
Majed Jarrar

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What affect does the textual implication ( from the main sources of shariah, Quran and Sunnah) have with regards to usul al fiqh, mainly the ijtihad part. In a little bit more detail this time, like at least a few points. I totally earned that last reply 😂😂.

You'll find it in the last lecture of any introductory course to usul alfiqh
If you understand Arabic, ask @mohamed_salim_behery or follow his usool class

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My question was about the arabic language in the Qur'an. In verse 69 (surah Hud) in the qira'at of Hamzah Ibrahim AS said: ''qala SILM'' In other qiraat the word is SALAM. Is silm and salam samething? Can one say silm 'alaikum? That was my question. Hope you can answer! Jazak Allah kheir


What effect does the textual implication ( from the main sources of shariah, Quran and Sunnah) have with regards to usul al fiqh, mainly the ijtihad part. A brief explanation would be more than enough jazak Allah khayr

A lot.
(A brief explanation would be more than enough, you said)
Liked by: Nazimuddin Shaikh

السلام عليكم، أعيش بالخارج للدراسة، يسكن معي شخص من ألبانيا، يشهد على نفسه بالإسلام لكن لا يطبق شيء، يدعوني دائماً للعشاء وأنا أرفض بإستحياء حتى لا آكل من طعامه الذي لا أعلم هل هو حلال أم حرام، هو قطعاً ليس لحم خنزير ولكن غالباً يشتريه من محلات غير المسلمين، هل يجوز الأكل من هذا الطعام ؟

لا أدري

آخر سؤال آسف جدا ع الإطالة.همبر أفضل ولا سينيكا؟ولا غيرهم؟

هذه كليات متوسطة، لا أرى فائدة أن واحد يسافر ١٠ الاف كيلو علشان كلية جامعية متوسطة مش جامعة. ممكن اكون غلطان، وعموما الجواب يعتمد على ايش التخصص الذي في بالك

Never mind just got it. Will try not to sound weird next time haha. Also,is what I did permissible?I mean why did you say never bring it up again?

You just brought it up again.

Salam alaikum, did you see my question about the recitation of Khalaf (an Hamzah)? Regarding the ''qaala Silm''

I can't remember, send again if I hadn't answered already

ماذا تقول فى هجرة المسلم من مصر الي ايرلندا :) منتظر ردك. جزيت خير

اطلاقا هكذا؟ محرم.
وتحديدا لحالتك؟ لا أدري.

Assalumu Alaikum. At University, as expected, we have female lecturers. Some of whom are attractive. I can not attend the lectures and listen to them via podcast but this is very time consuming. What should I do? JazakAllah Kheir

My dear beloved,
Life has many temptations, and you need to learn to control yourself, and lower your gaze, and busy yourself with something good, lest you find yourself busy with evil.

مش قصدي. وجود gap سنة أو اثنين هيمنعني إني أتقبل في الجامعة؟

مش بالضرورة. بيعتمد على كيف تشرحها لهم

As-Salamu Alaikum Sheikh, please use this link for my question In Shaa'Allah https://justpaste.it/13cxq JazakAllah Khair

Do not let the devil distract you from the most important to the less important.
Apologize to your mother, and focus on treating her with goodness and inviting her to Islam.

Here ya sheikh please

Can't stop laughing at the external activity.
It's fine, but never bring it up again with anyone.

How can one be very good at high school chemistry? Any advice? I heard your are good at chemistry

Physics was my most favourite subject, and chemistry was the least.
But in grade 12, I had a great chemistry teacher whom I admired, and a physics teacher that I didn't respect very much, even though he was the author of our physics textbook.
My highest mark was chemistry and lowest was physics.
Find a great teacher.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

I am Fifteen,I want to wear niqab but I'm afraid,should I wait untill I go to the college or wear it now or what?

You have a lot less to fear now than in college. Stand up to your beliefs, and may the Almighty grant you steadfastness.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

Salaam. I know who I want to marry. (Convert) Should I connect with the guy myself and ask him, or ask a Imam to talk to him?

For most people, it is a sign of modesty to send an indirect and implicit invitation to proposal.
It's better to tell a friend who can tell her brother/husband etc who can bring it up with him.
Gives you also the chance to ask for feedback of a close friend of him, what do they think of him.
Get in touch with sister Hend Bandari.
Liked by: Umm Anṣār

Salaam. If one is using the restroom and accidentally and urine accidentally lands on his clothes. Is it still permissable to wear them while praying salah depending on how much. What opinions do the hanafi and Shafi'i fuqaha take regarding this issue.

Any najaasah (such as Urine and feces) in tiny amounts is not disregarded, and the spot must be washed. This is the only opinion in hanbali and Maliki mathhab, and the mainstream opinion in Shafi'i mathhab.
The exception is for tiny amounts of blood and puss.
Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah and the Hanafi mathhab lean towards that any najaasah in tiny amounts (e.g. the pins and needles felt from the splashing of urine) is forgiven.
Liked by: فَآطِمَة

Is ''jam' al-salawat'' permitted during a exam with no breakes? For instance the exam starts 17.00 and Maghrib starts 17.10...and the exam will last many hours like 3-4 hours. Can that person combine Maghrib with isha? Is that permitted according to Hanabila? Was salam

Does the exam permit you to go to the washroom? Yes. Then no.
Universities in Canada, especially Ontario, are very explicit about having religious accommodation during exams etc.

Which tafsir book do you recommend for a beginner student (arabic)? Is ibn Ashur's tafsir good or is it advanced level? Any advice

Ibn Ashur is advanced, requires advanced knowledge of Arabic, and introductory knowledge of qira'at and maqaasid.
You can start with
التفسير الميسر
القران تدبر وعمل

لو انا مالية البانيو لابني بيلعب فيه بيطرطش برة وعليا وبيلعب يعني احتمال يكون عملpee-pee في المياه اللي هو قاعد فيها بس مش متأكدة لو طرطش علي او على الارض تبقى نجسة؟ ومش قادرة أحدد من لون المياه

قاعدة: اليقين لا يزول بالشك.
الماء طاهر، إلا لو تيقنتي تنجسّه، حينئذ، تفرغي الحمام، وتغسلي الولد والحوض.
في النفس شيء بل أشياء، من ملء الحوض بالماء، منها ما هو متعلق بصحة جهازه التنفسي، وصحة جلده وجهازه المناعي، ومنها ما هو متعلق بصحته النفسية، والاعتماد على نفسه وتحمل المسؤولية، وسلوكياته في البيت وخارجه ومع الوالدين وعلاقته الاجتماعية، ومنها مسائل فقهية، كحرمة الإسراف في الماء، وطول اللبث في الخلاء.
وإذا قدر على الجلوس وحده، فلا بأس ان تملأي طشتا أو حوضا صغيرا، ويجلس بجانبه ليلعب ويأخذ منه الماء بقدر ما يحتاج.
والبانيو كلمة تركية تعني الحمام، واصطلاحا تطلق على حوض الاستحمام.
والپي-پي أو الوي-وي مصطلح إنكليزي لطيف يستخدمه الأطفال وذويهم كناية على اليورِن، الذي هو البول، ويقابلها من الكنيات في لهجات العرب الفرفورة والبولة والنونو والويوي والحمام.
Liked by: أبو مروج

Will the new courses you're teaching also be uploaded online?

I hope, inshaAllah. They need someone to record and upload them though.


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