
Majed Jarrar

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I converted to Islam around 5 years ago, but now don't feel sure that Islam is the truth anymore even though I still pray. What do I do?

Feelings are a platform of desires and doubts. The truth is not gauged by feelings.
Find what is corrupting your heart and fix it. It may be committing sins, or delay in responding to commands, or doubts in your mind. Allah says: every human is a witness against themself, even if they pulled up their excuses.

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Is it disrespectful to the quran to listen to it while studying? It feels as if it brings blessings as I study much better this way...

Yes, and will make you used to hearing the words of God and not paying attention to them.
Allah says: when the Qur'an is recited, then listen to it, and pay attention, so you may be granted mercy.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār آية

Is listening to quran recitation and reciting it yourself at the same time permissible?

Yes. Our scholars explicitly stated if someone's memorization is so weak that they can't memorise alfatiha or any Sura, then they may recite along someone else's recitation, as long as they don't pause too long to break the required flow of the recitation.
Liked by: آية

There are shuyukh who say that bashar al asad is muslim and revolting against him was impermissible. Is this true?

Being Muslim is irrelevant to the ruling of revolting against a ruler. More than five companions and thousands of tabi'een revolted against Muslim oppressive rulers. Injustice is the criterion.

Salaam Sheikh. When reciting surah fatiha silently I'm really struggling to say وَلاَ الضَّالِّين. Its stressing me out. Can I use a ظ, instead of a ض? I've heard it doesn't change the meaning and would make my life a lot easier

Means the shaders (the ones who give shade)
The strayers (the ones who went astray)
The only difference between the two is that with the ظ
the tongue sticks out passing the lips slightly and is bit by the teeth,
while in ض
the tongue doesnt stick out, and is bit from a side (or both sides) by the molars.
Some scholars say that saying ظ instead of ض invalidates your prayer, others say it's forgiven only for this letter because it's difficult.
Keep trying to learn it, may Allah make it easy for you.

Is reciting the Quran prohibited if one doesn't know the rules of Tajweed?

Learning tajweed (how to annunciate the Qur'an) is obligatory upon every Muslim, and if a Muslim doesn't know how to recite alfatiha, then they must learn it immediately, before the current prayer time ends, so that they catch the prayer and pray it properly.

I broke many oaths in my life trying to avoid sin. I don't know what to do. Some say I have to fast three days, some say they can't be consecutive, some say they can. Some say I have to pay money. Some say I should choose what's harder for me. I have money but its from a student loan. Can I use it?

Had you feared Allah, you wouldn't have made those false oaths. And had you sincerely cared about repentance, you would have asked a scholar once and started acting, instead of shopping fatawa from the internet.
Did you not consider that it may be because of your ill intention, and lack of seriousness in repentance, that Allah left you to be this confused and hesitant to repent? Here's what to do: stop joking around with this religion and repent to Allah. Ask one scholar and follow what to do, and do not Google fatwas.
Liked by: Abdelrahman Hisham

Alsalam alecum Majed i am married and i had to leave my home country to work in one of the gulf country and i could not bring my family right now do i doing a mistake by leaving my wife beside two children alone without a husband and a father ? is it Haram

Alaikum assalam, you should not be away from your family for longer than 3 months in the year. If you're away for over four months, your wife has the right to go to the imam to end the marriage in your absence and marry someone else.
What good will money bring if your wife and children become corrupted due to your long absence?
Liked by: Nasser Shoshan

Salaam. During last Ramadan I suffered from severe wiswas. I took so long to do wudu I missed prayers on some occasions. I heard that if you don't pray your fasts don't count. Do I now need to now fast for 60 consecutive days? I don't know what to do. Please reply!

Wa alaikum assalam, we ask God to grant you health and safety.
For the fasting to be correct one needs to establish the intention to fast before dawn, then refrain from food, drink and sexual activities until sunset. In voluntary fasting, one may establish the intention after dawn as long as they withheld everything else starting from dawn.
Fasting is an independent worship from prayer, and its validity is independent of prayer.
However, without offering the obligatory prayers, no other good deed will be accepted on the day of judgement. The prophet said: "the first thing that a person will be judged about, on the day of judgement, is prayer; if it's accepted then all of the other deeds are accepted, and if it was corrupt, then all of the other deeds are rejected."
So, for making up the fast, there is no need to make it up if your fasting was correct.
And as for the wiswaas, the prophet said that in wudu you wash the member up to three times only, and if you exceed then you have committed an act of transgression. I suggest you consult with a Muslim therapist.

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Liked by: Mohsen Hasanain

كلما حذفتني صديقة من الفيس بوك- وغالبية أصدقائي عليه معرفة شخصية- أحزن وأتسائل هل أنا بي ما يبعدهم عني؟ هل لا يحبونني؟ هل أنا عادية لدرجة أن أهون عليهم؟ أخاف أن أفقد الثقة بنفسي، وأخاف أن يكون هذا بسبب ذنوبي، على الرغم من أني أعلم أن هناك من الصديقات من يحبونني جدًا،أطمئن جدًا لردك، فلا تبخل به عليّ

قيمتك في منزلتك عند الله.
Liked by: Nasser Shoshan

Salam ustadh. Is this haram? : I have a test soon but its really hard to study it, like GMAT test. I studied little. Now i made 1-2 Qur'an khatm (read the whole Quran) and made du'a after it that Allah gives me a good score. Is that okay? I took it as tawassul (the Quran khatm)? JazakAllah Khayr

Finishing the Qur'an twice would take a minimum of 15-20 hours. I doubt you needed more than that in study time to pass your test.
I think you're trying to say that reading the Qur'an is a better way to prepare for the test. Let us assume it is, what will happen on the day of test? I think I hear you say some sort of a miracle. Well, miracles are not meant to be sought in our religion.
A man asked the Prophet, should I tie my camel or should I let it loose and rely on God? (to protect it from getting lost or being stolen). The Prophet said: tie it, and rely on God.
So when the question comes up, which is better then; read Qur'an or study? The simple answer is of course the Qur'an. However, the real answer is, you have plenty of time to do both, but instead you spend most of your time in entertainment and leisure until you have so little time that you have to choose between the Qur'an or the study. The truth is, you had two choices: do I rest and waste much time, then read either Qur'an or study? Or do I read the Qur'an then study? And your heart made a choice.
Don't delegate your responsibilities to God; Procrastination has no religion.

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is it easy to get a job in Canada? my academic credential includes a Master's degree but no experience , so what's the possibility of getting a job with a decent salary

There are jobs for sure. It depends on which province, which city, what field and which industry in which you'll end up working. Also, decent salary is quite relative.

Is it wrong if I want to be looked up at for my worldly knowledge and degree?

It is wrong to want to be looked at. Period.
In a century from today, your worldly knowledge, degrees, and your entire body will be forgotten by people and eaten up by worms.
The only things which will remain are the good deeds you've done for the sake of God alone.
Humble down a bit.

هل يجوز اني انشر ترجمه لمعاني آيات قرآنيه باللغة الإنجليزية على مواقع التواصل الاجنبيه لكي انشر معاني اسلاميه ولكن بدون ذكر انها ايات من القران ولا انسبها لاي احد فقط ككلمات بها معاني جميله كاقوال مشهوره؟

وما هذا الزمن إلا حكم ومواعظ تنشر ولا يعمل بها

Assalamu Alaikum Sheikhuna Majed,can we ask someone who's going to madinah to tell them to convey our salam to the Prophet Muhammad عليه الصلاة والسلام ?

You can send it directly and an angel will carry it to the Prophet from wherever you are on earth, as the Prophet indicated in an authentic hadeeth.
You could if you wanted also ask a person to deliver it, especially if they are righteous.

What's the position of Ahl as Sunnah on hajjaj ben Yusuf and Yazid ben Muawiyah

They are cursed criminals who murdered the grandson of the Prophet, crucified the grandson of Abubakr, wrecked havoc in the city and the mosque of the Prophet, tortured his companions and followers, catapulted and burnt the house of God in Mecca. What more evil can possibly emerge from a human after that?

انصحنى متقدم لخطبتى رجل يكبر منى بعشر سنين وانا لسه متمتش 20 سنه وللاسف انا كنت ف علاقه قبل كده انتهت بالزنا بس تبت الحمد لله،انا شايفه انو مش مناسب وموافقتش،ابى وامى موافقين عليه جدا عشان عايزين يسترونى ومن ساعتها وهما غاضبنين عليا جدا وانا مش عارفه اوافق عشان اللى حصلى وعشان اراضيهم ولا اعمل ايه

أسأل الله أن يتوب عليك وأن يسترك وأن يكفيك بحلاله عن حلمه حرامه.
أما العشر سنوات فليست بالضرورة سببا للرفض.
وأما ابواك فليس لهما أن يجبرانك على الزواج ممن لا تحبين، وليس عليك أن ترضيهم ببؤس في حياتك
لكن يظهر من كلامك انك ربما انشغلتي بعمره فلم تنظري في أخلاقه ودينه وحاله النظر الكافي
فإذا كان مطيعا لربه بارا بأمه محسنا لأخواته غاضا لبصره فلا تتركي هذا الخير لسفاسف الأسباب.

Salam sheikh, my question: Why did Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, order Ahl al Kitab to judge by Tawreh/Injil in Quran when in fact these books were tampered (iftirah) and changed?

Simple answer: He didn't.

لو سمحت يا شيخ ! ما حكم التأمين الصحي! خاصةاني قرأت انه حرام! بس مش فاهم ليه ومش مقتنع! يعني دلوقت حضرتك شايف اسعار العلاج و المستشفيات عامل ازاي ولو واحد مش معاه تامين هيصرف الـ وراه وال قدامه عشان يتعالج !!

بنتك تصيبها حرارة تجدها في راسها فتذهب للطبيب فيخبرك أن تضع تحميلة في مؤخرتها
تسمع وتطيع وتدافع عن شرف الطب والعلم، وتعلل وتشرح للاخرين عن العلاج، وربما بحثت في الانترنت الساعة والساعتين كي تفهم اكثر وتشرح لمن حولك عن تطور الطب ورقي الأطباء.
لكن تأتي على مسألة شرعية كحكم التأمين، فتتبع القيل والقال والغث والسمين، وربما حتى لو سألت العلماء، الذين هم ورثة الأنبياء، ورضي الله أن يفتوك بحكمه من السماء، فيفتوك بما تبين لهم أنه شرع الله الذي سيعصمك من البلاء
فجأة يختفي ذلك السامع الطائع الفاهم، ويخرج من داخلك كائن عديم الفهم كثير المباهم، يرفض الاقتناع بأي سبيل، يسأل أين الحجة ولا يرضى بألف دليل، يخاصم ويحاجج لأتفه الأسباب ويختلق المعاذير والفرضيات وقد يتطور خصامه للقذف والمسبات، ثم يختم مونولوجه بالعديد من علامات متعجبات!!!!!!!!!!

Is it true that Allah, azza wa jall, does not accept the du'a of a person who masturbates? Is that a big sin, ya'ni ''kabirah''????

That is not true,
God Almighty accepts the sincere prayer of anyone in need. He accepted the prayer of the Devil to spare him until the day of judgement,
And it is He who accepts the invocations of the scared polytheist sailors and saves their ships from sinking in the high seas, then when they the land safely they worship their false gods,
And it is He who listens to the calling of the oppressed disbelievers, and promises to answer even if the oppressor was Muslim.
God is all hearing, all seeing, and closer to each human than their own jugular vein is to their heart. He is the all capable, that He only says to something Be, and it becomes.
As to your other question, the scholars of Islam agree that masturbation is not a major sin.
However, repeating any minor sin without regret is a major sin,
Assuming that God cannot see you while you're hiding, or punish you while you're sinning is a major sin,
Since it's established that repeated masturbation requires visual stimulation; Watching the sinners committing their sins until you're pleased with what they do, and wish you do it yourself, is a major sin, and makes you reach the same filthy status to doing the actions they did.
Finally, pretending to be a righteous person in public, and being strict and judgemental on others, while committing sins relentlessly in private, is a form of hypocrisy, greater than most major sins.
Allah says:
"Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves; all while you recite the scripture? will you not reason?!"
Then immediately He gives the cure:
"And seek help through patience [i.e. Fasting] and prayer. Indeed, they are difficult except for the humbly submissive [to God];
Those who believe that they are meeting their Lord and that to Him they shall return." Qur'an [2:44-46]

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I plan to teach ESL (English as a second language) in the Middle East. While I am there, I hope to learn Arabic formally, at a school, and more about Islam, in the correct way. I am a revert and an American woman. I will travel alone. Any recommendations?

I strongly suggest your study Arabic before going, because if you're teaching English, you'll have little time and capacity to learn Arabic grammar in the same time (but plenty of room to exercise communication with people)
That's why I would recommend you pickup your Arabic to a basic conversation level before going and it'll help you practice and boost your language skills much faster.
As for which country to go, Perhaps Jordan might be safest for you now, and there are several excellent schools/institutes.
As for traveling alone as a woman to seek knowledge, you can see this previous answer as well.


Language: English