
Page Santa Fe

Ask @mariepagesolano

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If u wanted to kill someone, how would you do it and what would you do with the body.

Just shoot them probz and have someone cut them up and feed them to the pigs. Learned that from the movie Snatch.
Liked by: Wesley Belvy

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What's something you've wanted to ask or tell someone, but were to afraid to do it?

That I miss them a lot and care for them, but I would never tell them because I was treated like shit so yeah.

Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

Good thing for sure. People are going to smoke it anyway tbh so like if you legalize it and pack it like cigarettes, the government can tax it and make money off of the millions of people that smoke it.

Singing to an ocean, I can hear the ocean's roar Play for free, play for me and play a whole lot more, more! Singing about good things and the sun that lights the day I used to sing on the mountains, has the ocean lost it's way. Sitting round singing songs 'til the night turns into day... I'm bored

I see that ahaa

Oh okay. So then, what's your opinion on...seeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

It's a natural thing. Once a woman has her period for the first time, her body strives to get pregnant. That's hit what happens. So, if you're having sex, good for you. You're doing something natural!!
Liked by: Michael Almanzar

What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

Red nose pit. (I have two right now and they are so snugly and cuddly and lovable.)
Or a cat. Any cat. I fucking adore cats.

If you were the leader of a mafia, what would your nickname be? Scarface and Godfather are already taken.

Bossy. I mean think about it, like, "The name is Bossy. What're ya here for?"
Liked by: Michael Almanzar


Language: English