
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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how bout humanities?

humans is about the same lolol. I got C6 for O's and even Mr Ezal was like "I can't believe you passed"

wow what is your o's grade for sci? and do you mean F9 all the way?

yeah pretty much F9 all the way. I got A2 for science

can i ask is you sec 3 sci and math good ? like what is the grade you will usually get every term?

hahaha my sec 3 science sucked. f9 all the way. my math was about B or A every term?? but I managed to catch up before O's

where do u get ur clothes from

I constantly check out TEMT, zalora, factorie, cotton on and forever 21 cuz like, cheap yknow. AHAHAHAHAHAHA

how many As did you get and what were the subjects you took! Sorry for asking so much, hope i dont bother you :(

hahaha I only got 2 As. English, emath, amath, combined science and IED were my L1R4 subjects. and no probs at all:-)

yo marie! If you dont mind, may i ask how much you got for o levels? Im quite interested in your course :)

hey!!!:-) I got 10 nett. I suggest aiming for 10 raw in case anything unfavorable happens :-)

yay but it can be used as undereye eyeshawdow itself ?

yeah of course!!! you can totally experiment and use it however you want:-)

do you have any nyx jumbo eye pencil? if so what shade and can you use it as a eyeshadow itself?

yep!! cashmere and milk lait!! you can definitely use it as an eyeshadow. I always use mine as eyeshadow bases😻😻

Who is in your class?

jun da, Julian, nick, yu xiang, jega, ding Kang, nadiah, melanis, livia, Adrielle, Kelsey, xin pei, kimberly, Oriana, grace

wow hehe so when you come back from school you will do your work immediately so you can rest early or?


what time do you usually sleep during the O's period?

I think it was 10pm lolol I know it's early but yeah

how much is tje slit maxi on your insta? and is there black?

$17.90!! yes there's black but I think the black one is $24.90 (bc the grey one was on sale) and personally I think the T shirt maxi looks better in grey

any current face masks you use? and recommend some please?

I don't really use face masks but I do use an eye mask from beauty diary, it's the one for dark eye circles and it's really good. during o levels I used to use it when I wake up bc it's really refreshing

How much do you spend on your hair exactly? I have always been wandering cause I want to do smth like your hair but I don't know how much it will cost

I didn't really calculate but if you do it yourself, it's not that expensive :-) I used la riche btw. I'm gonna be honest here and tell you not to buy from party pocket bc it's quite overpriced. you can find some cheaper and just as reliable ones on Carousell.

marie, dont mind me asking this. (Im not the same anon i promise, i just wanna use some tips from you) how do you get the money to buy clothes for yourself? Do you save or do your parents give it to you? :) if you save, do you have any good tips on how to save more?

yeah sure I don't mind☺️
well, I'll be honest, I do save most of the time but my parents also give me money sometimes. but not for no reason ofc. usually my mum will ask me to do something like organizing the family's photos and putting it all nicely into photo albums (it's not as easy as you think it is ok) and she'll give me money for my time (it's really time consuming too lolol) so it's really like work at home.
and also I usually save money by putting all my small change into a jar when I get back (hate coins bc they weigh so much!!!) then once it's like, half full I'll actually have quite a lot (it can go up to $30)
oh and lastly, just bc there's a sale, doesn't mean you need to buy it. like, don't buy on impulse (it's hard to follow this rule though, even I don't do it sometimes)

Where do you usually shop?:) Any cheap places to recommend?

TEMT, factorie, Carousell. but every time I pass by TEMT I'll just pop in to see if there's anything I like

where do u even get the money to buy stuff-.-

I get v annoyed when people ask me that question. especially with that fucking tone. I mean it's ok if you are legit interested like just wondering but seriously if you give me that "-.-" tone I get super annoyed

why you have a negative feedback on carousell:(

bc there was a point in time where my Carousell app wasn't working so I couldn't reply at all, and I tried re downloading but also no use. (in between I mailed out all the parcels) and then I used my mum's phone to reply everyone and I found out someone left negative feedback bc she thought I went MIA and now she wants to leave it there until she receives the parcel so so be it


Language: English