
Majed Jarrar

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السلام عليكم شيخ ماجد, ما رأيك في المورجج مع شركة مثل إجارة؟ هل يوجد فعلا مورجج إسلامي بكندا؟

نعم هناك خيارات تمويل عقاري إسلامي كثيرة، تغني عن الدخول في الحرام تحت ذرائع الضرورة والحاجة.
ليس هناك شبهة شرعية في صورة العقد عند إجارة لكن لا أعرف سمعة الشركة ولا تاريخها.

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What's one thing you need to work on and one thing your really good at and proud of

my belly (surpassingly answers both!)

hadith of the day?

Uqba ibn Amir asked the Prophet peace be upon him: What is salvation?
He said: "Hold back your tongue, let your home suffice you, and cry over your sin."
Liked by: Mariam Khairy

what if mfso is also the problem?

get professional help elsewhere,
Call 613-725-3601 (ext. 117), or

دعواتك يا مولانا بتيسير الحال؟ احبك في الله

أسأل الله ان يشرح صدرك وييسر أمرك ويفرج كربك ويقضي دينك ويشفي مرضك، ويحفظك ويلطف بك ويعفو عنك ويغفر لك ويرأف بك ويرحمك ويرضى عنك، انت وانا وجميع المسلمين.

استفهام يا مولانا .. احنا نقدر؟ طاب صباحك :-)

صباحك فل 😃

لا يجوز ازاي قلب النيه؟ يعني مينفعش حد يصلي خلف شخص بدا الصلاه؟

مش فاهم صيغة السؤال استنكار والا استفهام. عموما، إذا كان مسبوقا، فلا يصح أن يكون إماما لمن أتى بعد انتهاء الجماعة، وإذا أدرك المسبوق ركعة مع إمام ثم قام بعد تسليمه فصار إماما، بطلت صلاة من ائتم به عند المالكية والحنفية لأنهم مؤتمون بمن ليس إماما. وعندنا، لا يجوز الإئتمام بمسبوق، والصلاة صحيحة. ويجوز ائتمام مسبوق بمسبوق جواره لانه شبيه الاستخلاف.

if curse is the parent, how can you remove them? serious, what do you do?

I strongly recommend you contact Muslim Family Services of Ottawa immediately. They have a full time registered family councillor.
Visit:375 Somerset St. W (near Bank St.)
Call:613 232 MFSO (6376)

صليت المغرب ثم بدا في صلاة السنه جاء اتنين صلوا خلفي بنية المغرب فصليت بهم ثلاث ركعات جهريه .. هل هذا صحيح؟

صلاتكم صحيحة، لكن لا يجوز قلب النية من منفرد إلى إمام أثناء الصلاة.

what to do if parent having an affair, tells all family problems to their lover even if you tell them not to, their lover is breaking your family apart, and your siblings going into haraam because of bad leadership at home?

Find the curse in the house and remove it. Ya Lateef! 😱😱😱

As salam alkyum, when I am in salat behind the imam, can I follow what he is reading by moving my lips without making sound, or should I just be quiet and Listen. Jazak.

Yes, you can, and yes, you should.

Is it permissible for an adult muslim to shake hands with his sister-in-low ?

No, wallahi no, it was a mistake in my previous answer and I corrected it. 👇👇

During Ramadan, is it permissible to pray Isha and Witre right before suhoor? (i.e. sleep after magrib and wake up a few minutes before suhoor to pray Isha and Witre)?

Eating suhoor, and eating it late = Sunnah.
Delaying witr until end of night = also Sunnah.
Delaying isha in Ramadan, or out of Ramadan, until past one third of the night = prohibited.
Missing Isha (or any obligatory) prayer in congregation without valid excuse = prohibited.
Committing a prohibited act to do a sunnah = prohibited.
Allah says: There is no better way for my servant to draw nearer to me than to do what I obliged them to do.
If you want to gain great rewards, you have to do great sacrifices. Let this Ramadan be your first step to change. You could manage your sleep to be after Fajr and before Maghreb, and earn the great rewards at the night.
1. Praying Isha in congregation = the reward of praying half the night in congregation
2. Praying taraweeh in congregation = the reward of praying full night in congregation
3. Praying Fajr in congregation = the reward of praying full night in congregation.
4. Pray the remaining half of the night at home = you got yourself total rewards of praying 3 Ramadan nights every night.
5. Asking Allah to accept and bless = multiplication by at least 10 times.
That's a guaranteed recipe to live 30 times longer than your life span, and it's free.
The nations before us were given more time to live, and less things to do. God gave us busier lives but granted us multipliers on our deeds, up to 700 fold. Utilising the multipliers is our key to winning the race to Jannah.

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Liked by: Umm Anṣār

Asalamu alaikum, are you sure you meant to write that sister in-laws are exceptions to the ruling you mentioned? that a man can shake hands with his sister in-law?

Corrected, jazak Allah khayran

Is it permissible for a Muslim to shake hands with someone from the opposite gender?

If you're an adult man, then physical contact with women - and their likes - is as follows:
From their birth until seven years = permissible.
Seven to puberty = permissible if they haven't started to look like adult women, and there is no desire.
Puberty until menopause = is forbidden, whether or not there is desire.
After that = some scholars said permissible if there is no desire.
The exceptions are: mothers, daughters (through blood, step- or in-law kinship), sisters, aunts, nieces, (all previous five include grand- and great grand-, through blood or wet-nursing), and of course, wives, and slaves (whenever they existed).
The opposite is true and almost identical.
Liked by: Hanan

As salam alkyum, how do we too non Muslims, they say why does God let children die such as a little baby never made it into the world? Also what is the status of baby's in jannah, are they raised as kids or adults?

Allah's wisdom is endless. Many babies who die are gateways to paradise for their parents.
As for the destiny of babies who die, here's an answer.
Liked by: محمد

The ffic that I write is posted on a site here. I write for myself and do not do it for the sake of earning money or advertising. Just the appearance of the celebrity is used where he is not famous, but he still is Christian in the story, so is that too allowed? Btw Jazakallahu khairan for replying.

I encourage you to continue writing and develop your skill and eloquence. Write stories that promote virtue and morality. Stay away can from writings that involve promoting a sinful lifestyle.

السلام عليكم هل مشاهدة مسلسل عمر بن الخطاب حرام؟ هو انا شاهدته واستفدت منه كثيرا لكن بعد مشاهدتي له قيل لي انه لا يجوز ارجو التوضيح وبارك الله في حضرتكم ونفع بكم ☺

عليكم السلام
لا أعلم


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