
Majed Jarrar

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How does itikaaf work at the Ottawa Mosque? Is that the only mosque that offers the program?

Ask their Facebook page.

What defines a bidaa? Based on that definition,is it a bidaa to celebrate the mawlid of rasoolullah? عليه الصلاة والسلام

1. Study
2. Depends on your understanding of 1.

Did Shaykh-Ul-Islam believe that Jahannam will perish?

Yes, and his student interpreted it that there's a part of hellfire that hosts the sinners of the believers, then perishes after they are cleansed of their sins and go to paradise.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

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Akhi im very bad at math and i have start thinking about learn every basic step at math again with right intention and ikhlas. And also i have thought to make dua in tahajjud and sujud that Allah azza wa djall shall give me knowlegde in math? is that stupid? Like: Allahumma alimni ilm al riyad.....

It invalidates the prayer to pray for anything that has no purpose in the hereafter.
However, if it is beneficial for your hereafter then it doesn't, like praying to be granted a righteous, beautiful wife that would keep you away from committing sins.
Outside the prayer you can ask for anything good of this world or the hereafter.

كنت عاوز نت بالحلال وقدمت على خط ارضى من شركه المصريه للاتصالات ولكن قالولى ان مفيش امكانيه نزود البوكسات وكل ال عندك مليان وعملت شكوى وكده وبردو كان نفس الرد هل لو اخترقت شبكه واى فاى وخدت نت يبقى حرام والله نيتى كانت حلال الاول بس شكل الموضوع هيطول 😅

ههههه، والله نكتة.
يعني عاوز تدخلني النار معاك بالعافية يا اخي؟
خد نت دونجل من اتصالات او ادفع للجيران مقابل وصلة، وراقب الله في السر والعلانية، وابتعد عن الحرام والشبهة، حفظني الله وإياك من الوقوع فيما يسبب سخطه.

الشيخ محمد عبد المقصود من كبار علماء مصر؟

حيفرق معاك ايه لو كبار ولو صغار؟ لو معجبكش متأخذش منه.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

*قاعدة نحوية الزيادة في المبني زيادة في المعني*فزيادة عدد حروف لأقطعن للتوكيد

نوّرت المحكمة.
Liked by: محمد حمدي

Is it allowed to recite the Qur'an at graves for the dead to receive good deeds due to it?

You receive good deeds? yes
They receive good deeds? yes
Liked by: Hanan

Some people say Ahlu Sunnah includes Atharis, Asharis and Maturidis. Is this claim correct?

Busy yourself with something more substantial and productive.
Liked by: Hanan

Which conditions have to be fulfilled for a woman to be allowed to work?

A work visa, or residency status
A work contract

السلام عليكم استاذ ماجد عندي سؤال بعد اذنك ما الفرق بين لأقطّعن ولأقطعن؟ وهل الفرق ما بين الكلمتين يأثر على معنى الآيتان "لأقطّعن ايديكم وارجلكم من خلاف..." و "السارق والسارق فقطعوا ايديهما..." بوركتم

لا أدري.

Is it actually okay to never get married? I just don't have the desire to get married or have children. I know it's highly recommended in our religion but still... I just feel so much happier when I'm alone.

You didn't leave me any room for an answer.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

تكملة السؤال might attempt to install dangerous program on your computer أرجوك قولى أعمل إيه أنا خايفه جدا

قوليلة لأ. المالوير غالبا برامج غايتها التسويق، لكن جزء منها قد يكون له اغراض تجسس. الحذر منها عموما واجب.
انا بقالي عشرين سنة بستخدم كمبيوترات من غير برامج حماية. القاعدة واضحة: لو مش واثق في الملف، لا تفتحه، ولو كان المرسل اخاك.
وممكن تستشيري مولانا @mustafaelmasry بمسائل أمن الشبكات

أرجووووووك رد عليا أنا بفتح النت بيظهرلى كده the site ahead contain malware أرجوك مش عارفه أعمل إيه

ممكن تسألي @mustafaelmasry ويدلك على طريق.

حضرتك موجود دلوقتى أرجووووووووووووك رد عليا ضرورى ضرورى حضرتك موجود؟؟ أنا خايفه جدا

تفضلي خيرا

To my previous question, what about the part of fasting one day is like fasting the whole year 9 days 9 years is this also false?

Only the day of arafa, fasting it is like fasting two years. The rest we don't have a specific factor, but some Salaf said seventy days, others said a year.

Pt2 is like performing the late night prayer on the night of power. [i.e., Lailatul Qadr]." [This is related by at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and al-Baihaqi] As salam alkyum, what is the ruling on this hadith, that praying in the first 9 days at night is like praying layl qadr eg. 9nights 9 layl qadr?

False. The ten days of thu alhijja are greater than the last ten days of Ramadan, as a group. However, laylatul Qadr is greater than any other individual night in the year.

as-Salamu 'alaykum. I heard that the person who says that Prophets can sin or have sinned before the prophethood is misguided. Is this true? Do you recommend any literature for this subject to study? Please answer this and do not avoid this question. Barak Allahu fik wa Faqak Allah. :D

Prophets can sin, and have committed sins as described in the Quran. However God protected them from committing any major sins, and protected them from forgetting or mis-delivering the message. You can read any introductory book of aqeeda, such as Messages and Messengers by Sheikh Omar alAshqar rahimahullah, or Pearl of Eloquence by Sheikh Muhammad Yusri hafidhahullah, or Radiance of Faith by Imam Ibn Qudamah, rahimahullah.
Liked by: ♡Rahella♡ Hanan

I want to learn my religion properly. All the years I've been just watching random lectures, reminders. Where to start? Aqida? Tafsir?

Adab is first. Then Quran and basics of Fiqh, hadeeth, aqeeda, tafseer, seera and Arabic. Then go deeper on all.
Ensure there's a reliable, local teacher you're in touch with regularly

After the YQ video I really don't know whom to listen to... Can you tell me which Shuyukh are reliable in the english language?

Learn Arabic 😅
There are plenty of people to learn from, focus on someone local, reliable and approachable.
Liked by: mijowa


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