
Majed Jarrar

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توضيح بس: لا أحب الترجمة و لا أنوي اتخاذها كاريرا,إنما أبغي الاستعانة بها على الاستقلال المادي على ما أخلص الجامعة,هل يختلف جوابك؟

بورش كاريرا.
لاقيلك حاجة بتحبها روح اتعلمها واشتغل بها، واستفد من انكليزيتك في مجالك

لغتي الانجليزية قوية و لم أبدأ الدراسة الجامعية بعد. هل ترى تحضير دبلومة ترجمة في الجامعة الأمريكية يفتح لي العمل كفريلانسر أم أنها بلا قيمة بدون مؤهل عالي؟

لست من مشجعي المؤهلات العالية خصوصا لو كانت بدون سبب. لو تحب الترجمة، إبدأ بالشغل تحت مترجم محترف وابن خبرتك. ولا بأس بالدبلوما الآن أو بعد فترة.

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ما هي الموضوعات التي أتكلم فيها في اللقاء الأول .. سيكون في بيت الفتاة ووسط أسرتها طبعا؟

تعريف بنفسك واسرتك
وحاليا بتعمل ايه في الدنيا
واهدافك المحددة والواضحة رايحة الى اين

I failed to pray 5 times a day for years, sometimes I didn't pray for days, sometimes I only prayed 3 prayers etc. Now I've made tauba and decided to pray every single salah and I want to make up for all the missed prayers but have absolutely no idea how many I missed... what to do?


صديقي مسافر كمان شوية من محافظة غير محافظته قضى فيها ٦ ايام.. هل الان في السكن هل يجوز له صلاة العشا الآن قبل التحرك تقديم و قصر؟ .. هو هيتحرك من السكن قبل العشا بنص ساعة كده عشان يروح يركب

لو كان في المحافظة لسبب لا يعلم مدته، مثلا أنه يبحث عن شخص مدين له أو بضاعة معينة ليبيعها أو يشتريها، ونوى البقاء حتى ينتهي من حاجته، فله أن يجمع ويقصر ما دام في المحافظة ولو زادت عن تسعة عشر يوما.
اما ان كان يعرف مسبقا أنه سيظل ستة أيام، فلا يجمع ولا يقصر منذ اول يوم.

Asalamualaykum, is there any tajweed courses online that you would recommend in English? And is it okay to learn tajweed online in the meantime of you not having a real life teacher, jazakallah khair

Numerous, IOU GQMC is good.

If that report is authentic from Ahmad.I know its true about mut'ah (Makkah) and nabidh (Kufah) but music permitted by Ahl al Madinah? SubhanAllah, do you where I can read about this matter more? As far as I know, the praxis of the people of Madinah is part of the maliki usul. Share if you know!

The quote means the opinion by some people in Madina, some of Mecca, etc
Certainly not that any of these are the common opinions endorsed by the scholars in that city.

Shaykh, in my teens my mother left the family. She brought great suffering to my father hence he wouldn't allow any contact. She would msg me & I'd not respond, I was angry & the emotions took over. Now she's contacting me again but I can't forget d painful past. Is it fard upon me to keep in touch?

Of course.
Not just keep in touch, but be an excellent child to a mother who suffered the greatest pain in the world to give birth to you.

Asalamu alaykum, continuing on from the Qisas an-Nabiyeen question; what level does my arab friend needed to have studied arabic to? JazakAllahu khayra

Two levels beyond your goal of learning from them.
In other words, he'll stop be of a benefit to you once you're closer than two levels behind him.

Salam, i am 19 years and my background is from Hind. I want to learn arabic but can you give me some advice? I used to watch Umar series 1-2 years ago and learnt little, i can also understand some of shami-lahja and now i saw Ahmad series on Qatar tv and understood 50-60%. But i need serious advice

Conversational Arabic? Arabic to study classical texts?

" Imam Ahmad said: “If a person were to act on the opinion of people of Kufa in of Wine (Nabidh), and the opinion of people of Madinah in permissibility of music, and the opinion of the people of Makkah in of temporary marriage, he would be considered a Fasiq" I found it...is this sahih/accepted

You mean, is this report authentic? Yes.

Oops sheikh! I meant I'm learning arabic grammar (VERY basic, Idafah harf jar etc) and to complement my studies I want to read the book to my Arab friend who can correct me, But he doesn't have the book, can I send him pictures of the text I will be reading that day? (I won't be teaching soon lol)

Sure, make sure he's learnt Arabic. Being Arab doesn't come with a built in knowledge of Arabic grammar.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/141516488002?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android Different asker. If I do go back to Afghanistan, how would I pray Jumah? The imams in my area all have the same problem, and are too old fashioned to listen to reasoning.

Exposing A Catfish
According to consensus reported in all four mathaahib, you may pray behind any scholar, or student who does taqleed to any of the four mathaahib, even if what they follow is substantially different than your mathhab, including if they missed what is considered a pillar or condition for validity of the prayer in your mathhab, but isn't so in theirs. For example, it's permissible for a HHanbalito pray behind a maliki who leads less than 40 men for jumua, or Shafi'i who prays after eating camel meal without redoing wudu, or hanafi who does not attain tranquility (tuma'neenah) in every pillar.

asalaamualayum sheikh, I'm learning arabic; grammar through bayyinah access and I plan on reading Qasas an-nabiyeen to my arab friend (laymen, not a teacher); is this okay to do? And he doesn't have a copy of the book, am I allowed to send pictures of the text that we will be covering that day? Jzk

Just because you learnt Arabic grammer doesn't put you in a qualified position to teach.
You can put a plan to study together with a teacher, or listen to the recorded explanation of a book but have access to a teacher for questions.


بلاش يا سيدتي الفاضلة، هذه فتنة عظيمة لقلبه، ولا يجوز هذا بحال ما دمتم غير متزوجين.
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If someone denies that stoning is part of the Shari'ah and he can't believe that our prophet (sws) would allow it as it's inhumane, is he still muslim as stoning is only mentioned in ahadith and rejecting some ahadith (unlike quran verses) doesn't lead to apostasy?

Stoning was revealed in the Qur'an as authentically narrated in Bukhari and Muslim:
'Abdullah b. 'Abbas reported that 'Umar b. Khattab sat on the pulpit of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Verily Allah sent Muhammad (may peace be upon him) with truthand He sent down the Book upon him, and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him.We recited it, retained it in our memory and understood it. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) awarded the punishment of stoning to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and, after him, we also awarded the punishment of stoning, I am afraid that with the lapse of time, the people (may forget it) and may say: We do not find the punishment of stoning in the Book of Allah, and thus go astray by abandoning this duty prescribed by Allah. Stoning is a duty laid down in Allah's Book for married men and women who commit adultery when proof is established, or it there is pregnancy, or a confession.
Stoning adulterers was prescribed to Moses in the Torah. It is found in the old testament, and it was upheld by Jesus, peace be upon him.
The ruling has the status of consensus (ijmaa') among the companions of the Prophet, the following three generations, and the four schools of Fiqh in Islam.
The problem with going against the consensus of the Muslims is greater than misinterpreting a verse of Qur'an or hadeeth, since they may have room for interpretation, unlike the consensus rulings.
Opposing rulings of consensus is apostasy, God says: "whosoever disputes with the prophet after guidance has been made clarified to them, and chose to follow a path different than that of the believers, we shall let them award them what they earned, and admit them into the Fire"
And the Prophet said: The Hand of God is with the congregation. Whosoever splinters (from the congregation), splinters towards Hellfire. Verily, of the flock, the wolf eats the lost sheep.

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As-salamu alaykum, please read when you can. https://justpaste.it/18pk1

The one who found God, what regrets will they have? And the one who lost God, what will fill their void?
You should be thankful for being alerted about your situation. Those who are worthless to God, He leaves them lose themselves into the darkness. Those whom God loves, He would send reminders whenever they go off the path.
May the Almighty bring your heart back onto the faith, and grant you the pleasure of being in His nearness; where no one feels lonely nor lost.

يجوز الجمع بين نية صيام الست من شوال والأيام القمرية؟

الظاهر لي نعم،
لأن الصيام في الأيام البيض حال واقع
وكونك في شوال حال واقع
فيجوز جمع النيتين
بخلاف قضاء رمضان والست من شوال مثلا، فالظاهر لي أنه لا يجزئ جمع النيتين.
وشبيه هذا دخولك للمسجد قبل الزوال بفترة ونيتك لصلاة ركعتي استخارة:
مع أن لا مفر أن الوقت وقت ضحى
وأن الحال حال تحية المسجد
فيجوز الجمع في هذه الحالة بين النوايا الثلاث.


Language: English