
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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Just before salah, do we say the intention with our mouths or our hearts?

With the heart, is sufficient. It is recommended to state it quietly with your tongue.
Liked by: Mustafa Hazrat

If the widow gets married again, will she be in paradise with both husbands or must she choose one of them?

If she makes it to Paradise,
And if both of her husbands make it to Paradise,
Then she is with the later, or the higher rank, or the one she chooses, and God knows best.

I disagree with you. How can malikiyyah follow every "athar" when they reject every ahad hadith when the 3mal of Madinah is presented? Rejecting the athar of qabd, of 2 aqiqah for boy, of sajd al shukr, of raf3 al yadain and etc Barak Allahu fikum. Only a point

Those are all examples of how strict they are on following the Athar, not the other way around. The actions of the people of Madina is an Athar.

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https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141029470018 The riwaya of Abi Ayyash is the Shu3bah 3an 3asim? innit?

Yes, his name is Abu Bakr. He recited the Qur'an before 'Asim three times. His students narrated that he did not miss a night of qiyam ever. He used to read half of the Qur'an in prayer each night. They reported that he said on his deathbed he recited the Qur'an fully, eighteen thousand times in his lifetime. He died at nine years of age.

Why does the mathhab of Imam Ahmad seem so literal in comparison to the other 3 mathhabs?

Perhaps it seems that way to you because you haven't studied the mathaahib.
Of the four existing schools of ahlusunnah today, Mathhab imam Malik is the one that follows the Athar the most and rejects the Ra'ee the most.
His mathhab evolved from what used to be called madrasat ahl al-Hadeeth, started and led by Umar bin al-Khattab, Zaid bin Thaabit, and Abdullah bin Umar, may Allah be pleased with them.
On the other end, mathhab Imam Abu Hanifa follows the Ra'ee the most, and the Athar the least. It evolved from madrasat ar-Ra'ee, which was started and led by Ali bin Abi Taalib and Abdullah Ibn Mas'oud, may Allah be pleased with them.
Imam ash-Shafii studied under Imam Malik, and also Abi Yusuf, the companion of Abu Hanifa, and met in Mecca with Sufyan b. Uyaynah who had acquired the knowledge of madrasat Mecca (Abdullah bin Abbas and Aisha). That's why the Shafi'i math-hab is considered the middle in the spectrum of the mathaahib.
Finally, the mathhab imam Ahmed studied under Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan, the other companion of Abu Hanifa, then studied from Ashafii and took all his knowledge as well as the knowledge of Imam Malik, and Abu Yusuf, then studied from Sufyan also, then went to study under Abdurrazzaq, who had acquired the knowledge of Yemen. Hence the imam of our mathhab had both the largest collection of hadeeth, and also largest collection of masa'il from the Madrasah of Abu Hanifa.
Due to the facts that the imam didn't write his mathhab, unlike the other three imams, and the mathhab was formally established almost a century later than the other mathaahib, and that it was never endorsed politically by any caliphate, it is until today the least spread mathhab in the world.

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Liked by: Mohammad Ali

Shaykh, what is the preferred qira'ah in our madhab (out of the ten qiraat)? Is there one that our madhab favors?

Imam Ahmed chose the qiraa'ah Naafi' from the riwaya of Ismail bin Ja'far as the most favorable narration; followed by the qiraa'ah of A'asim from the riwaya of Abi Ayyash as the second best.
Liked by: SisterlyAdvice

As salam alkyum, if I donate to a program that teach courses to students in Islam. Do I get a countinous reward, for example because I donated someone was able to come for free, if they learn knowledge and they teach others with the knowledge, do I get a reward because I donated ?

You get as far as you intended inshaAllah

Will you ever consider taking serious students? What would somebody have to do to prove to you that they're worth your time to teach Hanbali fiqh?

Ahlan wa sahlan, I'm at the service of any knowledge seeker. No proofs required 🌸

How strong is the opinion in the madhab that only 3 people are needed for Jumah? It seems to be 40 in both zaad al mustaqni and umdat ul fiqh

It's non existent. Almardaawi only said one opinion in al-insaaf, that 40 of the people of a village upon which Friday prayer is obligatory. He reported a minor difference of opinion on whether 40 in tents would be required or not, and the mathhab is that it isn't required except in urban settings.

If a person changes madhabs, e.g acts upon one for 20 years, then after that acts upon another, do old ijtihadat still apply? E.g a Hanafi or maliki doesn't wash limbs in tartib because he doesn't believe it's wajib, but then becomes Shafi'i, what do we say about his older prayers?

No problem.

If you could reply to this message Shaykh (I sent you the pastebin message) May Allah bless u

Channel your obsessive thoughts of entering the state of ihraam into yearning and longing to go to Mecca. Every time you have urges about starting your ihraam, utilize that urge and make du'aa for Allah to make you a way for Umrah or Hajj this year.
You need to differentiate between hadeeth-un-nafs (such as: thoughts in your head) and the niyya (the intention that has determination).
I can wish I want to do hajj as much as I want, but if I have no tickets purchased, no suitcase ready, no money to go, no visa issued, etc, then there's no determination, and hence I won't be considered into a state of ihraam.
Also, it may be helpful to note that starting ihraam before the meeqaat is an evil innovation. Umar (r) was very angry to hear that someone started their ihraam from their hometown. Uthmaan (r) reprimanded Abdullah bin Aamir because he started his ihraam from Basra. Sufyan bin Uyaynah narrated that someone came to imam Malik and said: I'd like to start my ihraam from near the grave of the prophet. Imam Malik said do not do it. The man said: I want to. He said: do not do it. You'll fall in fitnah. The man said: why fitnah? It is just a few extra miles I'll increase. He said: "What worse fitnah than to think you can do better than the prophet and the companions? Allah said: 'Let those who choose a path other than his (the messenger's) be warned that they may be inflicted with a calamity or be inflicted with great torment.' The prophet started his ihraam from the meeqaat, and starting it from somewhere else is choosing a path other than his."
Also, speak with a councillor to help you control your urges.

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I've never used that, just looked at it and it looks complicated lol

Just write whatever you have and it'll give you a link. No sign up required.

There's a brother who has a question, can I send it to you on here in different parts, then send a message saying to answer there? (He doesn't want others to read the question) May Allah bless you.

How about you put it in Pastebin and send me the link, with a special symbol, and another question with just the symbol and I'll answer it there.

Just for clarification shaykhna, must it be recommended (e.g. Jumuah) - can it be a shower just for cleansing like after a workout?

That'd open a door of wudu evasion, that's why our scholars prohibited it unless there was a legitimate reason for ghusl.

Why is there brutal punishment for an apostate, what about "no compulsion in religion"?

God says: There's no compulsion into religion. It means that someone who's not a Muslim may not be coerced to embrace Islam - and their conversion would not be accepted from them anyway unless they do so wholeheartedly.
But, once someone accepts Islam, then they must abide by all its rulings.
Once an American soldier joins the army they're expected to abide by their army codes and rules, they cannot decide to change loyalty to the Russian army without facing punishment.
Every organization and every state in the world punishes treason among its members; without that boundary, no entity would be able to survive or maintain social order.
Liked by: Mohammad Ali

barakAllahu feek shaykh, if I take a ghusl mujzi and I am not junub - will it remove my hadath sughra and replace wudu as long as I intended it? Or will wudu only be replaced if I am taking a ghusl for janabah?

If you're taking the ghusl for a valid reason - whether it's an obligatory or recommended ghusl - then you may intend it for only major purification, or you may intend it for both major and minor purification. You get what you intended.
Mind you if you intend for the bath to count for both major and minor, then you must not do anything that nullifies your wudu (e.g. Touching privates, passing wind etc) during ghusl, otherwise your ghusl will only count toward major purification and you'd have to do wudu afterwards.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141015808066 Barak Allahu fiik ustadh. But if a person have knowledge about qira'at and have access to teacher etc..is it safe to use the three last qira'at of ten (3ashr) in prayer, khatm al Quran and etc? Or should one avoid it due to the khilaf? JazakAllah kher

Depends on which mathhab you follow, ask your teacher. In our mathhab it's permissible to recite in any qiraa'ah, even beyond the ten, if it's authentically narrated to a companion, and matches the uthmani script.
The narrations of Hamza and Kisaa'i (and their students) were discouraged by our imam, especially in the presence of laity in the congregation, due to their unusual vowels and elongation.

أروح لمين من المشايخ فى مصر أصاحبهم عشان أتعلم أخلاق الجماعة ويساعدونى أتخلص من أمراض نفسى (تربية)؟

فضيلة الشيخ محمد الدبيسي، شفاه الله وعافاه.

AoA . My sister would like to marry the brother who leads Juma at our Univ. However, he plans on going to Islamic Univ. in Saudi after he graduates, and his parents refuse to support him financially if he goes, so he turned down the propsal since he can't support her.Do you think there's a solution?

There are many solutions. He can study without going to a university in Saudi Arabia. It's up to him to decide whether he wants this marriage or not. My advice, if he's not the one running after the marriage, he's not ready for it.

هل اذا غزونا بلده يجوز لنا أن نملك كل ما فى البلدة من أرض ونساء وأطفال ورجال. وأطفال ويجوز توزيعهم علينا حسب راىالامام أم نملك من كان فى الحرب فقط ارجو منكم التوضيح؟

اغزُ الأول بعدين مش حنختلف 😁

I read some FB-post by some tullab al-'lm and they mentioned the debate of tawatur of Quran. They even mentioned the khilaf between scholars if the 7/10 are mutawatir or not Is that true??????

There's no disagreement that the Qur'an is mutawatir; meaning, that it was memorised by a significant amount of companions, who narrated it to a significant amount of followers, and so on, generation after another, such that it is impossible for them to be unanimously mistaken about even one letter of it.
There's a debate among scholars about the threshold of tawaatur, how many people per generation to memorise it and narrate it. Because of that, there's a difference of opinion in 3 of the ten narrations. Some have limited them to seven, others have said they're ten. Others have said they're more than ten.

Salam Sheikh, I got a request to go do consulting for a company in the UK, it a computer system-related consulting job for 3 days. I agreed without checking the company, and then I went to check online, and they turned out to be a winery. Is it ok if I went?

Liked by: Abdallah Mohsen


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