do you want to study in uni?

well as of now I really want to go into nutritional science, in order to become a dietitian or a personal trainer! :)
but I guess I still have a lot of time to figure it out hahaa because I'm still not 100% sure since I've also been interested in hotel management c:

what subjects do you take for ib?

HL English LangLit, Biology, Business Management and Spanish
SL Sports Science, and Maths!!

Why did you decide to do 4HLs?

hmm it's actually a really long story but the simplified version was that I was in Spanish A SL, got a 3, found it too difficult and that I lacked the self discipline, asked to be in Spanish B SL, they said no, I didn't wanna drop any of my HLs to do Spanish B HL so they said I could take 4 haahah yeah idk basically I didn't wanna do Spanish A so I decided to do 4 HLs

Why did you break up with yudi? :(

:( well after I got into senior council my parents talked to me and said that with council/football/volleyball/cas/IB/4hls/dogs i wouldn't have time to be in a relationship, and they didn't want me to get "distracted" and "focus" instead. but Yudi and I are still close friends, and a simple title/label won't change that! :) which I think is the important part :')

Put the link of ur blog on ur bio! So easier to access

Ok!! I think I did, idk if it worked tho but it should!!:)

do we directly lose fat after we exercise? or do we have to make a routine out of it to shed the fat? some people say its only water retention that is lost

I don't think so!
If you weigh yourself after you exercise, the difference in weight you see would be water weight!
For sure you need to make a routine of it to shed the fat because just one workout won't make you reach your goals, the same way that one cheat meal won't ruin all the progress you've made!

what is your wordpress url? I have no idea you blog!

Hahaa I don't blog tho! I haven't posted in a while :(
It's healthifiedmichelle.wordpress.com ! :)

can you attach pictures of lean vs skinny? Isnt it jsut the same?

Okay so this isn't the best example but my internet has been so slow lately that I don't really have the time or patience to search for a better one.
The main difference I think is body fat % and the muscle mass. On the right, you can tell she's lean because you can tell her muscles are more prominent and toned, whereas the girl on the left, although they are both slim, she is not very lean and doesn't seem quite as healthy.
Some people may prefer that, but personally I would prefer to be lean rather than simply "skinny" as it is healthier for your body as well :)
Hope this answers your question!
can you attach pictures of lean vs skinny Isnt it jsut the same

Woah look at you, sounding like a nutritionist already! Mrs Silverwood has taught you well :D

Hahaha Nahh man I should probably make a disclaimer hahaha XD

dieting seems to be wayy easier than exercising in losing fat! but maintaining it is hard!

Really! Ö I always thought it was the other way around haha exercising is quite easy bc I play sports but I love food too much!!!

do you like skinny girls or curvy girls more? why do you think society likes skinny girls more?

Whether you're skinny or curvy, as long as you're healthy, that's what I prefer. You could be curvy and very healthy or curvy and very unhealthy. Same with being skinny. I don't think society prefers skinny girls... I think people BELIEVE society prefers skinny girls so they're forced to think that way and then. Yeah. But I don't think they're preferred also because your size doesn't define you.
So I don't think society prefers skinny girls specifically, I know I'm not skinny and I don't really get treated differently, so I think it's all in our own heads and about how confident we can wear our size. Uhhh idk if I'm making any sense.. Ever.

If I binge, will I automatically gain fat tomorrow? or if I diet, will I automatically lose fat tomorrow? What I mean to ask if I diet religiously for month can I gain back the fat in a week full of unhealthy eats?

I think consistency is key in trying to lose fat. Ofc, if you do well for 6 days and binge the last day, you won't get anywhere (trust me).
It's a lot easier to consume calories than burn them off. In a week I would be at a net -3500 (around 1lb), and then I could very easily eat back those 3500 calories in one sitting, so it'd be kind of pointless if that just kept happening every week. Of course if you binge, the next day you will gain a bit of fat but it won't really be visible. You would think it is because of the possible water retention (DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY BTW), and if you exercise and diet well one day the next day you may wake up feeling lighter but none of it will be visible in just one day difference. It's accumulative..
Hmm, about the 1 month diet 1 week all out thing. I guess it's possible to gain all the fat back bc it's easy to eat back the calories that you worked really hard for. I don't really think you should religiously diet for a month though, you'll end up feeling deprived which could lead to you binging even more, so I think there should be a balance between healthy and unhealthy foods, and mixed with exercise its very possible to reach your goals.
I hope this sort of answers your question? Sorry I tend to go off on a tangent a lot.

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Liked by: Isaac Tingaling

thankyou you're so sweet <3 I dont know how or why you even have self esteem problems because you're the prettiest girl in our grade but I really appreciate your help x

Hahaha I'm really not the prettiest tho!! So many beautiful people :) everyone has their own insecurities I guess hahaa and wellll I have my reasons :-) but thank you you're so sweet!!!! ❤️

but michelle, YOU dont even have the right to have low self esteem because if YOU have days where you're not confident, what about ME

I'm sure you're not giving yourself enough credit!! :-) if you're from one of my HLs then I know you and everyone I know seriously have nothing to be unconfident about!! Everyone's really nice and smart and everyone has their own things that make them beautiful and unique!! So don't sell yourself short :)

you should make a blog post about self confidence and your journey xx Im from your grade and in one of your HL classes and I really have low self esteem, you'd be helping me a ton

Hmm one of my HLs.... Ahaha tell meee who you areee :-) I've made a post here about my journey but I get really self conscious about it hahaha so idk yet!

what is your workout and diet routine? PLEASE MAKE A BLOG POST :(

Hahaha okay I'll try to be more active in blogging but I haven't in like almost a year o.O hahaha but I don't really have a set workout routine at the moment, I just play lots of football and volleyball, with the occasional weightlifting. Right now I'm doing football camp 3 hrs a day, and for my eating I just eat lots of fruit (oranges atm are like heaven), lots of lean protein (chicken breast), and the most important part. I allow myself to eat CHOCOLATE. There is no life without chocolate. Don't needa cut out all unhealthy food to be healthy :-) but yeah I'll make a longer more detailed blog post later! :)

do you consider yourself fat or thin?

Hmmmm well I KNOW I'm not thin haha it's quite obvious, but do I wanna be thin? Ehh id prefer to be lean and toned. Do I consider myself fat? Well, like I said, I have my days (which are quite often sadly enough) where my self esteem is crap but I mean honestly speaking, I have quite a bit of muscles especially on my legs, because I'm active in sports, so Yeah im "bigger" than others, and well I have excess fat in some areas that I'd like to get rid of so nah, I'm not really fat, I just have fat, which is okay :)

are you confident with your body?

Who is, right? Haha I have my days when I look in the mirror and am like "oh ok not too bad", but I have my days when I'm like "oH SHIT HAHAHA" and then proceed to stay at home because I'm ashamed of going out. Having confidence in yourself is something that becomes increasingly harder as the world advances, which is something that really sucks

did you have your teeth whitened?

Hahaha yeah I used crest whitening strips about a year ago hahaha but eh if you don't brush your teeth it ain't gonn work XD

I hate that Im big boned, makes me look big r=compared to my friends even though we have the same fat percentage...

Yeah, I have big bones as well, but you need to stop comparing yourself to your friends! Confidence is beautiful :-) don't hate something you can't change, because big bones isn't something you can control :) just stay healthy, accept your body and go out there and show the world that big bones isn't something to be ashamed of, especially because it's not what defines who you are :-)

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

This one time I was in HK avenue of the stars
And legit this guy on the phone walked past
And said
"Hide the body"
I was so freaked out like what :-(

It sounds so wrong knowing that you know what it felt like to be unattractive because you're sooo gorgeous

Aww you're too kind x
(Although I'm really not)
But yeah the whole self esteem thing. Sadly, it's shit for almost everyone. No matter what :-(

Michelle you are not only a pretty face :)

Aww so sweet :')
(Tbh not even that but)
Are u the same person who was asking me the Q's?:)

hey michelle can you share tips on self esteem?

Sorry I deleted my original answer I freaked out hahaha
Basically surround yourself by people who bring you up instead of put you down
Weightlifting because muscle is sexy AF
Learn to love, love to live, live to learn and repeat (I'm 10000% I said it wrong but I guess it sorta makes sense)
Talk to people about it bc you're not alone
Throw away dat scale bc it don't say shit about who you are
Do things that make you a better person, because you're not solely what you look like. Basically, people can't tell you you're a bad person because of your size / appearance. And if you're a nice person, they shouldn't be able to hold anything against you (smth along those lines)
Hopefully that helps :-)

its up to you where you want to post it, I just want your honest opinion about this. Your response indicates that you're a wise and mature person ( and you've been through a lot of situations) (?) x

Okay so you can read below and to continue
I realized I sorta strayed off in my answer
And chances are i will delete it later
But anyway, weight lifting. Yes. ❤️
You're stronger than a number on the scale
You're stronger than a number on the size tag
You're stronger than what you realize

but feel free to ignore these questions, I just need to get it off my chest

No worries, I won't ignore anyone who wants help❤️


Language: English