
Majed Jarrar

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Sheikh, I understand that we're supposed to respect Arabs and the reasoning, but does that mean we should just accept the open racism and exclusion from conversations (i.e.Speaking Arabic with each other in front of nonArabs)? I know it sucks were "ajami" but does that mean we have to be submissive?

Shorter version: no.
Longer version: read the answer to the previous question.

I'm not trying to blame you or anything, please don't misunderstand. It's just frustrating being treated like sub humans because we weren't blessed to be born as Arabs and able to speak Arabic, and it really is something that I hate about myself

There's no need to hate yourself; people like you have to go through tremendous challenges of memorising and understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah and that no Arab can fully understand.
The same God who choose to reveal the Qur'an in Arabic language, is the One who destined you to be born as non Arab. Your struggle to learn Arabic is part of your journey towards Allah, and everything is recorded to Him. Neither He miscalculates nor leaves anything behind.

No offence but you should stop being so obnoxious and a know it all, cause you are one of the most uninformed and worst sheihks to exist. (if you are one, of course) And stop giving advices you gonna ruin someone's life with your bs.

Let me guess, you're bitter because you're Salafi and my answers make you feel uncomfortable.
No offense taken. In fact, I feel nothing but sympathy to youth who fell into this blind following of a few contemporary figures, built a halo around them, and turned them to be the greatest scholars on earth.
I could've easily played their game, claimed there are no differences of opinion, that my understanding of the hadeeth is the only understanding there is, that I'm here to renew people's faith, and that following me is following the truth, that following the salaf is blind following but following me is the true way to be a Muslim. Then I bring a few contemporaries, and we start praising each other, and together we monopolize knowledge, and claim no one is a scholar except us, or someone we're pleased with.
But that's their game, not mine, and it's an exposed game. They are the ones who created blind followers, and actually ruined, and continue to ruin the lives of hundreds of people whom, and I personally know some, ended leaving not just their narrow minded path, but Islam altogether, all because of their hijacking of the Truth.
These so called scholars made you believe you're only a true Muslim if you follow a handful of 20th century scholars. But if you actually follow the salaf then you're a blind-follower, or backwards. The Truth is that if you do that, you're a threat to them, not to Islam.
Unlike your Sheikhs, I will never call people to follow me, or that I'm the impersonation of the truth, or that Truth = following me. I do what the scholars of the ummah did for the last 13 centuries: call people to follow the understanding of the salaf, not mine.
The fact that youth like you can be turned to blind followers to the extent that makes you send this note my way, not because I defamed your scholars or openly criticized them; but only because I called directly to the way of the salaf, which seems to make you upset = this is what keeps me going.

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My nephews/nieces dont wash their privates, instead they wipe poorly. When i wash their clothes, i find najas in their undies. If they go to the toilet here, do i assume they got najas on them after &stop them from sitting on my lap/bed?or do i assume they r pure since i dont see the najas curently?

It's okay to hold them and let them sit on your lap even if they have najasah on their undies.
You just can't carry them while praying or it'll invalidate your prayer.
If they get their najasah on your lap or bed then you need to wash it.
And teach them how to wipe/wash properly.

Is jam3 al salawat permissible bcz of work during? I know the school of imam Ahmad is not very strict in the matter of combining prayers. Bayyakum Allah

If you're a nurse/doctor in ER, such that you can't take a break even for a washroom visit for 3-4 hours at a time,
Or if you're a baker and you must kneed your dough in a specific 2-3 hour period.
Or if you're a proctor administering a 3-hour long exam with no breaks
In such cases, our mathhab allows for combining prayers.
Otherwise, if your job systemically and regularly makes it difficult for you to pray everyday, then you should look for another job.

انا عسراء وباكل بالشمال لان محدش من وانا صغيرة علمني اكل باليمين دلوقت بحاول اكل باليمين وبتبقى بالنسبة ليا عملية أشبه بالمستحيل كل الاكل بيقع ، هل ده حرام وهل عليّ اثم؟

انا اعسر، ووقعت أكل باليمين ما يكفي لإطعام قرية صغيرة، بس تعلمت في الآخر.

جزاكم الله خيرا. I was so worried I had to repeat so many prayers. I just need to make sure, if I never wiped over the hijab itself but only over a small portion of the hair, is this still enough? Also, does this apply to any hijab? As long as it covers the parts that shouldn't be shown?


When I'm out and want to perform wudu, how much of my hair under the hijab do I need to wipe on? Are the ones in front enough or do I need to take off my hijab and make the water reach all the way to the back of my head?

In our mathhab, none of the hair needs to be wiped if your hijab is properly covering the hair, the ears and neck. You can just wipe over the hijab
In majority view, a small portion of the hair is sufficient then you wipe the hijab.
I keep repeating, Hanbali scholars said: if only women knew how many advantages they get in our mathhab, they would only ask Hanbali scholars for fatwa.
You're welcome.

Do you know of any mainstream pizza stores that sell pizza that uses halal cheese? I just learned of the problem with cheese and I'm freaking out since I've always relied on pizza hut for a quick meal after work. Allah bless you

Generally speaking, unless you become certain that a certain brand or restaurant makes their cheese from non-halal animal enzymes, then you're good. You can also ask if their cheese is vegetarian friendly (i.e. uses microbial enzyme and bacterial culture instead of rennet and lipase).
Too much digging is not something the companions did in this matter. They ate cheese made by the polytheists and said bismillah. I think you could do that too.

A formerly Shia sister who's friends with my mom just converted to Sunnism and divorced. She wants to marry a Sunni, but she doubts her parents will agree to anyone, let alone talk to her again, but they're back home in Afghanistan. Our locality doesn't really have an imam, so who is her wali?

A righteous, elderly Sunni Muslim man, well known in the community, preferably from her same culture.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142353116738 lmao ever had a job? Every rule has it's logic at work God's ones too, just say you're too lazy to do your research instead of saying God isn't logical with His rules.

God says: No, by Your Lord - O Prophet - they will not believe until they let you judge in their affairs, then they find no objection in their heart to the ruling, and submit in full.
And: No believing man or woman has the right, if God and His Messenger decreed a matter, to choose (to reject) by themselves.
If a Muslim hasn't established this, rooted in their heart more firmly than cement, then there is no point in explaining the logic of anything in the religion to them. Their faith does not need more logic; they just need submission.
Oh and, I have managed over 300 people in the past decade, this toxic attitude wouldn't pass the first interview stage in any company I run.
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يا شيخ هل يجووز اني أصلي سنن وانا عليا صلوات من سنين قديمة من صغري لم أقضها بعد؟ ولو هبدأ اقضها هل الاولوية للسنن ثم القضاء ان القضاء؟

في مذهبنا القضاء أولا، بل قيل لا تصح السنن حتى تقضى الفوائت.
وفي المذاهب الأخرى أقوال أسهل في هذه المسألة لك أن تتبعها.

ممكن ترجمة طالب علم ، العلوم الشرعية ، وطليب وطويلب إلى الإنجليزية، والفرق بين طليب وطويلب في العربية؟

شكرا على السؤال.
مبدأيا، عبارة
student of knowledge
غير صحيحة بالمرة
والعلوم الشرعية مبتتسماش sciences
والعالِم في الدين مسموش scientist
والأقرب عندي وصف العلوم الشرعية ب disciplines او studies
وطلب العلم ب scholarahips
والعالم ب scholar
وطالب العلم ليس هناك ما يطابقه في الثقافة الإنكليزية عموما،
ويكفي غالبا أن يقال في المحادثة مثلا
- Oh, so you're an imam?
- No, I'm still a student.
- Studying what?
- Islamic studies
والثقافة الانكليزية فقيرة بالألقاب، خصوصا في أمريكا الشمالية حيث تعتبر الألقاب مع الأسماء أمرا غير طبيعي، إذ المعروف أن ينادي الناس بعضهم بعضا باسمهائم فقط، أو تحفظ الألقاب مع الكنى فقط، فالمدير في العمل والاستاذ في الجامعة يناديهم موظفيهم وطلبتهم بستيفين أو مستر سميث.
ولما يأتيني ايميل من طالب يسميني دكتور ماجد اعرف أن المرسل عربي او مصري غالبا.
وطَليب وطَلوب بفتح الطاء: صيغة مبالغة يعني طالب شديد الطلب.
وطويلب بضم الطاء وفتح الواو: صيغة تصغير بمعنى طالب صغير.
أما طُليب بضم الطاء، كاسم الصحابي البدري، رضي الله عنه، فلا أعلم معناه.

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لو واحد عمل كتاب و الكتاب بتاعه اتشهر و اتباع وجاب فلوس وكدة , فجيه واحد اشتري الكتاب و صوره و باع نسخ يكسب منها , بإنه يبيع بسعر أقل هل في حرمة في هذا الفعل ؟

نعم هذا الفعل محرم، لأن حقوق التأليف والطبع والنشر إنما هي شروط أصحابها، والمسلمون على شروطهم.
أما إذا أراد أن يلخصه أو يعيد إخراجه بصورة اقرب للفهم أو بخط اصغر وصفحات أقل فهذا من باب نشر العلم ولا بأس فيه.

Question from Umdat al-Taalib: Imam al-Buhuti mentions that there are a few things that cannot be purfied once they become soiled with impurity: oil, a certain type of jar, and certain types of knives/swords which have holes in them. Why is this the case? I get the Oil, but the jar and knife?

The same terms appear in Akhsar, Arrawdh, AlMuntaha, Al-iqnaa' and al-Mubdi'.
The following examples given represent special cases of an object that becomes najis and purifying will be challenging or impossible:
1. A coated knife with a najis material does not become pure by washing. In the hashiyah of Arrawdh ibn Qasim added: unlike if it was forged from pure material then dipped in najis coolant; in this case it can be washed off.
2. Lard, if a rat falls in a container of lard and dies, the dead rat, and a scoop of the adjacent lard must be thrown out, because it cannot be purified. The mathhab is that this is only for lard and non liquid oils, where it's possible to carve around the najasah to remove it. As for liquid oils, the mathhab is that it should entirely be thrown out, and Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah opposed that view with a strong argument, you can find it in his books.
3. Clay vases that get full of najis liquid until it's soaked in its pores.
4. Dough that is made with flour and najis water.
5. A metallic or smooth surface such as a sword, a mirror, glass, etc, cannot be purified by removing the najasah or wiping only; it has to be washed with a scrub.
Hope this clarifies.

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Asalamualaykum, is phone insurance permissible? Especially if you live in a area with high crime rates. It covers, loss, theft and accidental damage for a small fee per month and if you were to claim then you'd have to pay a one off excess fee per claim you make. Jazak'Allah khayra.

If the contract is separate, e.g. from a standalone insurance provider, then I don't know a difference of opinion about the ruling that it is forbidden; for you're paying for something completely uncertain, and that's impermissible.
However, some scholars said if it was an optional feature Included in the original contract of buying the phone, then there's a exchange of commodity which is the phone for the money, and the additional service may be acceptable.

I need a logical answer why women are not allowed to travel by themselves alone? And if the matter is done by Allah's order and it's a fact that it's religiously prohibited , Is there any exceptions like traveling to study or something important as such? Thankyou in advance.

Alaikum assalam,
The believers respond to God's commandments with: we hear and we obey.
Seeking logical interpretations will not make you an obedient servant; the covenant we have with God is to worship Him and not associate partners with Him. The attitude "convince me first, I'll follow the rulers later" might not even work with your employer, let alone your creator.

I have wind incontinence and make wudu for each prayer can I join dohr and asr together at one time and maghrib and ishaa together at one time?

No, you need to pray each prayer in its time, and you must make a new wudu for each obligatory prayer.


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