
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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Do'nt you think that its unfair for girls that they dont know the man's size before hooking up/marrying? :/

NOT REALLY I mean like does size rly matter

Have you ever played this game called truth or dare?

pretty sure most people have played that game

I feel more comfortable with the word "shit" than "poop"

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
I hope that made you more comfortable:-)

Where did you get your white off-shoulder dress that you wore in your CNY post? (-:

young hungry free!!

why do you like to show off your boobs so much?

excuse you I don't show off my boobs a lot or anything?? and if I do on accident I'm sorry?? like have you ever thought I actually like this piece of clothing and it so happens to reveal?

have you ever walked in on your older brother playing with his wee wee, cause i walkied in on mine and idk what to do. I need advice :'(

just try to understand that all guys need to play with their wee wee from time to time and it's an absolutely normal thing :-) try not to get scarred for life. if you're traumatized, watch Barbie life in the dream house or smth x

BTW wat makeup do u bring on ur trips? cos im not so good at this kind of travel things haha sry:)

sflr!!! mostly basic stuff, I don't bring eye makeup, just all my face makeup AHAHAH

where did you get yours from? ive been trying to find one

la senza but I recently found one at h&m which was $20 only + my friend told me that h&m has 20% of for students or smth???? so that's like $16? which is even bETTER HAAHHAA so imma get that instead next time

oh i see thanks that really helped! :) if you don't mind me asking what is the schedule like on a weekly basis?

it depends but so far for me, it hasn't been so bad. most days 1-2 tutorials only, with 1 jampacked day for lectures:-)

hey! i'm sorry if this seems a bit stalker-ish haha but i was searching up np mass comm on twitter and i saw that you're from mass comm and i just wanted to ask what's the environment like over there bc i got into cmm at tp but i'm not sure if i should appeal to np

I also wanna add on that in can really feel like hell at times and you might wanna quit sometimes but just remember that that only means that you'll be more prepared for the real world :-) I guess idk you're asking a year 1 student :'-)

do you hv any guitly pleasures

I think you mean guilty:'-) and yes. disney channel sitcom songs and also winx club:-(

How long with you and Andre already?? Then do you guys meet like very often?? (:

hahaha like 19 months plus?? we only meet like once a week, maybe a little more after sch sometimes if we're both free

what are your opinions on sex before marriage?

Tbh I think it's fine as long as you know what you're getting yourself into

Hey Marie!!! I need some advice... Should I go JC or Poly? I'm qualified for both but I just don't know.. Today is the last day of submission so pls give me you guidance Senpai!!

HAHA well it rly depends. you really should take a look at all the courses that might interest you. read up on all their modules and if you think that you would like studying that and doing that in the future, then go ahead! as for JC, I'm not sure what advice to give I'm sorry cuz I didn't go there HAHAHAHA but yep!!

Why did you stop posting on yr main? I really liked your photos:|

I'm sryyyy I've felt like my self esteem dropped greatly lol:///////// sorry I'll trY to be more active

10 interesting facts abt you

tbh I'm not v interesting ok sorry ah:-( I just rly like shopping, wearing nice clothes, nice makeup and also baking

What do your exes names start with?

I'm not gonna say, besides, if you know me from sch (doesn't even have to be personally) you probably already know lol

What the hell THATS so much makeup? You put tt on your face everyday?!

ummmm I don't put all of it on my face at once obv right?????? I use various makeup every day

What do you feel about sexual intimacy with your SO? (eg, blowjobs, hand jobs etc)

nothing wrong? I think it's ok lor

so which is ur mostly hsed makeup? juz wonderingg

sflrrrr!!!!:'-( wet n wild coverall cream foundation, urban decay makeup setting spray, maybelline instant age rewind concealer, essence coverstick, elf under eye concealer & highlighter, essence forget it 3 in 1 coloured concealer, nyx matte lipstick (natural), revlon colourburst (225 sultry), Zoeva cat eye pen, benefit roller lash mascara, maybelline the magnum volume express, catrice blush pearls, wet n wild blush (pearlescent pink), benefit hervana blush, Elizabeth Arden 8 hour lip protectant stick, maybelline dream matte powder, elf brow duo (medium)

how did you organize your dressing table? like in what order

umm I just had like 4 sections - 1 container was for my brushes and mostly used liners/concealers/mascara/lippies, 2nd container was for the blushes/bronzers and other concealers, 3rd was for eye/lip makeup and 4th is in my drawer underneath my table which is for the makeup I barely touch

Are you going to change your hair again?

nope, not in the near future. I'm v content with my purple hair. I've wanted this since I was 14 HAHAHA so yep.

Which one do you think hurts the worst? A kicked in the balls or A kicked in the vagina?

UM I'm not sure probably getting hit in the balls idk


Language: English