
Majed Jarrar

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السلام عليكم.. لكي اتدبر عند قراءة القرآن هل يجب علي قراءة تفسير الايات اولا ام اقرأ الايات واتدبرها حسب فهمي لها (دون قراءة التفسير) وهل هذا حرام؟

aerono11’s Profile PhotoAero
أولى درجات التدبر هي معرفة معاني كلمات القرآن
ولا يكون هذا إلا بالتعلم
ثم تعلم شرح الآيات بأسلوب مناسب لمستواك
ثم تعلم أسباب النزول والسيرة
ثم التوسع فيما يفتح الله عليك من العلوم، سواء اللغوية أو العقلية أو الشرعية،
وعلى هذه الأسس ينبني التدبر
أما النظر في الآيات دون ملكة فهو ضرب من العبث وأقرب إلى أن يكون استخفافا بكلام الله عن تعظيمه وإجلاله
فمثل هذا كمثل تعليق مصحف بحجم التمرة في السيارة ووضع الحجب من آيات القران تحت المخدات
والله المستعان

هل هذا الموقع ذو فائدة يا شيخنا في هذه الحالة https://www.newmuslimguide.com

AhmadSalman534’s Profile Photoأحمد سلمان
نعم ممتاز
ولا يكفي موقع لوحده بحال من الأحوال
لا بد من الصحبة الصالحة والقدوة الحسنة والنصيحة المخلصة
+1 answer in: “شيخ من فضلك ..صديقة فليبينية ع الفيس بوك عندي عايزه تتعرف ع الاسلام بشدة وأنا مش مؤهلة عشان أكلمها فيه وهي قالتلي انها بتفكر تغير ديانتها ..أعمل إيه؟”

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Asalamu alaikum shayk Majed, Strictly classifying as either halal or haram rather than using any other standards... if through a clerical error Amazon transfered money into my bank account... would it be haram if I kept it?


Assalamu alaikum! The way Istikhara works in unclear to me. I know the meaning of the dua but is it important to always get signs? Or should we just pray and hope everything goes well? I'm confused, please help!

a_advice’s Profile PhotoA.A
You ask Allah if it's good for you, to bless it and facilitate it for you, and if it isn't, to take it away and distance you from it, and replace you with that which is better.
Then after the prayer you proceed towards doing it.
There's no such things as waiting for signs or a vision, you get on it, and if it looked like it's not getting done you'll know He prevented you for your own good, because you asked Him so.

مجند واقف في كانتين بيبيع لمدنيين مش بيجيله تعيين بيسافر كل 15يوم ب200جنيه و راتبه 340لو عرف يطلع فلوس لنفسه حرام و لا حلال؟لو حلال ايه المقدار الي يزوده علي السلع؟ و عموما لو واحد تاني مش بيسافر و بيجيله تعيين و طلع لنفسه فلوس حرام و لا حلال؟

mohammedsultan121’s Profile PhotoMohammad Sultan
لا يحل له يأخذ ولا درهم زيادة من العمل هذا
يا يصبر على اللي هو فيه يا يسمع كلام الشيخ يعقوب وييجي على كندا
Liked by: Samir Helal M~

I read the answer to the lamborghini question and was wondering: then what exactly is israf? (Not being rude here, the explanations that I‘ve read would probably count a lamborghini to the israf category hence I‘m asking you).

The norm defines israf.
Is spending $600 on a jacket israf? In most countries of the world yes, in some countries that is the average price of a jacket.
So, we can't tie the definition to a specific product or service. Your car might be as fancy as a Lamborghini to other Muslims. There might be Muslims somewhere in the world living where it's normal to get a lambo, and therefore it would be okay there and then. (If you do find out, please let me know, asking for a friend 😂)
Liked by: Bilal Khan

Is tax avoidance legal in USA too ?

inasheikh114’s Profile PhotoKhalil
I would assume so, because Americans also have legal tax shelters such as 401 k.
Ask Trump.
Or don't, ask the IRS website or your accountant. :)
+1 answer in: “Salam Alikum, as we live in Canada, we have to pay taxes and we also have to use banks, can we take the interest from bank accounts and use it to pay taxes? The banks will profit from our money anyway and we will pay the taxes anyway, so we take the money from the system to pay the system.”

She is not muslim and am mot sure if she knew beforehand that it was wrong. She might get suspended if I return the items as it will show a staff discount with her card number for a non staff member, do I donate to any charity?

Yes. Tell her anyway that you double checked and it's not permissible in Islam to accept that discount, as we are religiously required to abide the contracts, advise her gently not to risk her job like this, and don't forget to thank her for intending to be kind and generous.
Liked by: D.wared
+2 answers in: “Salam Sheikh, I have a friend who works for a large supermarket chain and she gets staff discount there on anything she buys as well as her close relatives. I was shopping with her and at checkout she applied her discount for me on what I have bought. Was that halal to do?”

Aslamu alaykum, I hope that you are doing well. I have 2 questions. 1) Can a muslim woman marry from any other faith? 2) If a person believes in God but does not subscribe to any faith, what is their fate on the day of Judgement? Thank you!

Yasminkusow’s Profile PhotoYasmin kusow
1. No.
2. If they received and the message of their time (they lived in the time of mosses but rejected Judaism, or lived in our time but rejected Islam) then their destination is Hellfire, for God said: "we would not torment until we send a messenger." And the prophet said "by He who owns my soul, no Jew nor Christian hears about me then rejects my message except that Paradise will be prohibited to them and God will admit them to Hellfire."
2B. If they didn't hear the message of their time, they are up to God's discretion, He may test them after death as some weak narrations indicate. As to our perception to them, we don't marry, pray upon the funeral or bury anyone in the graveyards of the believers unless we have a proof they entered Islam.
Liked by: Aya Elattar

I checked on internet the terms and conditions of the company it says (for employees personal use only and close relatives living at the same address as the employee) it said that an employee could be suspended, should I return the things I got with a discount? Is there another way to make it right?

If you can return it without jeopardizing their work, you should do so. Otherwise, donate the discount amount to a charity, and tell your friend it's not permissible for them to do that.
Liked by: D.wared
+2 answers in: “Salam Sheikh, I have a friend who works for a large supermarket chain and she gets staff discount there on anything she buys as well as her close relatives. I was shopping with her and at checkout she applied her discount for me on what I have bought. Was that halal to do?”

شيخ من فضلك ..صديقة فليبينية ع الفيس بوك عندي عايزه تتعرف ع الاسلام بشدة وأنا مش مؤهلة عشان أكلمها فيه وهي قالتلي انها بتفكر تغير ديانتها ..أعمل إيه؟

مش مؤهلة ليه، مش عارفة تقوليلها الإسلام هو الصح؟ واسلامها صح بقول الشهادة؟
مش عارفة تعلميها الصلاة؟
لو كان كذا يبقى واجب عليك تروحي تتعلمي
لو مش مؤهلة بمعنى حضرتك بتذنبي، فكلنا أصحاب ذنوب، دي دعوة من ربنا لك بالتوبة وأذان منه بالتوفيق،
في حد يجيله مليون دولار ويرميه؟
ربنا جابلك هداية نفس، اللي هي خير مما طلعت عليه الشمس، لحد بابك، ترميها ليه؟
توكلي على الله وخذي بيدها واسألي الله أن يأخذ بيديكما إليه
تنبيه: لا يفهم من كلامي إطلاقا الإذن بالفتيا أو التجرؤ على الكلام بغير علم، لكن خذي بيدها ولو سألت أمر لا تعلمينه قولي لها أسأل وارجع لك، واسألي أهل العلم الثقات وردي عليها وتابعي معها والطفي لها بالقول
اللهم اهدنا واهد بنا واجعلنا سببا لمن اهتدى واجعلنا هداة مهديين
+1 answer Read more

انا مدرس جديد للانجليزية للابتدائي.فهل هناك كتب عن البيداغوجيا وطريقة التعامل مع الاطفال تساعدني؟

edward dakobson
بالعربية ام بالإنكليزية؟
Liked by: Novita Pangestuty

Salam Sheikh, I have a friend who works for a large supermarket chain and she gets staff discount there on anything she buys as well as her close relatives. I was shopping with her and at checkout she applied her discount for me on what I have bought. Was that halal to do?

I don't know. Three things are missing from your question: Do the terms and conditions of the contract under which she gets the discount prohibit, or leave no room of toleration to such practice? 2. Does the norm in that company prohibit employees to do that with their friends, or that action was deemed unacceptable by the ownership? 3. Did she claim those stuff were hers in order to get the discount?
If the answer is yes to any of the above then no, it was not halal. Employees sometimes try to be generous with their friends and end up giving from that which they don't own or have authority over. Always be vigilant and don't allow a friend do something like that unless you're certain it is okay.
Liked by: D.wared
+2 answers Read more

To be expiated from a major sin like zina, must you make tawbah only or do you also have to receive the punishment?

Yasminkusow’s Profile PhotoYasmin kusow
Repentance is sufficient. It is not encouraged in Islam to expose oneself (includes coming forward before a judge).
I was invited to deliver a public dialogue along with Dr. Bannister (http://www.andybannister.net) on this very topic, it'll be organized by the university of Ottawa chaplaincy in November inshaAllah. Will announce the date and venue on my Facebook page once they're confirmed.

Is all music haram?

Yasminkusow’s Profile PhotoYasmin kusow
All schools of Islam unanimously agree, that all musical instrument are prohibited, whether to play, own, learn, buy or sell. The exception is a couple of percussion instruments (e.g. drum and daf) for weddings and at war.
Liked by: IbnAriadi am Rofida

Before starting my ph.d I’m hoping to study Arabic & Quran. I know it’s a huge goal for just one year. Any good recommendations? I’m currently in America but hope to do this overseas.

SoMarQuella’s Profile PhotoMarQuella | مركالا
Arabic overseas, I recommend Fajr institute in Cairo, if you can bear the pollution and the political tyranny.
Otherwise, there's Siraj institute here in Ottawa or Bayyinah institute in Texas.

What's the best Islamic Website?

Vision_Islam’s Profile PhotoVision Islam
If such thing was possible, God would've created that website directly.
The best source of Islam is the Qur'an, and the best teacher is the Prophet peace be upon him, and so you follow the footsteps of the many scholars who take you to that direction, there are many beneficial websites towards that goal, each has their own merit:
Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, has a fatwa hotline/corner and official decisions made by 600+ Muslim scholars of North America
New Muslim Guide, by far the best in its category:
The brief illustrated guide about Islam, the most famous website/pamphlet distributed to non Muslims who have genuine interest to learn about Islam
Islam way, one of the first online Islamic libraries on the internet, their English site is probably only 10% of the Arabic site, but still has benefit
Muslim Central is the largest English speaking Islamic audio library on the internet
This is what came to mind now, and isn't meant to be an exhaustive list. Anyone who wants reply and say but you forgot this or that website, feel free to do so, but I hope you write a long reply, then hit discard instead of send 😊

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Liked by: A. Irfan Arrosid am

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أوصل لكم سؤال من زملائي بمركز بحثي بكوريا، ودعواتكم بالهداية والحفظ والفلاح في الدارين https://jpst.it/1r7h8

MohamedHamdy25192’s Profile PhotoMohamed Hamdy
وعليكم السلام، أما عن الاجتماع بعد الصلوات للتذاكر فهذا عمل عظيم وباب من أبواب الرحمة عليكم على مدينتكم
ولكني لا أنصح بدراسة هذين العلمين: الحديث والتفسير، تحديدا، لحاجتهما الشديدة إلى معلم
فلو كان الاجتماع على سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، أو تعلم التجويد ممن يتقنه، أو قراءة القرآن مع تصحيح التلاوة، أو حتى قراءة احاديث الرقائق مثل رياض الصالحين أو الأدب المفرد أو المتجر الرابح، فهذا كله خير.

انا معلمة قرءان للأطفال الأجانب، وحابه أكلمهم عن قصص الأنبياء وكذا بس لغتي مش مساعداني اوي، ممكن حضرتك ترشحلي كاب إنجليزية تناسب سن من ٨ الى ١٣ سنه مثلا بتحكي عن سيدنا محمد والصحابه وقصص الأنبياء ولو عند حضرتك اي نصائح ليا وجزاك الله عنا خيرا بالمناسبه بدرس بنت من Ottawa

maryamalbatool99’s Profile PhotoMariam
للأسف، تصفحت كثيرا لكني لم أجد كتابا أنصح به في هذا المجال لهذه الفئة العمرية
Liked by: Mariam Warisha.

Asc sheikh. Did you stop answering questions on this account? I have been waiting for a reponse for a long time. Thank you.

Yasminkusow’s Profile PhotoYasmin kusow
My sincere apologies, my phone took a dive in Lake Ontario last August, and I've been using a loaner phone since then, with minimal apps installed, so I have little access to this account, I'll answer your question soon Inshallah.
Liked by: Warisha.

Asalam o alaikum Sheikh. I have a quick question in regards to Talaq/divorce. If a man says i give Talaq to a woman 3 times in one go while the couple is having an argument. Is it considered as a divorce? Because i have heard some people say it only counts as one then if you reconcile, etc etc

Divorce is an issue where it must be taken to a Muslim judge in person. Neither an online fatwa not a book will be good here.
+1 answer Read more

Salam Alikum, as we live in Canada, we have to pay taxes and we also have to use banks, can we take the interest from bank accounts and use it to pay taxes? The banks will profit from our money anyway and we will pay the taxes anyway, so we take the money from the system to pay the system.

You can avoid both legally. That's a better solution.
What you are suggesting was deemed permissible by Imam Muhammad bin al-Hassan, rahimahullah. However the vast majority of the Ummah are upon that it is prohibited.
It is severely prohibited to earn interest from the bank. This is one of the seven major sins in Islam. Use banks for minimum needs and using a free checking account wherever possible. There are plenty of Islamic financial institutions in which you can invest money in, tax free, sharia compliant.
Also, it's very possible to live without having to pay taxes. Donations to charities (such as all mosques and Islamic schools), education and art programs for your children are all tax deductible. Tax avoidance is legal and a good practice overall (it is not the same as tax evasion).
+1 answer Read more

أخت أسلمت جديد ومش بتتكلم عربي ايه أسماء كتب تقرأها تفيدها في المرحلة دي وتساعدها ولو فيديوهات بردو لمين بارك الله فيك

Maymaim’s Profile PhotoMay Essam
خليها تقرأ
New Muslim Guide
موجود كموقع على الانترنت وككتاب يوزع بالمجان في غالب مساجد أمريكا الشمالية
الصحبة والدروس أهم من الكتب في هذه المرحلة

عندى 3 أبناء وحامل حالتى النفسية سيئة جدا ببكى كتير وبتعصب كتير على أبنائى زوجى مسافر مبيسألش عنى ولا عن أولاده عديم الاحساس بالمسؤلية وطلبت منه كتير مفيش فايدة بفكر فى الانتحار بشدة وهذا التفكير متكرر وساعات بفكر أرمى العيال من البلكونة وأرمى نفسى وراهم عشان ميطلعوش يلاقوا نفسهم من غير أم

ربنا يديك الصحة وتقومي بالسلامة
وتشوفي اولادك يكبروا ويدخلوا مدارس ويكونوا قدوة الصف ويقر عينيك بهم
وزوجك لعله مهتم بتدبير العيش لك ولأولادك، ولو أعرفه لنصحته بأن يظهر إهتماما أكثر بك وبأسرته، لكن أغلب الرجال يعبر عن حبه لأسرته بجمع المال لهم، وليس هذا صوابا
توكلي على الله واسأليه المدد والعون
الكآبة أثناء الحمل وبعد الولادة أمر غير نادر ولا مستهجن، وقد ذكر ربنا تمني مريم عليها السلام الموت، وهي من أكمل نساء العالمين
عموما الأفكار طبيعية، استعيذي من الشيطان، ولو مش عارفة تصبري على هذه الأفكار، اتمنى تكلمي اخصائية نفسية تقدر تساعد


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