
Majed Jarrar

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Ustadh if I want to 1) attend conferences and lectures locally to learn the deen and my parents say no, what should I do? 2)Travel abroad and because serious in seeking ilm and Persue it as a full time thing but parents say no, do I have to obey them?

Always obey your parents.
Use kindness and wisdom to agree on middle ground. Once you agree on the importance of learning about Islam, see which mosques - scholars - subjects are they comfortable with you learning from, and do that. The better your relationship is with them, the more room for negotiation you will have.

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Asalamoulakom Majed, as a beginning student at a uni, how do I manage daily prayers? Sometimes a lecture might occur during the time of prayer. What is the best thing to do, without rescheduling? Thank you. جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

Some people need to go to the bathroom during lectures. Some people need to answer that phone call from their prospect boss calls (who would miss the opportunity after that awesome job interview, right?!)
Right. Your God is your creator, provider, sustainer, protector and inheritor. Everything you do comes from Him and to Him all things return. There is nothing more important in your entire existence than showing up when He calls, and doing so professionally and punctually.
Next time the devil whispers to you that if only your prayer schedule was more convenient and compatible with your life, remind him that your prayer schedule was fixed before you were born; it is your class schedule that is inconvenient with your life.
Plus, imagine the incredible head-start opportunity of showing your professionalism, communication skills, and manners - and teaching someone about Islam - by simply sending an email to your professor in the beginning of the semester to inform them that during those specific lecture days, you will need to excuse yourself for ten minutes (or maybe 5 if your prayer speed is on cocaine) to do your daily prayers.
A few centuries ago, Muslims reigned the world and aced every discipline in life. It was when schools were built by mosques, not corporates, and classes were dismissed by the call to prayer, not factory bells.
Your success depends on what you value the most in your life.

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ينفع أجمع بين الاضحية والعقيقة في جدي او عنزة واحدة او بقرة واحدة؟؟

أجابك عن هذا من هو أعلم وأفضل مني شيخنا @Dr_Mutlaq
وأرجو منك في المستقبل أن لا تشركني بسؤال توجهه لمشايخنا
فإن سألت فذاك من جهلك بقدري
وإن أجبتك فذاك من جهلي بقدري

السلام عليكم, I'm having a hard time with determining if basic things are halal. These are things like soap, shampoo. There are fatwaas that say they are permissible since they go thru enormous transformations. However what if they're made out of pork fat or non zabiha beef? & what abut for creams?

alaikum assalam,
A more important question is: where do you seek knowledge from? If it's the internet, you'll always be in confusion, today's permissible will be tomorrow's forbidden and so on.
Seek a scholar - preferably of your locality, whom you trust their knowledge and judgement, can learn from them and meet as often as you need, and they'll solve much more important problem in your life than the ruling of gelatin in marshmallows and creamy soap, although all stem from the same cause = the lack of guidance and mentorship.

The closest masjid to me is in a college that i dont study in and dont know the inside of it. Its about 1.55 km from where i live. Is it fardh on me to attend there? Also should i stay on a uni campus to pray most of the congregation prayers?

1.55km is less than 3 minutes on a bicycle.
Congregation prayer is obligatory. Not only that, it is the single greatest deed in this world. If you miss it at the mosque, try to find friends to pray it with, even if not at the mosque. If you can't find anyone, go to the mosque and pray, albeit by yourself. The prayer in congregation is 27 times greater than praying alone, and the prayer at the mosque is 25 times greater than praying at home or work. If you miss one of the two boosts, then don't miss the other.
Ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever would like to meet God tomorrow as a Muslim, let him offer these prayers regularly when the call to prayer is given, where the call is given; for God has prescribed for your Prophet the path of guidance and this is part of that guidance. If you were to pray in your houses as this man who retarded to his home, you would have given up the path of guidance of your Prophet, and if you give up a path of guidance of your Prophet you will go astray. There is no man who does wudoo’ and does it well, then goes to one of these mosques, but for every step he takes Allaah will record one hasanah (good deed) for him, and erase one bad deed. I recall a time when no one stayed away from the prayer except a hypocrite whose hypocrisy was well known. And I recall a man would come [with his legs] flailing between two others [out of sickness] until he could stand in the line to pray.” Narrated by Muslim, 654.
Lastly, there was a companion (may God be pleased with him) who used to live in the outskirts of Madina. He was one of the farthest people to live from the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Despite all that, he never missed a single prayer of the five daily prayers behind the Prophet. On top of that, he used to always walk, and never ride to the mosque. It was said to him, “Why do you not buy a donkey that you can ride when it is hot and when it is very dark at night?” He said, “I would not like my house to be close to the mosque; for I want my walking to the mosque and back to my family to be recorded.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him, “God will grant you all of that.” then God Almighty revealed the verse in the Quran - recited until today in memory of that hero's work, saying "Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life, and record what they have put forth and what their footsteps [i.e. their legacy, but the meaning here is taken literally for this story], and all things We have enumerated in a clear register. [36:12]
I learnt that hadeeth just as I travelled to go to college. When I was in college I was in a small town, and the nearest mosque was 45 km away in the next town. There was no public transportation. Yet, I do not recall once being late for jumua, despite having to miss an entire day of classes and make it up on the weekend.
May the Almighty assist you and reward you for seeking to be a better Muslim in the prime of your youth.

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PAP the most awesome wedding cake ever!

Our wedding cake. My wife - may Allah bless her hands - made it herself from scratch. It took her three days. Strongly not recommended for the faint-of-heart brides!
PAP the most awesome wedding cake ever

الشغل في صيدلية في الساحل الشمالي حكمه ايه؟ علشان بس الفتن اللي هناك انا ان شاء الله هغض بصري

معرفش أخبار الساحل الشمالي. إسأل ذا علم له اطلاع.
Liked by: Ahmed

ادعيلى بظهر الغيب بالله عليك يجيلي شخص مناسب الشهر ده ونرتبط ﻷنى تعبت جدا

ادعوا لأختكم بإخلاص.
Liked by: mosad foda Hanan

what is meaning when you remember someone and just you feel sad and happiness towards this person?

I think you mean you're feeling sad for yourself and happy for them? otherwise I don't understand how can one feel sad and happy at the same time.
It means you're probably not busy enough working on your goals.

Just saw your comment on the facebook post of the guy who lost his dog ,,, when i first saw the post i made fun of the guy in my mind ,, coz it's a dog and we're not allowed to have dogs at home and whatnot ,, but then i saw your comment and was surprised at my ignorance ,, what don't i understand?

We're allowed to keep dogs, for guarding, hunting, shepherding, and similar reasons.
Regardless, you should have empathy towards your brothers when they have lost something dear to them.

Has living in the west strengthened your belief that the shareea is the best political system and way of life? Some insights for the doubtfull souls...

Absolutely. I see passive and active proofs every single day, on the streets, on the bus, in the news, at homeless shelters, hospitals, courts, prisons, churches and malls.

Asalaamualaikum hope you're in the best of health and eeman. I was jus wondering is it permissible to make du'aa in sujood regarding worldly matters, Ummah, family, those whom who have passed away for Allah to grant them maghfirah etc if its permissible should it be uttered? BarakAllahu feek

You can ask anything good in sujood, as long as it's not exclusively of worldly benefit.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
تعاشب شاي ☺
Liked by: air 2107

السلام عليكم، هل يجوز أن يكون معيار اختياري لمذهب من الأربعة لدراسته هو قلة القائمين على تعلمه وتعليمه بحيث يكون لي مجهود في خدمة المذهب هذا الذي قل متعلمية وخدمته ؟

لو كان الحال كذا، لكان ينبغي عليك اتباع المذهب الثوري او الاوزاعي او الجريري او الليثي او غيرها من المذاهب المعتبرة التي اندثرت. ولكن يا أخي سل الله العافية، واشكره على نعمة توافر العلماء في المذاهب الأربعة، وأنه قد قام عليها عشرات الآلاف من العلماء وحرروها وضبطوها حتى صارت أوتادا كالجبال. واتبع المذهب الذي تجد من يدرسه ويشرحه لك.
أما حب الإنحياز مع الأقلية، ونصرة المستضعفين، والدفاع عن المظلومين، فهذه مشاعر قيمة إن وضعتها في مكانها، وأغثت الملهوفين، ونصرت المساكين، وتصير تلك المشاعر عبثا إذا وجهتها في غير مكانها، كمن ذهب الى حلب لينقذ القطط.

لا لم اقصد دخولك النار وما كنت سألت ان كنت نويت او ان كنت لا اخشى الحرام فانا معترض على هذا المبدء ولكن كنت بدور ع حل وجزيت خيرا 😅

طريق الحلال أيسر من اتباع الشهوات، وإن كان قد تحفه المكروهات وتحجبه عنك شياطين الإنس والجنات.

Lol, sorry. I was attempting to let you completely know how I feel about marriage. It's not that I answered the question myself. Okay let me ask again: 'Is it actually okay to never get married?'

Yes, many major Muslim scholars never got married. It depends on each person. The Sunnah is to get married because the greatest of legacy is to have a progeny that continues the reform of earth on your footsteps. However, some people are incapable of having children, and among those who are, many are incapable of raising them.
Liked by: Hanan

My wife needs fatwa I suggested she ask you as you are more aware of challenges faced by muslims living abroad than other scholars back home. She needs to know why you're qualified for fatwa. I know you're mujaz in quran and the six books of hadith but i don't know about fiqh. What do I tell her?

I have ijazas in forty six books of hadeeth, not just the six books.
I could go on, and list to you the number of scholars of Fiqh that I have studied under and my ijazas in Fiqh.
However, the number of ijazas is not an indication of knowledge nor understanding. And I don't resort to scholars in every matter of fiqh before answering it, neither will I necessarily get their approval on every opinion i have stated.
Tell her that scholarly qualifications are measured in effectiveness and efficiency of effort made. I have answered over a thousand questions on this site since I became active on it four months ago. If there's anything I've answered seems odd to you or your wife (to be specific, any Sharia related answer seems odd with that which the mainstream scholarly opinion has been regarding that matter for the past thousand years) then you may question me on that. You can also always feel free to walk away to seek advice from someone else without any blame from me or anyone else.

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نصيحة لمن على وشك أن يبدأ الروض المربع. ما هو الأشياء التي ينبغي أن تركَّز عليها؟

نصف اتقان الكتاب معرفة مقصوده بكلمة "مطلقا" حيثما وردت.

سؤال دائماً يتردد على خاطري: لماذا ينتقد بعض كبار علماءنا المعاصرين الحافظ ابن رجب الحنبلي قائلين إنه كان يتأثر بالتصوف؟ ويتعقبون على استعماله كلمات مثل (العارفين) إلخ. ألم يكن ابن رجب من أعلم الناس بالسنة وألم تكن عنده قدرة يتميز بها بين سلبيات المتصوفة وتعليماتهم الممدوحة؟ فمن أين هذه الجرأة؟

من قال انهم كبار علمائنا؟


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