
Majed Jarrar

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If I give money to my relatives back home to make their lives much easier, is it still counted as Sadaqa? They would come out without my money too (but they're struggling).


Is the woman's voice part of the Awrah?

Scholars have differed whether a woman's voice is Awrah, but agree that it's prohibited for a woman to speak in a suggestive, flirting or overly feminine manner with a non-mahram men.

As salam alkyum, is it permissible To accept gifts on my birthday. Some of my family buy me gifts and send them to me, etc.


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Salam akhi. I saw you posting about a certain FB-site in arabic (do you know...?) I liked your info. I think its good if you translate it to english so people can be aware of the lies and myths in that site. Majority of the followers of that page is english speaking people...so barakAllahu fik khoya

Jazakom Allah kher, I wish I had time. If anyone willing to volunteer to translate it please go ahead or pm me.

Is dropshipping permissible?

Good question, thank you.
A retail business has two forms:
It is permissible for some to buy, stock then sell.
It is not permissible to sell something before buying or owning it.
There's a different type of transactions called delegation:
A person x delegates y to go and buy something from z for a commission of n% or $N.
The two contracts are different. It is not permissible to lure a person into a sale while it's a delegation. You can say instead: pre-order this item, I will bring it to you and the total will be $K retail price plus $N or n% for shipping, handling and commission.

Sorry for that. A company needs a tool which the lowest price in the market is 100 dollar. The company sends Ahmed to buy it. Ahmed goes to a shop which is selling it with 100,but he gives Ahmed 5 dollars from the 100 and the shop takes 95,the written bill is 100 dollar,are these 5 dollars Halal?


http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140084588866 Thank you so much for caring for my life brother, may Allah bless you. The situation helps me to hide that, moving and traveling many times for work , there is no risk for death here in my situation , so is it Haram not to tell her about that ? Thanks

This requires personal connection of the asker. I can't answer anonymously. Pm me on Facebook.

Salaam Sheikh. As a Muslim man is it permissible to wear clothes or shoes that have gold on them, such as gold writing?

Alaikum assalam,
No. Let the disbeliever men of this world have it, it is exclusively to the believers in the hereafter.

Assalamualaikum. I am confused about the permissibility of portraying sahaba in the movies and dramas. According to most of the ulema, it is haram. But I don't know why it is haram.Some said it is disrespecting the sahaba. But I am not sure how is that the case? Aren't they teaching about them?

The majority of scholars say that it's forbidden. Some of the reasons are :
1. Acting requires adding so many details to their characters and stories in their time that simply aren't true.
2. The actors will leave an imprint, especially the youth, which could extend beyond the character to the actor. X will act as Ali, may God be pleased with him, then in a later movie the same actor will play a villain.
3. Relationships in acting are controversial, especially men-women interacting, such as pretending to be someone's daughter, or someone's wife, and all the subsequent portrayal of that relationship, while the actors aren't related in real life.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/140078081090 Basically, he has been arguing that the khilafah was a dictatorship that only worked because those dictators were of good character. But don't ahlul hal wal aqd, and the very nature of Islamic jurisprudence keep the khalifah from being a dictator?

I disagree with that aspect, and agree with the aspect that the political system needs to be thought in terms of the present day.

Al Salaam Alikomu Please , is it necessary to tell the second or the third or the forth wife that I am married already ? Please clarify for me with the proof because I don't know one for that and a friend told me that this is unfair for her . Thank you so much brother

Lol. Saving your life is a proof bro.

Salaam brother A company which send a person to buy spare parts then he goes to an agent who sells him for 100 dollar (for ex.), it's price in the market is 100 or higher and the company's owner knows that, but the agent tells that person to pay only 95 as a price and 5 for that person's pocket=====

You totally lost me there. Start again please, who's selling what?

يا مولانا شركة اتصالات عندها خدمة دفع فواتير وتحويل اموال الخدمة دي بتقدمها عن طريق بنك تجاري يعني كل عميل عندة حساب في البنك بيتم فية عمليات التحويل دي السؤال ينفع اشتغل في الشركة دي في (it) مع العلم اني هتعامل مباشرة مع الخدمة دي

لا أدري
إسأل مفتيا في بلدك يا حبيب

Your thoughts on the points made here in general.. especially the use of the word "totalitarian" https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1819058601670421&id=100006988956079

I agree with most of what the brother said. Aside from choice of words, the point he wanted to deliver is that political systems of governance back then were determined based on the merits of the people and needs of the society.
The governance at the time of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, al-Hasan and Mu'awiyah - may God be pleased with them - were all different.
Claiming that Islamic politics have one favourite way of ruling, which is totalitarianism, is an erroneous claim made by the contemporary political Islamists, and he's suggesting that it's perhaps more to do with their greed for power, than general lack of knowledge of Islam that is causing this misjudgment.

Asalamu alaykum, according to saHiH hadith there is no difference in virtue between ajam and arab. Like the khutba from last Hajj. But then in books, like scholars as Nawawi, Ibn Qudamah and Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahumAllah) said arabs have virtue (fuduula) over ajam. Contradiction? Can you elaborate

They have the honour of being the nation from which the Prophet was born.
Similarly, the tribe of Quraysh has that honour above all Arab tribes.
Similarly, the family of Banu Hashim has that honour above all families of Quraysh.
This is a generally speaking.
As for the point which the Prophet clarified in the final sermon: an individual non-Arab may nevertheless exceed even a Hashimi in ranks of righteousness, because whosoever descend due to their deeds will not ascend due to their lineage.

Salam alaikum. I have made many MAJOR sins as cheating, lying, backbiting, missing prayers etc. I decided to make 'umrah inshaAllah. Can 'umrah expiate these sins? I know hajj do it but i dont have money with hajj only umrah now...i think with 'umrah it will be a new chapter in my life

Indeed. The Prophet said : A Umrah to another Umrah, expiates everything in between.

Assalaamu Alaykum shaykh, this might sound like a silly question but what type of questions in a duroos *should* you be asking even if the matter is clear to you. Question might sound ajeeb so sorry about that

Depending on the class size, and level of study, and your level compared to others.
If you're much more knowledgeable than the average, in a beginner class, then write your ultra smart questions down and discuss them with the teacher outside class.
Similarly if you're the least knowledgable in the an advanced class, and your questions are from a prerequisite knowledge.
If you think that 25% or more of the class will benefit from your question, then go ahead and raise it.
On the other hand, sometimes you'd have to set your goal to understand a lower percentage, say 75% of the material in class. It could be because of the teacher, or the subject, or the time, or yourself, or your peers.
Always use full etiquette in your questions. If in writing, start with Bismillah, make dua for the teacher before and after the question, write clearly and beautifully. If asking verbally, be respectful.
Last but not least, be considerate to your peers and teacher. If they're tired and you're hyper, or if the teacher is sick but you're healthy, think twice before you ask.
You'll find much more in books of etiquette of seeking knowledge.

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مرات الخال يجوز اسلم عليها باليد ؟

يحرم لو هي شابة، على المذاهب الأربعة
ويكره لو هي عجوز في رواية عند سادتنا الحنابلة، قاله في الكشاف، وذهب شيخ الاسلام الى التحريم مطلقا
ويجوز لو انت او هي دون سبع سنوات
ويجوز مطلقا لو انت بنت 😊

صليت ولما انتهيت اكتشفت ان في افرازات ... أعيد؟ &&

لو حسيتي بالافرازات أثناء الصلاة نعم
ولو غلب على يقينك انها حصلت قبل الصلاة نعم
وبغير ذلك فيحتمل انها نزلت بعد الصلاة
فلا إعادة حتى يغلب على يقينك انها باطلة

Is it from the sunnah to stand feet to feet literally in prayer? Some people force that on others

- Yo bro. Is it Sunnah to stand feet to feet?
- Yes it is.
- Cool. So it is okay as long as you're easy and considerate to the people adjacent to you in prayer?
- Yes, in fact it is obligatory to be like that.
- You mean it isn't Sunnah to force a Sunnah down people's throats (or toes)?
- No it isn't. In fact, a sunnah that leads to the inconvenience of the person next to you in prayer = becomes discouraged, even prohibited in cases.
- Wait what? Are you saying that some people can commit a sin by intending to follow a Sunnah?
- How many are those!


Language: English