
Henry Manampiring

Ask @manampiring

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Selamat siang Om Piring! I notice that you work in Sarinah-Thamrin area. Any recommendation for tempat makan siang yang asik di sekitar sana? Thank you, dan selamat hari senin! :D

muteyy’s Profile Photodisabled account
Sepanjang jalan wahid hasyim ke arah Cikini ada beberapa tempat makan. Ada Hong Kong cafe, ada rumah makan Chinese food Rendezvous (interiornya kayak tahun 80-an), ada RM sea food Pelangi, di jalan. Lurus lagi di jl. Johar ada Ya Udah Bistro untuk steak murah (tapi serve pork juga). Dan ada sea food Baruna di jl. Kebon Sirih
Di Sabang juga banyak, tapi gw males karena macet.
Liked by: disabled account

Om Hen, nanya dong. Kertarajasa Jayawardhana, pendiri Majapahit, kok bisa dipanggil Raden Wijaya ya Om? Raden-nya dapat darimana? Wijaya-nya dapat darimana?

Beliau pernah diinterview oleh harian The Majapahit Post. Menurutnya, beliau sangat suka karakter Pak Raden, sejak kecil dia suka meniru tokoh tersebut. Makanya biasa dipanggil "Raden".
Wijaya kebetulan adalah tempat favorit beliau kalo Minggu sore. Jalan Wijaya terkenal jaman itu dengan penjual Beras Kencur Martini.

Om, do you give a shit about tongue twisting fact about you or how people percieve about you? And how you handle that?

As with many things in life, taking extreme position is likely to be stupid.
To be totally mindful of what other people say about you will drive you nuts. On the other hand, the other extreme of "FUCK THEM ALL I DON'T CARE" is as idiotic.
The wise is the middle path.
You need to judge yourself. Is the opinion really worth your attention? Does it affect IMPORTANT things in your life? (relationship, career, etc). If not, then don't waste your time.
But if the rumor or gossip may jeopardize (again) IMPORTANT things in your life, then you might want to consider: is it true? If yes, do you want to change it? If not true, how do you counter it?
Again, it has to be (((important))) enough to warrant your attention or effort to correct yourself/counter. Otherwise, let them be. PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS TALK ABOUT YOU NO MATTER WHAT.

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Om. Om kan namanya Henry, kok dipanggil Hen? Terus Om Adrian kok dipanggil Dri? Kok nggak dipanggil Ad atau Ian? Terus Kak Judith kok dipanggil Dith? Sebenernya alasan orang manggil pake suku kata pertama/kedua/ketiga tu apa sih Om?

Aturan ini ditetapkan sejak jaman Majapahit, untuk menetapkan strata sosial di dalam masyarakat. Kasta tertinggi dipanggil dengan suku pertama, kasta berikut kedua, dan seterusnya.
Sistem Majapahit ini masih bertahan karena dianggap efisien untuk mempermudah kita mengetahui strata orang lain dengan cepat.
Semoga membantu.

what's the most influence movie in ur life

opphink’s Profile Photoopphink
Correction: "most influential". :)
I can't recall any movies that really 'influence' my life. But several favorites:
Star Wars saga. Don't laugh, but to me it has an important message of choices in life (Anakin's rise, fall, and redemption)
Crimson Tide. There is rarely black and white situation in most human conflicts.
Band of Brothers/Spy Game. Male camaraderie and brotherhood.
Judgment at Nuremberg. How low can mankind go under the pretense of "obeying orders"
Remember The Titans. We can rise above racism and other discrimination.
And several others. :)

Hi oom! Isn't married life blissful?

Let me put this straight to those who are not married yet and still think it's blissful:
It's not.
At least no more blissful than single life.
It has quarrels, adjustment, differences, misunderstandings, unmet expectations, disappointments, anger, jealousy, impatience, hurt.
Think of singles life complications, and double them.
It has different kind of bliss from singlehood, but I wouldn't call it (more) blissful.
When you are with the right person, it offers companionship. Someone to laugh with. Support for your dreams. Comfort during hard times. Intellectual sparring partner. The critic for your ideas amd dreams. And a partner to raise your offspring.
And a home to return to after a long day.

Om, percaya karma dan reinkarnasi ga? Why?

Reinkarnasi, nggak. Not enough evidence.
Karma, "percaya" tapi bukan dalam pengertian kosmis, tapi rasional. Contoh: kalo kita brengsek di kerjaan, jahat sama orang, mencuri, dll. balasannya datang bukan karena "kekuatan alam", tapi karena reputasi kita menyebar. Mungkin suatu saat kita melamar di tempat lain menjadi sulit karena reputasi buruk.
Jadi "karma" yg gw percaya itu mekanismenya bisa dijelaskan nalar :)

I wish I can get a life partner like you.. witty, gorgeous, awesome, tall and white guy with glasses. Can I get an amen for that?

I can't qualify as 'white guy'. What about 'yellowish beige'?
But thank you for the kind remarks. I think you just haven't seen my flaws. Most people couldn't stand me in real life, I think. :)

Om, kenapa ya aku banyak mendengar "anak anak jaman sekarang itu ya" atau "kalo jaman saya dulu itu ya". Is my generation really that bad or memang wise (old -, - ) people tend to say that? Did you hear that kind of statement too when you were young?

ladyowitch’s Profile PhotoShinra Andjani
Every generation thinks the next one as "rebellious", "ignorant", "disrespectful". It's a cycle thing, don't worry.
Wait until YOU get teenage child of your own! :p

What makes you made ask.fm account in the first place sih, Om?

Professional reason. Working in advertising/marketing communication means I need to check social media of all sorts :)
But now I enjoy it for personal pleasure!
Liked by: Radenrauf

If UFO's aren't aliens, and aren't hoaxes, what's the scariest scenario for what they really are?

cho_ro’s Profile PhotoChoro
Unidentified Flying OBJECTS are not hoaxes. They are real objects, flying, but just not identified yet. There is nothing special about them, like weather baloon, CIA drones, or my kolor falling off the balcony.
Maybe you meant "flying saucer".
Liked by: Ariana Radenrauf

om, di cv itu penting gak sih kalo ada pengalaman organisasi? aku ga ikut organisasi, tapi ikut kepanitiaan terus. itu masih di hitungkan ga om di cv?

"kepanitiaan" itu juga "berorganisasi" neng!
Liked by: Dimas Saputra

om, aneh/salah nggak sih kalo seseorang kehilangan hasrat berpacaran, dan suka ngerasa aneh kalo liat orang lain punya masalah (sepele) tentang hubungan percintaan mereka?

Gak ada orang yang berhasrat "berpacaran". Orang tuh berhasrat pada "seseorang". Kalo kamu gak ada hasrat berpacaran, ya karena belom ketemu orang yang layak dihasrati aja :)
Gak papa kalo kamu sekarang ngerasa aneh masalah percintaan orang lain. Tapi2 ati2 gantian, nanti pas pacaran punya masalah2 sepele juga :D

Halo, pernah gak sih disebut 'sok tua' cuma karena lebih seneng ngobrol sama orang2 yang lebih dewasa ketimbang yang sebaya, mostly because some topics which they talk about are way more interesting to you? Dan batasan 'sok tua' menurut anda seperti apa ya? Anyway, have a graceful Friday!

Yang suka nyebut orang lain "sok tua" itu yang basi. Gak usah didengerin. Carilah knowledge, insight, information dari siapapun. Kalo kamu senengnya dapet dari mereka yang lebih dewasa, ya gak apa2. There is nothing wrong with that.

oh kalo gitu om percaya feng shui gak? semisal kalo tidur jangan kepalanya langsung ngadep pintu lah dll?

Feng Shui secara konsep mistis kagak lah.
Konon ada BEBERAPA konsep Feng Shui yang ada rasionalnya. Contoh: hindari rumah 'tusuk sate'. Kenyataannya rumah tusuk sate itu kan jadi korban penumpukan debu yg bertiup di jalan itu.
Jadi kalo ada prinsip2nya yg logis, ya terima ya gpp. Kalo yg gak logis itu yg males. Misalnya harus pasang poster Justin Bieber di kotak pos untuk pemanggil rejeki, dll.

if I may ask you a question in this appropriate time, what caught your feelings when it comes to a significant other, besides being physically attractive? thank you for spending your time listing the answer(s), or deleting this question (your choice) :)

Her intelligence
Her spontaneity
Her genuine care for my mother
Her boldness
Her quirkiness
Her energy
Her capacity to love

Would you give up your firstborn child to access the Internet for free?

Damn, this is difficult. I need time to think this thoroughly. Can I have a week?
Liked by: Azka Namirah

Om, masuk akal gak alasan ortu melarang anaknya berhubungan dengan laki2 hanya karena alasan laki2nya duda beranak 2?

Begini. Ada dua faktor. Yang satu rasional, yang satunya lagi irasional.
Kenyataannya, di mata orang-tua, "duda", "janda" seringkali dianggap grade kualitasnya di bawah pria/wanita single. Yah maklum, stigma "barang bekas"/pre-owned (harusnya pre-loved). Namanya orangtua biasanya berharap anaknya mendapat pria/wanita yang barang baru keluar pabrik, tangan pertama, perjaka ting-tong, dll. Kalo anaknya dapet duda/janda rasanya kecewa, karena dapet menantu barang second. Nah ini masuk kategori "irasional".
Tapi ada aspek "rasional", apalagi jika duda/janda beranak. Orangtua mungkin melihat potensi konflik di masa depan melibatkan "anak bawaan". Belum lagi potensi konflik dengan mantan istri/suaminya, menyangkut mengurus anak, warisan, dll. Intinya, ortu mungkin bermaksud baik, agar putrinya terhindar dari keribetan jika nanti menikahi si duda beranak 2. Nah ini yang gw maksud dengan faktor yang ada "rasional"nya.
Gw tidak membenarkan/menyalahkan posisi tertentu. Hanya menjelaskan kemungkinan2 pertimbangan ortu di balik larangan tersebut.

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Kak, percaya nggak laki-laki dan perempuan bisa bersahabat aja (as in platonic love) cem begini http://bit.ly/1kKsRmU?

If both of them are ugly, yes.
Okay, maybe I'm half serious.
Okay, here's what I believe kiddo:
It depends on your definition of "love". If you meant pure romantic love, the answer is YES. Man and women can be good friends without romantic feelings.
But if you include "sexual attraction", then it is hard not to occur between man-woman. It's just a natural thing. This is of course assuming both are heterosexuals.
Unless, they are both ugly.

I like sending people question(s) late at night, where they would wake up the next morning feeling excited to answer my question. so then, which do you believe in more? Adam and Eve, or that humans were originated from a chimp? thank you :)

The answer is: neither.
Homo Sapiens did not come into being spontaneously. We came after a long line of ancestors. Evolution is a fact just like gravity, and it is still happening even now.
But we did not evolve from "chimp". We evolved from "ape-like" ancestors whom we shared with today's chimp.
There are plenty of good articles on the Internet that explains evolution in simple terms. For a comprehensive book, try Richard Dawkins' "Greatest Show on Earth".
I like sending people questions late at night where they would wake up the next

Sebagai orang yang sudah banyak pengalaman, what's your advices to the newlyweds?

On Marriage
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
(Kahlil Gibran)

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do you believe in "luck" or it just our destiny of what we supposed to be? *random question* thankyou :)

Luck. There is no destiny.
But you can do things to "improve" your luck. :)
Liked by: Ghina Zharifah

om, pas wawancara di ahensi biar kesannya kreatif banget penampilannya kudu gimana ya?

Waktu saya dulu interview, untuk memberi kesan kreatif saya sengaja menyewa 2 ekor doberman yang terlatih. Jadi saat saya bersalaman dengan interviewer, kedua doberman tersebut duduk serentak dan melolong. Yg interview saya sampe memuji ide saya menyewa doberman untuk impress dia.
Kreatif itu dari ide, bukan baju. Pake baju normal dan sopan, hormati interviewer!


Language: English